
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

I dont cheat. Gara's new brother.

I grabbed the little slip of paper with the number 69 on it taking a look around the room I try to find my seat. When I do find it I see its next to Gaara. "Hey Gaara!" I greet. He turn toward me and glared at me, it was less of a glare than it was before I yelled, but still a glare. I quickly squeeze past him to sit down. Once I was comfortable I turned to him, "So I never did get to thank you for helping me, back there with those sound ninja, so, thanks" I say awkwardly, while patting his shoulder. He suddenly grabbed my wrist tightly ,and looked at me strangely. "Why does it not react to you?!" 

"You mean your sand?" I ask. He nodded, "No one has been able to touch me, no one, yet you can. I don't understand!" He yelled and gripped my wrist tighter.

"Maybe it felt no malice towards you ,thus it thinks I'm worthy?" I say tentatively. He seemed to clam down at the notion, but still didn't let go of my wrist. I looked the hand still attached to me ,and carefully tried to remove it with my other. He held it tighter again, I just say, "Your hands are as smooth as sandstone, quite remarkable that it has your skin color" I say quietly, mocking. His eyes went wide but he quickly snapped out of that thought. As his sand slithered down his arm, onto our hands, then onto my wrist making a wristband. I looked at him questioningly, "Care to explain?" He seemed just as confused, "It's never done that before, it's never done any of this before" he said and finally let my wrist go. I nod and bring my hand up to the wristband to inspect it. Surprisingly the sand wasn't as coarse, and irritating on my skin as I thought it would be. It was actually quite smooth. 

"I can feel your heart beat, and your odd chakra level" He muttered confused and surprised. 

"Ah that's cool, you can feel if I die!" I say, a bit too excited. Gaara turned his head towards me again, "You will not die, I wont let you" He said it as if it was fact. I smiled lightly at him, "Alright, I'll try not too and even if I do ,I'll kick the deaths a** and visit you" I stick out my pinky. He looks at it like it's a new species, I laugh 'technically is', "Stick out your pinky Gaara" He did as I said and I wrapped them together, "Its a pinky promise, friends do it when they make promises. In thus I will make sure to not let you die, and you do your best to not let me" He still is confused, "Why are we doing it with our little finger?" 

"It's the highest level of promise ,a friend can make! To break it would be like, breaking our friendship!" I explain. 

"Do you really consider us friends?" 

"Duh! Friends forever!" He stilled for a minute, before breaking into the smallest smile. 'Pandas make good friends' I quietly chuckle and pinch his cheeks, "You look like a cute tenkupanda!" he stilled at then looked to the proctor.

"Shut up! I'm about to explain the rules for the test, and I'm only going to say it once so you better pay attention!" Ibiki shouted. I let go of Gaara and listened, "This test is conducted on a point reduction system. You all will start with ten points, one point will be taken away for each question wrong. Rule two, each team will pass or fail together. If one teammate fails, the rest of the team will fail" 

"But that's not fair!" Sakura shouted. 

"I said shut up! There are chunins all around you to catch you cheating. For each time they catch you two points will be taken away. Their eyes are extremely sharp! If you get caught five times you will be kicked out!" Ibiki stated. The room was silent. 

"Begin!" He shouted. I looked down at the paper and flipped it over. I was braced for the worst, but it was just advanced algebra. I didn't even need to cheat! I quickly wrote down the answers and flipped my paper back over, highly proud of myself, I then write I didnt have to write the answers but I figured I'd save me a minute of boredom. As I was sitting there waiting for everyone else to finish, I felt sand come up my arm again. Looking at Gaara he was still staring at his paper. The sand wrapped around my hand and made me flip my paper over again. I smile lightly as he wrote down my answers, when he got what he needed the sand went back to its owner. I went to a blank space on my paper and wrote down a question, 'Can I play with your sand?' and slid it over to where Gaara could see it. I got my answer when a small pile rested on the desk. Staring out with simply drawing shapes in the desert dirt, I moved on to trying to make sculptures out of it. So I made it into a panda with some tenku features, gara seen and proubably felt me do that to his sand. I think so because he looked shocked. 

"Okay!" Ibiki yelled. I was too focused on the sand ,and I didn't notice it was time for the tenth question. I wrote Gaara a thank  you in the sand and focused back on Ibiki, "This question is different than the others, you have a choice whether or not to answer, if you don't answer, you and your teammates will fail" He finished. 

"Of course we're gonna take it!" Temari yelled. 

"But if you choose to answer, and fail, you forfeit the chance to ever take the chinin exams ever again" 

"That's stupid! There are a ton of people in here who have taken it before!" Kiba argued. 

"Too bad, you have me making the rules, if your not confident take it again next year" Many of them left, some didn't want to, but their teammate had raised their hand. speaking of teammates, Naruto and Sakura had their hand raised. Except Naruto slammed his hand down on the table, "I wont quit! Not now, not ever! I don't care if I'm still a genin, I'll become Hokage, I never go back on my word, that's my ninja way!" He yelled. 

"You tell 'em Naruto!" I cheer. 

"Is that so? Does anyone else want to quit?" No one raised their hands, Narutos speech seemed to have gave them a backbone, "No? You pass!" Ibiki roared. I then changed the sand into the words victory(in Japanese of course), then commanded the sand to go back to gara. I then nudged Gaara with my elbow, trying to get him to take his sand back he nodded and put it back. He still stayed stoic and had his arms crossed. Glass shattered as a figure burst through the window, it was Anko. 

"There's no time to celebrate! I'm Anko Mitarashi, the proctor for you next exam!" 

"You're early" Ibiki said from the corner. 

"You let 26 teams pass?! You're going soft! Don't worry, I'll cut them in half! Follow me!" She jumped off the desk and walked out the door. Quickly getting up to follow her I rush past Gaara. Stopping to turn around I fling my arms around him in a hug, nohomo just I read once that jinjuriki's need a hug' "Thanks for letting me mess with your sand Gaara!" I say in his ear. I let go and went to catch up to the rest of my team. 


"Welcome to practice area 44! Also known as the Forest of Death" Anko stated. Naruto put his hands on his hips and made a face, "Known as the Forest of Death" He mocked, "Do your worst, you wont scare me!" 

"Oh we have a tough guy? Those are alwasy the first to shower the forest with their blood" Anko said creepily before throwing a kunai at Naruto, cutting his cheek, and the hair of the woman Orochimaru is posed as. 'She' came over and handed Anko her kunai back with her tongue, "I'm just returning your kunai" 'She' said. I immediatly got startled hearing that voice. Being near that creepy slimey snake pedomaru is enough for me ,to wanna have kaguya ashkilling bone me to death. I subconcouisly, clench my but cheeks. Sasuke noticed my flinching and walked over to me. 

"Are you alright?"

"I just, dont like the vibe that ladys giving off" I say. He looks at her and agrees. (I wonder if he ever got r**ed while with pedomaru, all in the name of power. No I dont want to think of that) a shiver goes down my back

"Why thank you, but if you stand behind me like that I will end your life prematurely" Anko threatend. 

"Forgive me, the sight of blood and your knife cutting my hair got me a bit, excited" 'She' breathed out. Trying to calm my nerves I start to fiddle with Gaaras wristband, rubbing the sand particles between my pointer finger and thumb. Sasuke noticed my movement and looked over at me again. Seeing the sand around my Wrist he got angry, "What is that?" 

"This? Its sand Duckling, do you need glasses?"

"I mean, why do you have it? And from who?" He sneered. 

"I dont know why, it just kind of attatched itself to me, as from who, I think you know very well who Sasuke" I say, still playing with it. He reached over and tried to snatch it off of me, but it split in two, avoiding his hand, and had reassembled when it felt safe. He kept trying to take it but the sand was too quick. 

"Take it off, he could kill you with it!" Sasuke shouted. I shook my head, "No, I like it. Besides I implanted my chakra in it, so I can control it too

"  I say transforming it into a panda then have it go back where it was

"I dont like seeing an enemies on you!"

"Why? Also, why have you been so mean lately? Ever since we've met Lee ,you've been a complete dick!" 'He must be on a power trip. Not wanting others to bring me down lowering me being a efficient teammate. ' I say. He was silent for a moment, before closing his eyes and turned away from me, "I'm just... upset with myself" I was about to give him a piece of my advice, when Anko spoke up. "Before we begin, I need all of you to sign these consent forms" 

"Why?" Naruto asked. 

"Some of you may not come back alive, then I'll be responible for you guys. You dont want me to get into trouble do you?" she said, "This test determines your survival skills, the 44th battlegrounds has 44 locked gates. That means one half of you will get a heaven scroll, the other a earth scroll. Your team will be fighting to get both of them!" She finished. 

"But that means 13 teams will fail!" Sakura shouted. 

"Actually, more than half of you will fail. There are rules for when your team gets eliminated. First, you didnt get both scrolls. Two, if a teammate dies, or cannot move on. Three, this test is timed, you have five days to get the scrolls" 

"Five days?!" Ino shreiked. 

"What are we supposed to do for food?!" Choji yelled, "There will be plently of food and water in there" Anko explained. 

"What a drag, can we quit half way through?" Shikamaru asked. 

"No, you must spend your five days in there! Oh, I nearly forgot, dont look inside your scrolls" 

"What if it falls and it flops open?" Naruto asked. Nearly everyone sweatdropped. 

"You. Dont. Want. To. Know" she said. 


I was taking a stroll around the grounds in front of the forest. I had already signed my consent form, and was waiting on the rest of the team to sign so we could get our scroll together. Looking up at the sky as I was walking I didnt notice a large root sticking up out of the ground. My foot got caught and I was falling to the ground, I held my arms up to brace for the impact but none came. Looking down I see a nice blanket of sand holding me up. Hearing steps come near me I glance up to see the sand siblings. Temari and Kankuro seem to have a permenant look of shock on their face, while Gaara calmly had his sand help me up. 

"Thanks for the hand there Gaara!" I greet. He nodded stiffly, "Hey Kitty! Hey Temari!" Kankuro became angry again, "Damn it, bastard what have I said!" 

"To quit calling you that" 

"Yet you keep doing it!" He shouts. I thought for a moment before speaking, "I'll tell you what, Kankuro, I'll stop calling you Kitty if I can wear your hat" I propose. 

"One, hell no, two, how do you know my name?" He asked. 

"Temari said it when we first met, Kitty" I say with a wicked smile. He grumbled and reluctantly reached up and took off his hat. I chuckled and ripped the hat from his hands ,and placed it on my head. I struck a couple poses, "Nya How do I look?" 

"Like an idiot" Kankuro muttered. 

"Well, this is mine now, bye!" I shout and begin to run off quickly to the pinkette. Almost reaching her I felt something around my waist hold me, and start to pull me back. 

"Damn it Gaara, I just want the hat!" The sand turned me around to face the read head, eye to eye. 

"Give Kankuro back his hat Wrathos" He said. "I dont wanna, but fine" Gaara sighed and had the sand grab my new hat. Kankuro stomped up and snagged the cap. 

"Hey! What do you think your doing to him!" Looking over my shoulder I see Naruto running up to us, with Sasuke and Sakura behind him. Gaara slowly let me back down on the ground and put on a cold stare.

"Nothing you need to worry about twerp" Kankuro answered. Naruto growled and Sasuke stepped up, "Touch him again, and I wont hesitate to hurt you" He stated. The Sand Siblings all glared at him, even I did, "I was messing around with them, while I was waiting on y'alls slow asses to hurry with your forms. Also, they're my friends, so dont be an asshole to them" Naruto seemed to slightly calm down, but Sasuke was still mad. 

"If they're you friends, then they're your friends, but I still dont trust him" Naruto said. 

"You havent given him a chance Naruto, Gaara's a nice guy" I say, while patting the sand boy on his head. Seeing me touch him so freely Naruto fully relaxed. Sasuke marched over and grabbed my hand and pulled me along, "We need to get our scroll" 

"Bye Gaara! Bye Temari! Bye Kitty!" I yell back at them waving. 

"You said you'd quit calling me that!" Kankuro shouted. 

"I lied!"

Sasuke never let me go till we got to the tent that we needed to be at to turn in our forms. 

"You guys have the heaven scroll, good luck" The guy passing out the scrolls said. Sasuke grabbed it, but I ran up behind him and stole it, "Yank" 

"Give it back Wrathos" He demanded. 

"Nope, I've got the best hiding spot!" 

"Oh yea? Where?" I made a clone then tossed him the scroll he transformed into a gourd, with the scroll inside.I then put my hand on the ground, and tried to make sand out of it , since it was dirt I just had to pull the moister away. I then add chikra to it then bam sand in my gourd.I then took a twig and used high lvl genjutsu with it, and bam a new scroll. Everyone looked dumbfounded on what I did. Sasuke then said "H--ow y..ou do that." "Well we were taught we cant transform into everything, especially smaller then ourselves or inanimated objects. However there is a loophole I found, our shadow clones are made of chakra so they can. "So cool can you teach me that Neesan!" Naruto shouted. I just nodded. "Then what about the sand is that a kekkei genkai?" said sasuke with a huff

"No I just got extreme chakra control and huge affinity with water and earth. So I just ripped the moisture out, then I put alot of chakra into the sand making it mine wala"

Sasuke looked surprised and intrigued

"tch better not be a burden now that you used alot of chakra." he huffed

"ma ma, I got plenty to spare not at much as naruto but a great amount." I said nonchalantly

sasuke twitches at that comment ,as he knows just how ridiculous naruto's chakra is in capacity.

So we began to walk toward the gate we were assigned. Once all the teams were present the gate opened up. I took a deep breath and marched forward with the rest of my team,

'The beginning of the end' 

I faxed the continuity again please review the first chapter to see the changes. I forgot to add a few things before so this fixed that.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts