
transmigrated: Too angry to die!

The journey micah is about to embark on after transmigrating to this new world of cultivation, and awakening a system, will be filled with, never would he call himself a genius, or the strongest, but what he lacks in brains and brawns, micah will have no choice but to make up for it or die, embark on this journey with micah as he survives, overcomes, and becomes a hero to some, and a villian to others.

Micah_Hailstorm · Fantasy
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6 Chs

2. Class unlocked and system awakening

After the announcement, and the bet with his friend, the teacher gets everyone out and leads them to the arena where several portal entrances are residing at. The principal, an ancient looking man with many wrinkles on his face, and shoulders sagging as if the weight of the world is starting to grow to heavy, is standing on a short podium, in armor that has many scratches and marks on it, showing the hundreds of battles it and its owner have been through to get here, demanding the respect of everyone present, not a single student dares talk out of turn even though its well known thw principal is quite relaxed and calm, micah stares fascinated with the armor, different than anything worn in modern times, its quite eye catching for him. Vaguely listening in,Micah becomes increasingly excited, a new chance on life, a chance to grow stronger!

After some time passes and the speech the old man gave ends, the dungeons are opened and each one has a thousand students in front of it.Micah happens to be at the thirteenth one,his favorite number from his previous life, as odd as it is, he marches forward steadily listening to the crowds enthusiasm. Having,in both lives, been an introvert, he doesn't speak often to anyone but the growing flames in his eyes as he inches closer to the portal is all the people need to know of his excitement. After nearly an hour he finally ginds himself before the dungeon door, and like an excited child not even waiting for the teacher to say "next" he dives into the portal, and thus begins his new journey on life.

After a moment of darkness, h3 comes out the other side a bit dizzy and nauseous, as this happens with all first time adventurers, it was to be expected, after a few deep breaths, he realizes there is several holographic screens floating in his vison, one being basic and showing his stats and abilities, but one catches his eye in particular, all ot says is ---waiting for additional information--- after looking at it for a moment he shakes his head looking at another panel, this showing a list of all of his potential class choices. In this world not every class is available to everyone, its based off potential, combat experience, luck, and physique. Micah takes a moment before opening hid list expecting only a few, seeing as he was always an average person in everything, except one thing, a defining factor of his previous life. But, unsure if it makes a difference here, he clicks on the open list. As micah waits for the list to load he takes a loom around this temporary safe zone, seeing a forest with a beautiful full moon casting its silver light on the surroundings, this scene being so serene, almost lulls him into a sense of security, something he shouldn't feel, between his two lives,he shakes off the feeling before looking back at the screen...only to be truly gob smacked... "i...i have this many options?...theres hundreds to choose from!" Looking at the interface with literal hundreds of known classes and even a few hidden classes, like the tinkering mage, a mage capable of infusing mana inscribed machines to fight for them, although odd, far from weak, or the berserking assassin, a strength based assassin style meant for hand to hand. scrolling through the options Micah thinks of his style, being reckless and violent, he looks for something befitting such a position. Classes like magic gunman, and artillery mage, and hell knight, catches his eyes but seeing as this will be permanent, he keeps looking, just in case. His excitement only grows the more he looks, fantasies of how each class he likes would play out flashing in his mind making his blood boil for violence, an inner voice whispering softly teasing him with its words..."soon, you can be as voilent as you please here...but pick wisely"..after a few minutes of scrolling through the classes he sees a class that makes his heart beat hard and fast, hammering his ribs as he reads the description. Battlesmith, hidden class, a class that specializes in all magic and runic firearms and magic explosives, proficency in close combat, both unarmed and armed combat.

---smart remark--- a class for the exceptionally reckless, high chance of death, but could be fun who knows.

Selecting this class without a second glance a smile slowly creeps across his face, having a class with little combat shortcomings, already a massive thing for him. "oh this is how a king should be treated righg here haha, violence? recklessness? whats a little chaos without a bit of bloodshed?" ..aa he goes to step forward a soft chime, like a notification one would have from thier phone, a soft feminine voice sounds in his mind. "congratulations for successfully awakening a class, the system has been updated with the host's chosen class, new features are now unlocked, new abilities are now available, the random chance system is now available, achievement system online, store system online, achievement detected: achievement, one against the world. achievement rewards, one free random roll or one free common pass in the store.

to claim, choose which reward you would like. Standing there dumbfounded he reads through all of the notifications several times to digest it all. 'hm...my luck is terrible with life, but all the common things in the stors is mostly health or mana potions, whats left is junk, i guess gimme the random roll and use it...' he mumbles out not yet used to using his mind for commands, a giant holgram lottory wheel appears in front of him, all the slots have different colors, but only question marks as the prize image, making him confused, regardless he reaches out to the air as if it were real and spins it, it spins for a few moments before slowing down, soon he starts guessing among about 10 choices ranging from white (common) to gold (legendary), eventually it stops on a blue (rare) panel, making him shocked that his luck isnt that terrible, so he looks at the blue panel as it opens new information being shown. rare class skill: hellfire blaze. description: mana cost 10, time limit 5 minutes, causes weapons to ignite with hellfire causing extreme burn damage. lvl 1. damage 15-65, weapon choice and materials determines damage.

With a villianous smile at the fact that his is now a walking stick of dynamite, he lets out a chuckle that echoes deep into the forest, if the sound was heard by anyone else, it wouldve sent shivers down one's spine. armed with a class, a skill, and a system, micah is ready for the fights ahead. "watch out world, a new monster has been born today..."