
Transmigrated To Harry Potter Verse With My Genie

Daily news: Street 5 has been destroyed! Daily news: Loom Valley has been destroyed! Daily news: Hogwarts is no longer safe! These news don't matter. I'm finally in Harry Potter Series! https://www.patreon.com/DaoistWriter8

DaoistWriter_0060 · Movies
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Chapter 1: I've Met a Genie

Chapter 1: I've Met a Genie

Troy was just a 10-year-old innocent boy who wanted nothing more than a normal life. He wanted just one meal a day, a nice pair of clothes to wear, some blankets to save himself from the cold, and a roof over his head.

He, too, like other kids, wanted toys. He wanted to watch shows on TV. He wanted friends, a sister, a brother, and above all... a family. He wanted a father and a mother!

His body would get all red in the winter. He wouldn't stop shivering even for a second. His nose would not stop leaking, and his chest wouldn't stop paining. In the summer, he would barely get any shade. His skin would burn as if he was thrust into hell.

Life was hard... quite hard for him. But he was able to survive. Not easily, but with enough motivation. It was when he encountered a small book that was somehow thrown into a dustbin. The book was titled: *Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone*.

While not exactly fluent in English, he was still able to pick up and read the words. It took him some time, about a year, but he was finally able to complete the book. He could relate to Harry quite a lot, actually.

Harry Potter's parents were dead, and so were his. Harry wore glasses with a round frame, and so did he. Harry had dark brown hair, and so did he! And guess what was an even bigger coincidence? Harry had a 'bolt' shaped scar on his forehead, and so did Troy.

Was this truly and entirely a coincidence? Troy chuckled at times when he thought about it. "It's as if someone is using me as a model for their main character." Sometimes the references were quite scary but sometimes funny. For example, Harry would break his glasses quite often. Troy had a pair of broken glasses as well... though, always broken.

However, no matter how funny and scary they were, Troy would always get sad. Harry had many things that he could never even dream about! He had friends, well-wishers, plenty of food, teachers, a roof over his head, and he could even study in schools!

Troy couldn't help but shed drops of tears as he read again and again. He had just one book, and that's all. His needs? Almost nil.

He was a good boy, quite good... but just then, a thought came to him. "We both are the same, yet he gets everything while I... I have nothing."

"This is not fair..." Tears welled up in his eyes and had almost turned into a mini swimming pool. He had his gaze raised to prevent the tears from drenching his face, but sadly... he couldn't do it. Clean streaks of darkened and wet marks became visible as the tears dried as soon as they drenched his face. His breath had become a little bit heavy.

"I want to eat like him... I want to have friends like him... I want to study in the same school... I want to... I want to be like him." He was surrounded by a lot of dustbins. He was in a garbage disposal area... and it was here that he made this random wish which he had never expected to come true.

"Hohohohohoho! Could you repeat what you said?"

A weird voice of a male reverberated in the garbage dumpster, startling the eleven-year-old Troy.

So, what would you do when you hear a sudden voice in a desolate area? If it was a friend pranking you, then perhaps you could show some bravery and act tough. But if you had no friends and were a loner... then? Would you still consider it a prank and act brave? [Don't lie.]

Troy didn't wait even a single second to turn around and run faster than a cheetah! Heck, he vanished from the dumpster faster than anyone's father did when he went to buy milk.

In a second, he had cleared the area. If he was a baseball player, he would have gotten the award for stealing the most number of bases. And if he was a runner participating in the Olympics, everyone would definitely consider him Usain Bolt's White Kid.

Regardless, in the dark night, he continued to run as far as possible, that is until the voice started following him.

"Hey! Hey! You boy! Stop running! Huff Huff!"

Troy didn't care. In fact, he picked up a new pace.

"You! Lad! Stop! Your wish! What was your wish again? Repeat it!"

Troy was panting heavily and so was the voice. But he didn't stop.

Child trafficking wasn't all that common in the country he lived in. After having become fluent in English, he could read a few newspapers and was precisely afraid because of that. He wouldn't stop or rather, didn't want to stop... that is until the voice said something strange.

"You want to enter the Harry Potter's world, right? I'll help you do that."

Troy, no matter how much he had learned from one small book, was still just a kid. Just for a second... just for a second he peeked back and there he saw... a lamp drenched in weird black rotting fluid levitating and speaking out.

"I know magic! I can fulfill your wish!"

Seeing as how there was no adult, Troy felt that it wasn't all that dangerous. Confusion, excitement, and awe replaced fear. Having read only *Harry Potter*, he had become a strong believer in magic. Seeing a lamp float in the air... oh boy, he couldn't help but have the biggest smile possible.


"Huff Huff, finally paused, didn't you!? Man, it was a nice cardio!" the lamp spoke, fascinating Troy even more.

"You can speak... but how?"

"Hohoho, magic, my friend. It's magic."

Troy's eyes widened. His excitement increased, and without wasting any further time, he asked the main question, "How can I enter Harry Potter's world!?"

And the genie gave the simple instructions.

"Hohohoho, all you need to do is rub this lamp, and then make a wish."

"That's all!?" Troy's eyes widened. It was almost as if he had the eye condition called Exophthalmos.

"Why, my friend, don't believe it? Why don't you give it a try?"

Gulping down a large chunk of dry saliva, Troy grabbed hold of the dirty lamp and rubbed it...

And then out came a green-colored, two-horned, big red-eyed being that called itself a genie.

"Hohohoho, thank you for calling out to me, my friend. Three wishes. You get three wishes to—"

"Please transport me to this magical world!" Troy didn't hear anything more and muttered this by showcasing the book that he held.

"As you wish."

And with just that began Troy's magical adventure in the Harry Potter universe.

Note: Guys, if you genuinely liked the idea and the writing, please leave a comment. I'm planning to upload one chapter a day after I have sufficient drafts.
