
The Strongest Summoning System

warning: it was the first time I wrote anything so expect a lot of grammatical mistake. Dawn lived a life full of regret. He always regretted his life choices. Thankfully, it wasn't over for him. One night after being lectured by his father he suddenly woke up in a strange new world, filled with magic. In the magical world, Dawn was able to awaken two Heaven-defying talents never seen before in the history of mankind. Armed with the power to summon creatures from another dimension and supplemented by his levelling system. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of Eternal life. . . "Oh, you can defeat one barbarian, what about 10,000 barbarians," Dawn said with an indifferent voice.

tjjfche · Eastern
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129 Chs

Peculiar Wizard

Dawn looked at the bodies lying around him with shining eyes, now it was time to loot.

Dawn summoned the Barbarians and the Wizard to clean this mess.

He ordered them to take anything valuable from the bodies of the people from the Havok tribe.

While he himself walked toward the commander, he searched for anything important on his body.

Dawn wasn't able to find anything useful other than some miscellaneous items.

Suddenly Dawn stopped his movement and the image of the soldiers from his tribe flashed in his mind, they were poorly armed.

Dawn then looked at the soldier lying beside his feet and an idea emerged in his mind.

Dawn ordered all the Barbarians to strip all the bodies of their armor and put them in one place.

After 10 minutes the Barbarians were done with their task.

Dawn looked at the pile of armors in front of him then at the Barbarians.

They took longer than expected to perform such a simple task.

Boom! Suddenly an explosion occurred in front of him, Dawn hurriedly turned his head to find the source of the explosion.

Dawn's eyes landed on a wizard dressed in Black Long flowing robes, stroking his beard while looking at a strange stone in front of him.

Suddenly the wizard's eyes shone with excitement, as if it had found the cure of an incurable disease.

Dawn looked at the actions of the Wizard with a frowning expression on his face. He didn't understand what he was trying to accomplish.

He was puzzled by the wizard's behavior the last time when he summoned him, he didn't behave like this. The wizards used to follow orders like a puppet, standing like a statue until Dawn ordered them to do something.

This change greatly surprised Dawn, maybe it was related to the growth of his summoning talent.

Anyway, it was all fine and dandy as long he followed his commands or was it?

Dawn decided to try something new, earlier he used to command his monster directly through his brains. This time he wanted to try something new.

"Wizard light up these bodies," Dawn commanded in a plain voice while painting his hand toward the pile of corpses lying some distance away from him.

Dawn expectantly looked at the wizard, waiting for his reaction.

The wizard stopped what he was doing and looked at Dawn with a vacant gaze, his eyes unfocused. He seemed to be trying hard to comprehend the meaning behind Dawn's words. 

Dawn waited for a minute but the wizard continued to look at him with a vacant look in his eyes.

Dawn sighed, he realized it was too early for such a complex command.

Dawn directly ordered the wizard to turn the bodies beside him into ash.

The direct mental command wizard instantly understood, he hurriedly moved toward the pile of corpses and slightly raised his palm upwards.


Whoosh! A fireball appeared on his palm, and the wizard threw it on top of the corpses, like dried wood. The bodies instantly caught fire and started to burn.

Out of nowhere a notebook and a quill appeared in the wizard's hand, he was writing something down in the notebook while looking at the fire burning before his eyes.

Dawn looked at the burning bodies for one last time before sighing. He had one more reason to become even stronger if wanted to prevent something like this from happening to himself.

He didn't want to be helpless in front of a stronger opponent.

In a matter of minutes, the flames consumed the lifeless bodies, leaving no traces of their existence behind.

There was silence for a minute with no one speaking, the wizard didn't seem to be affected by the concerns of Dawn, as he continued to do what he was doing.

Dawn waited for the wizard to finish before dismissing him, he started moving back toward Raven and the others, he didn't wait for Harmon as he knew scouting was going to take a lot of time.

Dawn hoped there would be no hidden threats; he was tired.

With each step Dawn moved tens of meters, as if the ground beneath his feet was shrinking, the wind hit his face like the fierce gale of the ocean.

After two seconds the wooden wall appeared in front of him, Dawn took a deep breath, and his leg muscles contracted pushing his body in the air.

With a single jump, he was on the other side of the wall.

Dawn continued to run, after a minute the faint figures of Raven and others started to appear in Dawn's vision.

Raven was diligently working on the ground, moving from one person to another, bandaging their wounds.

The soldiers who were in a better condition were assisting her, after noticing Dawn's arrival they bowed in his direction.

Dawn nodded in acknowledgement, he looked at the people helping each other around him he didn't know what to do.

Dawn didn't know how to act like a leader, from the beginning he has been a loner, preferring to do things alone. But now because of the Jewel of emptiness, he had to lead other people.

Dawn's eyebrows scrunched up together he was deep in thought.

Soon one hour passed and Raven was done treating everyone, Dawn moved it was time for him to take the lead.

"Let's go everyone, it's time to go back home." Hearing Dawn's words, smiles appeared on the faces of Raven and others. They wanted to reunite with their family, fighting continuously for days was taking a heavy toll on them.

Dawn started walking at a slow pace, his steps were filled with confidence, although he didn't know in which direction the home exactly was.

Dawn decided to take the route from which he could traces frequent movements. 

Raven and some other soldiers had weird looks on their faces.

Why was the chief taking the longer route, when a shorter route was available.

Raven looked at the back of Dawn in confusion and said in a loud voice," Chief the tribe is in this direction." 

Dawn's face Darkened when he heard the voice from behind him.

"I know, I just wanted to look for any signs of an enemy." Dawn came with a lame excuse and switched direction.

Dawn and his soldiers walked silently for minutes, when a faint outline of a tiny settlement started to become visible.

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