
Transmigrated to The Walking Dead With a Golden Finger.

Pretty normal dude Transmigrated into a different version of The Walking Dead universe. Idk what else to say, updates will be sporadic and I hope to see you in there.

Spudz_Gaming · TV
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Zombie Attack.

"I can't believe you came along after all that you said at the camp." Rick said to Shane who sat in the passenger side of the station wagon.

"Well I couldn't let you go alone now could I?" Shane shot back.

Just as Leon was about to drive out of camp, Rick came and jumped in the back of the van.

After a round of questioning, it turned out that Morgan had contacted Rick on the walkie-talkie.

His car had broken down on the way into the city and he was now surrounded, trapped in his car.

It was a miracle that the walkie had even managed to reach considering the distance.

Leon dropped them off at the station wagon he had left behind yesterday before heading off into the city.

There was a bit of an awkward silence as the two former partners drove along the road towards King County.

You could almost cut the tension with a knife.

The silence didn't last long though as they soon happened upon a rather large group of walkers surrounding a car on the road ahead.

They stopped a few metres in front of them before hatching out a quick plan.

"Morgan, you there?" Rick called out on the walkie, he wanted to make sure that this was him in front of them, otherwise he'd be putting himself in danger for nothing.

"I'm here Rick. Are you nearby? I don't know how much longer we can take this." Morgan voiced back, the connection much clearer than before.

"Yeah I think we're right in front of you. Here's the plan..." Rick explained the simple plan to Morgan, who was on board of course, not like he had much of a choice given his situation.

The plan was pretty basic. Rick would get out of the car where he was and Shane would drive by the 20 or so walkers surrounding the car. He would make some noise to draw them away before I headed in and took out the remaining ones quietly.

Everyone was telling the story of Leon holding off tens of walkers with nothing but a knife last night. This made Rick reason that he could definitely do something similar with the large axe he was wielding.

Once Rick was in position Shane quickly took off in the car. He pressed on his horn, producing a short, sharp sound as he passed by them.

"Come on ya ugly bastards!" he shouted out the window as he inched forward.

His taunting seemed to be effective as nearly 20 walkers slowly followed after him.

Once he was a good distance down the road, Rick jumped into the fray.

He approached quietly and swung his axe in a downward arc through the back of a walker's head, coming down and out through its neck.

He had put a little too much force into the attack which caused the axe to strike the ground and throw up sparks.

Rick readjusted his posture after seeing this, he didn't want his weapon to break after all.

The next walker was facing Rick and stumbling towards him, he dealt with it much easier than the first one died to the superior reach the axe had him.

There were only two walkers left at this point, both of which had their attention fixed on him.

Rick readied his weapon before coming down on the first one. This was a bad choice though as the axe head got stuck in the skull and wedged itself in.

Rick's hands were already quite slick with sweat and walker blood so the axe was easily pulled from his hands when the body fell to the ground.

He panicked for a moment before he dived out of the way of the last zombie that leaped at him. He rushed to the side of the axe and tried to pull it from the head of the corpse, with no luck.

The walker was close to him again so he sent a Sparta kick to its midsection which sent it barrelling to the ground.

He pounced on the direction of the fallen zombie before proceeding to shove his boot into its skull over and over.

He was panting and almost keeling over, a hazy red aura seemed to spill from his eyes.


He heard a voice behind him which prompted him to turn, his eyes alit with a murderously intimidating gaze.

Both of his skills seemed to activate in tandem causing Morgan to fall back on his rear, filled with a near primal fear.

Much to his relief however, Rick soon snapped back to his normal self before helping Morgan to his feet with a smile.

Morgan nearly flinched when Rick extended his hand bit he took it anyway, the man had just saved his life after all.

Duane came running out of the car and hugged Rick, who was drenched in blood.

The young boy realised too late, causing an unpleasant scene to occur where the crying boy kneeled on the pavement and threw up his breakfast.



A bolt from Daryl's crossbow sank into a walker's head as we turned into the store.

"Damn, that's one ugly skank." He stated as he pulled his bolt out and wiped it on her clothes.

I dealt with one nearby, before throwing a grin in his direction. "Haha, I'm sure she's got a great personality." I fired back at him which earned a toothy smirk.

I had built a bit of a rapport with him, to which I was very glad.

Even though he was basically Rick's right hand man throughout most of the show, he had always been kind of an outcast.

So it felt good to be able to start to form a relationship with him. Hell I'd even put up with his shit head of a brother if it meant I could get Daryl on my side.

We were cutting through a clothing shop in order to get to the sports store, and so far we had been able to do things quietly.

I knew we were pushing our luck a little bit as I didn't know what kind of evolved zombies could be lurking around in the city. I wasn't naive enough to believe that the smartest the zombies would get is wielding tools, that would just be too easy.

We made our way through the storefront and into a loading bay at the back, this led out into an alley that had a backdoor into the sports store.

Glenn was really useful for getting around in the city, I'm surprised he didn't have some kind of navigation trait.

Amy brought up the rear, Glock in hand. I had entrusted our back to her due to her insane senses. Though I could use my map to search for any ambushes, or my own enhanced senses, it only made sense to place her there, better to be safe than sorry.

Glenn was giving directions from the center whilst me and Daryl made up the vanguard.

The formation was working well considering, though that was likely about to change.

We stepped out into the alley only to immediately duck behind some bins.

I had seen something on my minimap that confused me.

'Z what does a yellow dot mean?'

(Potentially dangerous humans.)

His answer made a lot of sense considering, I mean how many games had I played in the past, I felt dumb for not figuring it out myself.

"There's someone at the other end of the alley." I informed the rest of the group. Daryl looked at me in confusion for a second before peeking out from behind the dumpster.

He saw that I was right, "Three men. Armed." he said as he readied his crossbow.

I signalled him to wait for a moment and he did so. We moved back into the building we came from, which we knew was clear, before waiting in silence for a few more minutes.

I didn't want to have a conflict if I could help it, all I wanted was a good bow and I was very close to getting it.

However it wasn't worth a fire fight in the street. I'm sure we would come out on top easily but it would also draw every nearby walker to us, not to mention I was still a little averse to killing my own kind.

I wasn't a psychopath, I was pretty normal from my point of view. Though that didn't mean I would just sit back and let someone take advantage of me, no sir.

It took about 10 long, grueling minutes of waiting for the men to finally leave the alley. They sprinted across the street before running off into the distance.

Once they were out of sight, I signalled everyone to move and we did so.

We moved up to the door and pushed it to try and enter, only for it not to move.

I didn't want to waste time so I checked my map to see if any walkers were nearby. Lucky for me the only ones in hearing distance were on the other side of the door.

"Get ready, there's at least 5." I said before booting in the door and taking out the first one which lay on the ground beside the door.

I went to the left side, which seemed to be the swimwear section, and ducked under the pounce of the next walker. I grabbed it by its shirt collar and pulled it back into my knife.

I shot a quick look at the others to see them operating very well.

Daryl had shot straight ahead as soon as he entered, impaling its decrepit head. He then pulled out his knife and rushed to the next nearest.

Amy held her position in the rear like I had told her to. She was maintaining the position whilst keeping her senses alert, ready to fire should the need arise.

What surprised me was Glenn, he had pulled a golf club from a rack on his side before swinging it at a walker which was trying to stand up nearby.

I guess he had killed walkers before because he didn't seem all that scared.

All the walkers on the ground floor had been taken care of, but the noise had attracted the walkers from upstairs.

Another group of zombies stumbled down the stairs, tripping and fumbling as they went.

I rushed in and stabbed one of the top ones in their head causing it to slump on top of another.

I then went to stab another only for my knife to slide down its skull, causing it to fall to the ground.

I stepped back and as I did so I looked around for another weapon.

Daryl's bolt flew through the air and put an end to another one.

Lucky for us they were too busy stumbling over each other in a tangled mess, giving us time to prepare.

"Leon!" Glenn yelled as he threw a golf club in my direction. I caught it and swung it in a downward ark into the skull of the nearest crawler. It took a few swings to kill it, but by the time I had finished the others had cleared the rest of them.

"Nice job guys, bar the door shut while we loot." I said as I headed to the staircase and started moving the corpses out of the way.

Glenn and Amy barred the door while Daryl and I moved the bodies.

I retrieved my knife but I tossed it aside once I saw its condition.

/Item: Silverline Folding Knife

Status: Broken

Description: A damaged pocket knife. It's made of poor quality materials which, along with its extensive use, caused it to deteriorate beyond repair./

'My mom would kill me if she saw I was treating a blade like this.'

(Damn right she would, you're lucky I'm the one who got picked for your system. Otherwise she'd be screaming down your ear right now.Hahaha.)

I smiled a Z's remark before heading up the stairs.