
Transmigrated: Patrick's Marvel Adventure

After being mysteriously transmigrated into the world of Marvel, Patrick finds himself amidst the chaos of the battle between the Avengers and the Chitauri Army, led by the menacing Loki. As he struggles to understand his new reality, he discovers three cards in his possession, each containing the abilities of powerful characters from different movies and anime. In the midst of epic battles and earth-shattering confrontations, Patrick must navigate his way through the conflicts and challenges of the Marvel universe, all while coming to terms with his newfound abilities and the impact he can have on the world around him. With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, Patrick's choices will shape the course of history and determine the ultimate outcome of the battle between good and evil. Moreover, he is also presented with the opportunity to travel to multiple worlds, each holding its own unique challenges and adversities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be an AU MCU. Moroeover the story won't change much till the plot of the 'Age of Ultron' movie. Consider yourself warned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Marvel Universe and the upcoming worlds to which the MC would travel to belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Movies
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14 Chs

10. The W.S.C.

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Suddenly Hill received an important message. She turns towards Nick,"Sir, the council is on."

The message was like a bolt from the blue, jolting Nick Fury out of his focused state. He immediately turned towards Hill, his expression turning serious.

"Sir, the council is on," she repeated, urgency coloring her voice.

Nick Fury wasted no time, striding towards the communication room of the Helicarrier. As he entered, the holographic projection of the council members greeted him. The serious faces of the councilmen filled the room, their expressions grim and determined.

"Director Fury, the situation in Manhattan is dire," one of the councilmen began. "The aliens are wreaking havoc, destroying everything in their path. We have come to the conclusion that the only way to stop them is to nuke the city."

Nick Fury's single eye narrowed as he processed the council's proposal. He understood the severity of the situation, but the idea of nuking one of the most populous cities in the world was not something he could easily accept. His mind raced, trying to come up with an alternative solution that would not result in mass casualties.

"And what about the Avengers?" Fury shot back, his voice laced with skepticism. "Do you not have faith in their abilities to handle this situation?"

The councilmen exchanged uneasy glances before one of them spoke up. "We cannot rely solely on the Avengers. The threat is too great, and we cannot risk the lives of millions of people while waiting for them to come up with a solution."

Fury bristled at the council's lack of trust in the Avengers. He had assembled the team for moments like this, and he knew they were more than capable of handling the threat. But the council's fear was palpable, and Fury knew that he had to tread carefully in persuading them to reconsider their decision.

"I understand your concerns, but nuking Manhattan is not the answer," Fury asserted firmly. "There are still civilians in the city, and we cannot condemn them to death without exhausting every other possible solution."

The councilmen remained resolute, their expressions unyielding. "The risks of not acting are too great, Director Fury. We have made our decision, and we expect you to comply with it," one of them declared.

Fury's jaw clenched as he fought to keep his frustration in check. He knew that he had to make them see reason, but the council's determination was formidable. "I cannot, in good conscience, agree to nuking Manhattan. There has to be another way," he insisted, his tone unwavering.

The tension in the room was palpable, the councilmen and Fury locked in a battle of wills. They argued back and forth, each side refusing to budge. Fury's sassy remarks cut through the tension, his unwavering determination to protect the civilians of Manhattan evident in every word he spoke.

As the argument reached a stalemate, Fury finally reached his breaking point. "This meeting is over," he declared, his tone final. "I will not be a part of this madness. I forbid anyone on this Helicarrier from taking any action against my orders."

With that, Fury disconnected the meeting, cutting off the holographic projection of the councilmen. He turned to face his team, his expression resolute. "No one is to take any action without my authorization. We will find another way to stop the Chitauri, but we will not sacrifice innocent lives to do so."

His orders were met with nods of agreement, his team understanding the gravity of the situation. But little did Fury know, the council had operatives of their own on the Helicarrier, and they were already hatching a plan of their own.

Unbeknownst to Fury, the rogue operatives managed to steal a plane from the Helicarrier and set their sights on Manhattan. Their resolve to carry out the council's orders was unshakeable, and they were willing to do whatever it took to see the city destroyed.

As the stolen plane streaked towards Manhattan, Fury worked tirelessly to come up with an alternative plan. He knew that time was running out, and he couldn't afford to waste a single moment. The safety of the city and its people rested solely on his shoulders, and he was determined to find a solution that would not involve the catastrophic loss of life.

Meanwhile, the stolen plane closed in on its target, the council's operatives intent on carrying out their orders at any cost. The fate of Manhattan hung in the balance, and Nick Fury knew that he had to act swiftly to prevent a catastrophe of epic proportions.

Fury sprinted towards the edge of the Helicarrier, his jaw set in determination as he clutched a rocket launcher in his hand. His heart pounded in his chest as he aimed at the stolen plane, his eyes narrowing with focus. He could feel the weight of the lives at stake, and he was not about to let the rogue operatives succeed in their destructive mission.

With a steady hand, Fury fired the rocket launcher, the projectile streaking through the air towards the plane. The explosive impact rocked the aircraft, sending flames and debris bursting from its hull. Fury's lips curled into a grim line as he watched the plane plummet towards the ground, the threat neutralized.

But while Fury was focused on bringing down that plane, a sudden roar of engines pierced the air. His eyes widened in realization as he spotted another plane, also stolen from the Helicarrier, making a swift escape into the distance. The second rogue operative had taken advantage of the chaos, slipping away from the Helicarrier undetected.

"Damn it," Fury muttered under his breath, his mind racing as he weighed his options.

Fury quickly pulled out his phone and dialed Tony's number, his heart pounding with urgency as he waited for the call to connect.

"Stark here," Tony's voice crackled through the line.

"Fury here," he replied, his words clipped and urgent. "We've got a situation. We just took down one of the stolen planes, but there's another one heading your way. It's carrying a nuke, Tony. I need you to take it down before it reaches Manhattan."

"Damn it, Fury," Tony's voice was laced with frustration and anger. "I'm a little busy here with a whole army of aliens, and instead of helping us, you guys are sending numerous problems our way."

"I need you to intercept that plane, Stark. You're the only one who can do it," Fury insisted, his tone brooking no argument.

"Alright, alright," Tony grumbled. "I'll see what I can do. But you and the council owe us big time for this, Fury."

The line went dead as Fury pocketed his phone, his attention returning to the chaos unfolding around him. The Chitauri were swarming the city, and the Avengers were doing everything they could to push them back. But with the looming threat of a nuclear explosion, the stakes had never been higher.


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