
Transmigrated with the strongest summoning system

Dawn lived a life full of regret. He always regretted his life choices. Thankfully, it wasn't over for him. One night after being lectured by his father he suddenly woke up in a strange new world, filled with magic. In the magical world, Dawn was able to awaken two Heaven-defying talents never seen before in the history of mankind. Armed with the power to summon creatures from another dimension and supplemented by his levelling system. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of Eternal life. . . "Oh, you can defeat one barbarian, what about 10,000 barbarians," Dawn said with an indifferent voice.

tjjfche · Eastern
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129 Chs

Changes in Summoning talent

"What in the actual fuck," Harmon muttered in a shocked voice, he was having a hard time digesting the sight before him, although he was a war veteran but he had never seen such a brutal one-sided massacre.

Harmon jumped down from the wall, and moved in the direction of Dawn. While moving, examine the corpses lying on the ground.

All the bodies seemed to have been separated in half by a sharp attack without being able to resist.

"Such strength.." Harmon sucked a breath of old air, suddenly Harmon had the feeling as if a bloodthirsty monster was directly looking at his soul.

He hurriedly turned his head in the direction of the gaze, a pair of pitch-black eyes looking at him with annoyance as if he had interrupted something important.

"Killing intent..?" Harmon was confused, he felt no killing intent from the young chief gaze, how was it possible to kill such a large number of people without giving birth to negative emotions?

Dawn retracted his gaze away from Harmon and focused on the window floating before him.

[Ding! Mana Bending has leveled up. Mana Bending level 5]

His Unique skill of mana bending has leveled up once more, he really was gifted in this field.

"Status" he silently spoke in his mind, he wanted to see if anything had changed.

Name - Dawn Asylum. Age-18yrs3months

Level - 1.9

Title - nil

Mana - 90

Strength - 1.9

Agility -1.9

Perception -1.9

Defence -1.9

Vitality 1.9

Talent - Summoning, Gaming system.

Skills - Concealment(U), Absolute CombatMode(U), Mana Bending level 5(U). 

Techniques - Void Walkers Flow level 4, Starfall Palm level 2, Astral Serpent Dance level 2.

Nothing major seemed to have happened, his status was the same as before. His eyes landed on his techniques, Dawn's face suddenly turned bitter. Even after months of hard work, they refused to level up. 

If someone heard Dawn's thoughts they would definitely beat the shit out of him. It was extremely hard to level up techniques, some cultivators can't even break through once a year.

Dawn sighed and closed the system window, he will definitely work on those techniques later.

However, before Dawn could catch his breath a monotone voice sounded inside his head.

[Act-1 completed, performance- excellent.

 reward will be issued shortly]

A golden light invisible to Dawn and Harmon was released in waves with Dawn as the center.

The waving light instantly covers an area of 5 km around Dawn. Whoever the light touched all of the doubts they had regarding were erased.

Harmon's face relaxed after one minute he no longer thought about the Dawn's strength and how he had managed to defeat his opponents.

"The chief was always capable of doing such things." Harmon thought in admiration, he wondered when he would be able to match with the young chief.

Raven was cleaning the wound of a soldier lying on the ground when the golden passed through her.

A relaxed smile instantly appeared on her face, and all of the questions that were playing in her mind disappeared.

Dawn noticed the change in Harmon's expression and his face darkened, if the Jewel of Emptiness can manipulate people's perception of him, then it was really dangerous.

[Tribe management system is now online, please choose a suitable location as the base of your tribe.]

The monotone voice announced again.

"Tribe management system," Dawn didn't know what it was so he decided to check it later.

He looked at Harmon with an indifferent face and commanded him in a cold voice.

" Harmon, take your men and search for the members of the Havok tribe." 

Harmon bowed in his direction and started moving, before he could go Dawn once again spoke.

"Don't kill everyone, remember to capture one or two for information."

Harmon modded at Dawn's words and disappeared.

Dawn watched the figure of Harmon moving further away, when he disappeared Dawn sighed with relief.

Dawn once again looked at the carnage around him and didn't know what to say. He could only accept it as the new reality.

Dawn focused inside his sea of consciousness, where his two pillars of talent were floating silently and beside them was the Jewel of Emptiness.

His sea of consciousness was filled with multi-colour light, emitted by the pillars and the jewel.

He moved closer to the pillar of his summoning talent, below which was the altar where his summoned troops rested after they came to this world from unknown dimensions.

"I wonder if it will ever increase," Dawn muttered when he looked at the number 120 engraved on the altar.

He had a feeling that it would increase after he managed to break through in cultivation.

Dawn wasn't spouting nonsense here, his pillars of talents were growing with him, each he made a breakthrough in cultivation they grew taller by some inches.

"Damn.. I can only summon 120 barbarians." Dawn thought in frustration, he wondered if someday he would be able to summon 10,000 monsters.

His pillar of summoning talent was engraved with countless portraits, but only the ones that were shining in silver light were the ones that he could summon.

Barabrins, Phantom Archers, Wizards and Earth Titans. When all of these monsters will match toward his enemy working together as a single unit.. What a sight it will be.

Dawn grinned when he thought about his future prospects.

Dawn's eyes landed on the portraits revolving around his pillar shining in golden light.

Dawn didn't look at them for long. He felt uncomfortable after one second. Dawn realized he was no match for the monsters at the Channel construction realm.

"But aren't they, his monsters?" Dawn smiled, he could summon four monsters at the channel construction realm any time he wanted.

Dawn shook his head, and tried to clear it of unnecessary thoughts and focus on the task at hand. 

He focused on the portrait of the wizard shining in silver light. He planned on burning the bodies with the wizard's help.

Space above the Altar suddenly shook and a portal shining in dark light appeared on top of it, 

From which a wizard covered in dark robes came out.

If Dawn wanted he could summon one hundred nineteen more but he didn't really need to, one was more than enough.

Additionally, he summoned 5 barbarians to help him. The number above the altar changed to 118.

Now that his task was complete here he decided to focus on the real world.

Thank you for all the love and support

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