
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch.35: Aric.

'Yeeeah...let's no mention the L I just took..' Aric was dangling in the air via a spear going through his chest.

To give you a recap of the battle that just occurred, he attacked the golem, did zero damage, was taken ahold of by the foot and pitched fork with the spear in its other hand.

Tory watched this scene go down with rising fear. Though, fear soon was overwhelmed by confusion as she wondered how he was alive.

'My regenerative powers are not that of a normal human anymore. Pretty sure I could eat bullets and even have my heart ate out without dying..'

The golem waited to see what Aric would do next. Aric in mention placed his hand on the spear while sighing. "You..embarrassed me in front of Tory. Why bro?" The golem shrugged while sighing.

The huge spear then turned to dust, leaving Aric to fall to the ground. He caught himself and now stood with a huge hole in his chest. It revealed his organs and bones, something that made Tory throw up.

'My skills aren't leveled up enough to do any damage to this thing...' He then jumped back until he stood next to Tory. She finished whipping her face and started panting.

"Tory. It's up to you now. Good luck.." He placed his hand on her back and gave her his pool of magic. She squealed at that, her body trembling from the sudden act. He soon took his hand off her back, causing her to sigh.

"I-I'm not confident in my ability.." She said flat out. Aric knew this but still said to her.."Then get confidence. Use your abilities now and get a feel for them. I'll back you up if you need me to.." She stared at him, realizing how much he seemed to mature.

"O-Okay.." Aric then placed a piece of cloth on her that served as clothing for the mean time. Tory sighed out and sat on the ground, crossing her legs and closing her eyes. The golem didn't like such actions and so, it rushed at them.

Aric went in front of Tory and bent down to touch the ground. 'It seems she knows the basics of advancing magic..' He'd give her time to control and advance her magic in this moment by making a huge wall of mineral and rock.

On the face of the wall that was showing the golem, multiple rock whips shot out at it, capturing it. 'But...hurry the f up, Tory!' Tory floated throughout the Realm Of Magic. Her dots were colored grey like Aric's but they were just lighter.

'I can Manipulate Magnet related things..' She began connecting the dots to which she quickly broke through until the 3rd stage. 'I don't know...if this is considered fast process, but that doesn't matter right now! I need to help Kazemi..'

She appreciated him trying to show off but upon seeing him being thrashed, she realized that it wasn't time for fun, games and nostalgia.

Tory stood up and placed her hand on the shoulder of Kazemi. "You good?" He asked. "Yes, I'm fine now.." She replied, causing him to nod.

The golem easily broke out the chains of rock and roared at them. "I'll be your back up, okay? Good luck." He kissed her forehead, making her nod with a small smile. She then touched the wall that Aric made and it instantly turned to drills.

'Manipulating Magnets...that's a overpowered power. She could probably manipulate the very magnetic pulse inside of a human body in the future..' The drills were sent at the golem which it hit with its mace and destroyed them.

As the dust cleared up from the destroyed drills, it noticed that both of the targets were missing. This caused it to relax a bit and look around. Underneath the ground, Aric was decaying the earth around himself, forming a tunnel.

'If I can get under it then I could make a pothole..' Tory was standing on the roof above the golem. By coating her body in a magnet aura, she can be invisible towards other magic detection type powers.

'If Kazemi is doing what I think he is then I can defeat this thing with ease..' As she was thinking that, the ground beneath the golem carved in, causing it to fall into a deep hole. 'Now..' She put her hands out at the struggling golem.

Out the corner of her eyes, she saw Kazemi emerge from the ground, giving her a thumbs up as a signal. 'Thank you, Kazemi..' Blue energy began to form in the shape of a small ball. It got bigger and bigger, the air currents in the room becoming ragged.

The golem tried and tried to escape, only for it to fall down even deeper when moving. 'What's wrong? Afraid?' Tory smiled, the blue ball of energy rivaling the size of a small village. This was Aric's sign to leave and he did.

She released the ball and it didn't even have to connect with the golem to slowly turn to dust. Tory quickly rushed out the room, Aric forming a wall over the entrance to lessen the damage to them. "Good job, Tory.." He said while bending down and touching the ground.

Tory in mention was panting and panting from the power she presented. It was on a completely different level from the world she once knew. "T-Thank you.." She managed to say.

Aric could feel the energy of the blue ball slowly disipiatating, causing him to relax a bit. 'A shame I couldn't take its stats. Though, I'm happy that Tory was able to defeat such a thing and that's all that matters..'

After not feeling any more energy in the room, he bent back up, coughing in the process. 'Though, I should slow down a bit. I forget that you could get a disease off of taking in too much magic at a time..'

"How does it feel? To have overwhelming power?" Aric asked while turning towards her. "I-It feels,..great! Is this how you felt the entire time?" She became giddy with sparkling stars in her eyes. This caused Aric to laugh a bit while nodding.

"Yes. It's amazing, huh. Feels like your invincible.." They both agreed. Aric then took Tory back to a cave he made on this floor and explained in depth of everything he's experienced in this world. He told her about how Copy/Paste developed into Cut/Paste and the possibilities it presented. She promised not to tell in which Aric nodded.

Well, it was more along the lines of 'I'll be killed if I tell' and so, she has to keep such a secret. Aric didn't like such a curse for obvious reasons.

She calmed him down though by saying that this body has a strong will and has never broken down, even upon seeing her mother killed in front of her.

Her words brought back memories of the past. How even after killing his dad, he never broke down. He just accepted the words of hate from his mother and left.

"Wait. So Jasmine, Rukia, and Hima are here as well?"

"Yeah. Jasmine is my elder sister while Rukia and Hima are my younger."

"Oooo, I see.." She smiled and nodded. 'Ah, so she was jealous or something? Tory, I'm fine with you. Actually, I'm perfect with you. Personally, I consider it a miracle to have met you..'

After some talking and catching up, the two decided to set out. Aric also told her that his name wasn't Kazemi to which she smiled and said she'd happily use his real name. He shook his head no at that and said...

"Please,..use Kazemi as my name. I never really liked the name.." Aric, in Old Norse Mythology, directly translated to, 'Ruler With Mercy, Forever Or Alone'. He didn't consider himself this...anymore already and so he'd rather be called Kazemi.

"B-But people have been calling you Aric since you came here, right?" She became confused. Aric smiled at this while placing his hand on her head.

"This body is also named, Aric. And that's why I've been fine with it until now. Tory, you remember us in our other world. I..don't want you to call me by such a name when you know who I am, right?"

He hoped for her to understand what he meant and she did. "I see.." She smiled, "I get it, Kazemi. I..get it.." He smiled while laughing a bit. Aric was the name given to him by his father. His father must've had a twisted mind set to name his son such a thing is what Kazemi thought.

"You ready?"

Kazemi said while putting up another wall that blocked the entrance of the giant room Tory rested in. He went to go and check and see if the golem was still in pieces as he could still potentially take its stats. It...wasn't however, as not even a pebble was left behind.

"Yes. I'm..ready.." She took the initiative and grabbed his hand. Kazemi felt as ease when she did, sighing in relief as an effect. They then sat out their journey together, journey meaning traveling across the multiverse together.
