
Transmigrated With A Time Chamber In DxD

"Okay guys. Time to settle an argument. If you were to reincarnate in DxD, what race would you choose and why?" Some choose dragons. Some choose yokai. Others choose devils and another few, angels. In an era where gods exist and a myriad of races populate the planet, Igor made the most uncanny of choices. As for what it was, read on and find out. Available on Fanfiction.net and RoyalRoad with the same title name.

HolyGambler · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Chapter 112

Igor watched with pained eyes as a small wet patch formed on the rim of his shirt. He did not care for how enticing she looked nor for the worried expression on her face. It did not matter how much pain he was in or how Aurelia was trying to heal him. All he knew, was that those clothes were his.


And she defiled the manly sweat in them with hers. A shirt he had worn for fifty years was now feminised, and that hurt him more than the crippling pain all over his body.




As the blonde inwardly cried at his change of clothes being used by Aurelia, the silverette reached him and placed her hands on his chest. She channeled her mana into him and the effect was almost instant. Igor's eyes that had nearly closed opened instantly. The blonde could her energy travelling through his body. It was not uncomfortable but rather, it felt soothing.

His muscles relaxed and subsequently, he was finally able to breathe properly.


Letting out a deep breath, he let himself sprawl on the bed with his eyes closed. With the pain in his chest alleviated, he savoured these breaths he could take.

"Are you alright now, Igor?"

The silverette had leaned towards him and placed her hand on his forehead. He could feel her mana flowing all over his body and strangely, prompting a rather neutral response from his ki. He half-expected to be crawling on the ground like the time Sun Wukong channeled his energy into him. But it seemed that wouldn't be the case today.

Feeling himself gradually regain control over his body, Igor was about to reply to Aurelia's question when he caught a strange scent coming from her. With each breath he took, he came to notice that vanilla scent he smelled before.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Aurelia had already seemingly forgotten that she had asked the blonde a question. With her hands on his chest, she was still channeling her mana into him, unaware that his gaze was on her.

[Even when his ki isn't in flow, it's still…so…dense.]

She was sweating from exertion due to how difficult it was to move her mana through his ki veins. It was so dense that it felt like she was pushing her energy through a sludge of concrete.

While she continued trying to repair his damaged muscles, the blonde looked at her intently and couldn't help but sniff a few more times.

*Sniff* *Sniff* *Sniff*



[Is that a perfume she's using? It smells good.]

As his gaze lowered from her face to her chest and waist, his expression gradually soured.

[Now my clothes are going to smell like vanilla...and the fabric will be loose.]

He never paid attention to it before because she always wore some sort of loose-fitting clothes. But looking at them now, they were quite b-



Looking up, he was met with a slightly accusing expression from her.

"Don't you have anything to say?"


Igor looked at her, and then looked at her chest. He then looked at her again. With a straight face, he replied.

"I never expected they were that big."


Aurelia.exe stopped responding.




Cleria's Mansion, Kuoh, Japan


It was a long day in the town of Kuoh and even though it was still an hour or so before noon, the Sun was already threatening to unleash a sweltering heat that would strip everyone of their energy reserves.

Reconstruction was still going strong and all the major streets had been cleared of glass shards. There were sounds of diesel generators all over due to the power grid also having taken a hit. But reparations at the relevant power stations and transformers were nearing their conclusion.

At the current rate things were going, the town would recover by the end of next week, making everyone optimistic. The only ones who weren't happy however, were insurance companies and Cleria Belial. While the former had to continuously shell out money, the latter was more concerned with keeping her life.

The clock was ticking on the wall and only a minute was left until the allotted thirty minutes were over. Cleria wasn't sure exactly what to do should Serafall not come, but those thoughts disappeared when a blue magic circle formed in her office.


When the circle disappeared, it revealed Serafall to be in her business suit. Despite her rather short height, she was certainly gifted. Despite her suit being rather modest, it failed to completely hide her rather generous assets, especially her rather toned legs.

But while many would smile at such a sight, the iciness on her face would stop any downward blood-flow in its tracks. There was no smile on her face in the slightest.

Serafall clearly appeared ready to do business.


Cleria was briefly shocked for a moment, but quickly reorganised herself. Standing up from her chair, she lowered her head respectfully.

"Greetings, Maou Leviathan. I, Cleria Belial, Overseer of Kuoh, welcome you."

It did surprise her that she and Serafall were equal in height. Cleria had seen pictures and videos of Serafall, but seeing her in person was vastly different. Nonetheless, she would not be so foolish as to act inappropriately in front of a Maou.

Serafall was never truly one for pleasantries. Over the years she's served as the head of foreign affairs, engaging in meaningless conversations with delegates was something she'd come to rather dislike. And today, she had no wish to engage in them.

She only wanted to get everything over and done with so that she could see her precious little sister With all the circumstances surrounding her life and her family, Sona was the only bright light in her life.

Seating herself on the chair opposite Cleria, she went straight to the point.

"Then I will refer to you as Cleria. Tell me everything that has happened."

She went straight to the point without any hesitation. Her actions took Cleria by surprise since she expected she'd have to serve Serafall some coffee and have casual chatter before getting to the crux of the matter.

But recovering her wits, this method of doing things was also preferable for her.

"Very well, Maou-sama."

Taking a seat herself, Cleria began to narrate the events that happened earlier today.

"Yesterday evening, I received a missive detailing my required presence in the Underworld for an urgent report. The following morning, I was still in the Underworld delivering my report when I felt a pull from a leaflet I had left with the church's exorcist, Masaomi Yaegaki. Feeling the desperation behind the call, I teleported over to him and was met with him lying in a pool of his own blood, his companions dead."

Cleria had no qualms revealing her relationship with the church. While it was frowned upon, it was necessary for her to have some form of contact with the church should there be an urgent case that required her presence. Of course, that was the official reason.

But Serafall had a quick question she wanted an answer for.

"Why did you give this Masaomi a pamphlet? You should realise he could've used it to ambush you at some point in time."

"Indeed I do, Maou-sama. But I have known Masaomi Yaegaki for three years. I am aware of his character and betrayal is not in line with his personality."

[But he could be manipulated.]

Serafall wanted to say that out loud, but discussing Cleria's safety wasn't on her agenda. She had many things to do and concerning herself with one devil quite frankly wouldn't fit into her schedule.

"I will trust your judgement then. Continue."

"Yes, Maou-sama. Shortly after, exorcists from the church arrived at the scene and took him away to heal him. After he recuperated, we were able to learn that he and his squad had run into the Himejima who had entered Kuoh."

She continued to narrate the events and made sure to omit certain parts. She did not reveal her relationship with Shuri nor disclosed anything about the blonde.

Serafall did not interject even once throughout the entire time Cleria spoke. The Maou was simply content to listen until Cleria finished describing everything from her point of view.

"Is that all?"

Cleria nodded.

"Yes, that is all."

"I see…"

Raising her hand, a small teleportation circle formed before a picture appeared, a picture that Cleria recognised very well.


She was sure she had hidden that picture so as to avoid incriminating herself. But upon seeing it in Serafall's hand, her heart felt like it turned to stone. Panic filled her at the realisation that she was caught omitting certain details.

Serafall showed Cleria the picture and then looked at it herself. Smiling coquettishly, she giggled.

"This picture is very cute, Cleria-chan. I never imagined that you got along so well with Shuri Himejima."


Serafall placed the picture of Cleria and Shuri on the table before leaning forward. Her rather relaxed persona immediately disappeared. Displaying the full authority of a Maou, she commanded.

"Overseer Belial. I suggest you tell me everything from the beginning, and this time…"

A very heavy pressure covered the room, a pressure that made Cleria widen her eyes in fear.

"...do not hide anything."




A lot of things to unpack here. Serafall is vastly different from the bubbly Levi-tan we all know and love. However, please take note that the year is 1999, roughly 9-10 years from canon.