
Victim Card

Zhang Ziyi was as described in the novel – quite beautiful – standing true to her role of a female lead. Black hair in a bun, round cute face with thin lips, slim nose, and beautiful narrow eyes and eyebrows giving her an intelligent look. The color of her eyes was one of the distinguishing features – it was brown-grey.

When Lin Huiying looked at her eyes she noticed the shades of purple, chocolate, and light brown.

'It does look quite attractive.' Lin Huiying thought. She came from the modern world where there are shades like blue, grey, brown, violet, etc. which were normal. So, she didn't find anything unique and strange. But for the people of this world it would be unique. There were few people with grey eyes in this world too and few other shades. After all the author is modern.

The Zhang family took their place beside the Lu's. The three families were not close to the Zhang family. Because the Zhang family was messed up. Jealousy, hate, cruelty, biasedness runs in the family.

Li Huiying understands why the author designed their family in such a way. The female lead needs to suffer and turn into ashes for her to rise again like a phoenix. She needs all the sympathy and pain one can gather in the world.

But she won't be the only one. Our male lead would be no exception to this broken family dynamic.

Lin Huiying looked at Zhang Ziyi sitting opposite the room whose eyes look calm as if the world has nothing to do with her.

And sure, she must have suffered in her previous life, but that is no reason to play the victim card all the time.

Lin Huiying hates when someone has a victim monologue.

Why? Because at one point in her previous life she played the same card. It has a destructive power. People that believe they are victims tend to push friends and family away.

She had only 2/3 good friends from 5th grade to 12th grade. The reason was her depression – the victim card. There were real childhood traumas and real pain, but she kept herself in the dark bottom by playing a victim for nearly 8 years.

Since she had experienced a similar mental condition, she knew what Zhang Ziyi's mentality was. After rebirth, she was frozen in her life. She held strong grudges.

Lin Huiyying held grudges too against her step-grandparents and their children. She blamed them for hurting her and her parents. She had carried the real grievances around like weapons, just in case anyone ever tried to hold her accountable for something.

She would bring up old memories and events where she was really hurt and treated unjustly, but she used them as a reason why she couldn't make changes to her attitude, life, or circumstances.

She kept blaming her stepfamily and kept playing the bad childhood events on repeat in her mind. She was a very precious child of her parents, but still, her mental health had forced her parents to walk on eggshells around her. Thankfully she was enlightened early in her life. Her late teens.

Lin Huiying wanted to scream and tell Zhang Ziyi that what she is doing is not worth it. She wanted to shake her shoulders and say that she needed to move on.

To move forward and stop playing the victim, she needs to see that keeping grudges is only holding her down. She needs to recognize that freeing others of blame is returning all power and self-control to the victim.

Lin Huiying always felt that the female leads of the reborn genre mostly play the victim card. 'How could others not draw this conclusion?' There were so many signs that were pointing at this fact.

For example, they are critical, feel self-pity, cut people out of their life, don't trust others, argue a lot, secretly compares themselves to others, see life as always lacking and boring, think they are perfect, etc.

Lin Huiying who had been observing Zhang Ziyi gave a long deep sigh and shook her head very lightly after thinking about her victim mentality.

While she was observing Zhang Ziyi and was deep in her thoughts, our female lead looked at her after feeling her gaze on her.

Her first reaction was - surprise. Yes, yes again because Lin Huiying was looking too pretty compared to the norm. The whole Zhang family noticed her.

Suddenly Lin Huiying was regretting her decision to dress with modern touches. She just wanted to feel comfortable in her skin rather than being uncomfortable for few hours.

'Am I gonna pass a fashion statement now?'

She was used to getting attention for her looks, but here the people were looking at her as if she was a painting in the museum.

She decided to lay low for a while after this dinner.