
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch.34: Familiar Name.

Aric stood in front of a giant door with two huge statues next to it. The one on his left had a blue orb in the middle of its chest while the one on the right had a blue one. 'I wonder what's behind here? Treasures? Artifacts? Power?'

He placed his hands on the door and pushed. It only took a single struggle to realize that this door wouldn't open with his strength alone. 'What about...?' He used decay and the door made a dent no bigger than an eye ball in itself.

'This thing must have a strong magic barrier surrounding it. Yeah, there's definitely something valuable in here.' He then backed up and started taking his bag off. He began stretching, the sounds of bone cracking at times.

'I've been going floor to floor, whipping out species in the process. You ever lifted up 3 planes? Yeah, me neither. I can do it though. I've fought bears, sharks, gorillas, lions, mantises, almost everything there could be. My skills are too much to even be remembered on my status plate, and my magic...its about as much as my classmates magic power from the last time I saw them...'

He then placed his hand on the hilt of the sword on his back. 'Made from the claws of a mantis, this sword leaves a deep wound on anything it comes into contact with..' He took it out and played with it.

[Swordsmanship Lvl 30.]

He planted the sword in the ground and waited with his arms crossed. 'These statues have been eyeing me down for a while. Will they make the first move or will I?' He noticed that there was two circular dents in the huge gate.

'It would have taken me years to figure this out, but my intelligence...its way higher than before..' After taking the stats off beast, he took their intelligence with it. Their battle instincts. Their everything. The statues red eyes then gleamed and they moved their head down at Aric.

They each held spears with sharp tips. "Listen guys. Why don't you give me your hearts and I'll be on my way. No need for a fight, right?" They didn't like to hear him speak and so, they attacked at him.

"Your loss."

As the spears came at his sides, Aric moved back a bit and caught both of them. This surprised the giant statues. The spears were as thick as refrigerators and was harder than steel.

He pushed the spears out the way which caused them to stammer. In a swift movement, he picked the sword up, jumped at the one to the left and stuck it through its chest.

He then jumped off that one and to the other, smashing its head in the process. [Sojustu obtained.] The statue fell down followed by the one with the sword in its chest.

'Sojutsu? Oh, Spearsmanship. I'll never use this skill.' He then went over to the one that was still alive but dying slowly. "I told you guys. I already took your powers and so now, you'll slowly die out.."

His timer went down to zero over the past month. He could now touch something and instanly take their powers like before he came to this world. After telling the statue about his life and how he got here, it died while Aric took its orb.

He took the other orb and placed them both in the rounded shaped holes. The door made a click noise and opened outward from him. What he saw next was a huge room that could rival a football stadium without the seats.

"Wow..." He stared in amazement. "I can't believe that they were guarding all of this...nothingness. Are you serious?! All that...for nothing?!" He sighed out and turned around. There was something in the middle of the room but it looked like a trap.

'All fun and games until a boulder comes running after me..' As he thought and shrugged, someone spoke to him from afar.


This made him stop walking. 'Huh? Ah, I'm hearing things again? Man, I was on a 2 month streak as well...' He sighed and shrugged again while continuing to walk away.


He stopped walking once again. He gave out a long sigh while putting his hands on his hips. 'That...that voice..' Turning around and looking towards the voices location, he saw the rocky egg in the middle open up to reveal golden hair.

The golden hair slowly moved, making the face of the person appear. When Aric saw it, his eyes showed a small light in them. 'No...way..' He slowly began walking towards the egg. 'No... way..' The person in the egg slowly began showing a smile.

"T-Tory...?" His voice was low as he put his hand out and touched the soft, and recognizable face. "Yes.." She rubbed her head in his embrace, each having tears forming and pouring down onto the metallic surface beneath the egg.

""It's really you..""

He moved in closer and their lips touched. They went into a deep kiss that was filled with love, passion and warmth. 'I-I wasn't expecting to find her like this..' He put his hands up and ripped the chains that held her in place.

He caught her as she fell and they landed on the ground, their kiss becoming more passionate. 'I-I can't believe...that I found you..' Nevertheless, he was happy. Ecstatic. He found his day one and friend after not seeing her for over 2 months. After an hour of kissing and crying, the two finally undid their lips.

"Tory, I.." He was embarrassed and so he couldn't get his words out. Tory chuckled at that and put their foreheads together, starring into each others souls.

"I Love you, Kazemi. Never Forget That, Okay?"

He instanly recognized those words. They were the same thing he said to her before leaving her. "Never.." He kisses her again. "I'll never forget those words. Never in a million years, Tory.."

"Never in a million years.." She repeated back to him. Aric then held her tighter while sighing out. Tory did the same and they laid like that. Aric finnaly asked a questioned that weighed on his mind.

"How do you...remember?" Like she was expecting him to ask this, she answered.."Well, when you left, Kazemi, I cried and cried myself to sleep in the restaurant. In my dream, I met with God himself. He gave me an explanation of things and told me that I could be with you for your journey if I wanted too, keeping my memories intact. And as you can see.."

She saw a bright smile on Aric's face. "You'd..spend the entirety of your life with me, Tory?" He began crying tears of joy. "Of course, Kazemi. Being together with the person we love most for the rest of our lives doesn't sound like a bad plan, right?"

"Hell yeah, it doesn't! I...I can't imagine how lonely I'd be without you.." She blushed even deeper from his words. She gave up everything to be with him and she happily do it again.

"And I..can't imagine it as well.." She met the guy '5' days ago and she was deeply in love with him already. They then talked a bit more about stuff like how she ended up here. She said she woke up like this and had been waiting here for a while.

She told him about her memories of this body and how her uncle imprisoned her here because of her ability to regenerate from anything. "Huh?! Wait, your a vampire?! They all died off during the age of God's but I guess because of your power, you lived through it all.."

Races: Humans, Zombies, Skeleton, Vampires, etc. There are a lot of races, some of which hide and prosper like that while others live off fighting. "Yeah, but I and this body feel no empathy for them. We are actually quite happy."

He nodded at her words. 'She treats the body shes in and herself one in the same. I treat this body like it's just me with another persons memories. Does that make sense? Like, she shares the same feelings as the body while I barely do this with my body.

Perfect example, Author.'

"I see. You and this body must get along well then?"

"Mh. We do.." She yawned out and looked at herself. She then realized she was naked which made her look back at Kazumi with a red face. "Well, it's been a while.." He coughed while looking away.

"I-it's fine..." She reavled herself even more to him. 'She has a smaller figure than her other body, but it's cuter..' As he was about to pinch her cheeks, the room started to shake. From the roof of the room, a giant figure fell down.

A golem is what they both identified it as. "This is...this is a defense mechanism for ensuring that I don't escape from here..." Tory explained to him, resulting in a nod.

'Why now though? Did it deadass wait for us to finish our reunion?' The golem was about 25 meters and had a huge mace. "Tory. Can you use your powers now or do you need time to adjust?" He pulled another sword out of his saber that could fit two swords.

"I-I,..yes.. I need some time.." She said while putting her head down. While she's been awake for a while, she was never able to test her powers out. "Alright. Oh, by the way, don't be sad. I..wanna show off to you anyways..."

He placed his left hand on her head while completing pulling out the sword in his right. 'I see that she has Magnet manipulation from God..' He stopped looking at her beet red face and at the golem.

'Okay, Aric. Just don't get your shit rocked..' He hyped himself up and soon began to attack.
