
Transmigrated As A Villain, The Heroines Are Also Reborn?

Ronald Kuangge transmigrates into an urban novel called "The Dragon King in The World" as a Rich-Second Generation that has to properly play his role as the Villain according to the plot in order to return back to earth. After finishing his villain role accordingly to the plot, instead of going back to earth, he ends up going back to the beginning of the story where he has do everything over once again. In order to go back to earth he once again acts like a villain according to the story, little does he know that the heroines have also regressed... *** Author's Note: This is my first novel ever so I hope you guys can give me constructive criticism on what I can do in order to become a better writer This novel is heavily inspired by other CN

Dudedude5000 · Urban
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128 Chs

Missed The Taxi

'So I'm not being completely delusional at all, these guys are actually secretly following me around everywhere I go.'

After exiting the bar and leisurely walking around the streets of the capital city with Iris for a few minutes, Ronald had managed to verify that these people in daoist robes were actually tasked to protect him at all times.

Of course, he had already noticed these peoples' presences the moment he had arrived at the capital city, he just didn't actually think too much about it at the time since he thought that these guys were just curious to see the infamous Ronald everyone had been talking about.

But Ronald was now certain that that wasn't the case.

"Iris." While Ronald was waiting for a taxi to show up, Ronald called out to Iris in a nonchalant tone.

"Y-Yes Young Master...?" Iris couldn't help but start to get nervous after hearing Ronald call out her name.

She knew that Ronald was going to question her about why she had carried along a gun and a dagger over to the capital city, which made her worried that Ronald was going to start to distance himself from her after she tells him that she's a world-class assassin.

But even so, she plans to tell Ronald the truth nevertheless.

"Do you know who those people in the daoist robes are? I don't recall having any of those guys as my bodyguards." Even though Ronald was pretty sure that Iris didn't know who those guys were, he decided to just ask her anyways.

"Oh... um I'm not too sure who they are." Although Iris didn't know who any of those people in daoist robes were, she did recognize who the woman that had sliced off Ye Fan's hand was.

She was actually one of Luna's subordinates that Iris had worked with in the past in order to try and kill Ye Fan.

But Iris couldn't just tell Ronald that she knew the woman from her past life.

"Hmm." Ronald could tell that Iris had no clue who the people in the daoist robes were and decided not to pursue the matter any further since the people in the daoist robes can most likely hear what he was saying anyways.

After about a full minute of dead silence however...

"Young Master." Iris muttered.

"What is it?"

"I-I'm actually a world-class assassin." Iris stated in a fretful tone.

"... Okay?" Ronald couldn't help but turn his head towards Iris with a confused look on his face.

He didn't understand why Iris had just told him that she was a world-class assassin out of the blue...

Unless if Iris was planning on assassinating him or something like that.

But Ronald was certain that she wouldn't do that, at least not this current Iris.

"Y-Young M-Master... you're not scared of me?" Iris couldn't help but nervously ask.

Telling someone that they were a world-class assassin is like telling to someone that they had killed over thousands and thousands of people in throughout their entire life.

So shouldn't Ronald be afraid of her?

"Are you going to assassinate me or something like that?" Ronald asked in a cold tone.

"I would never do that to you, Young Master!"

"Then I don't see why I should be afraid of you."

After hearing what Ronald had stated, Iris's mood turned a complete 180 degrees.

That's right, this Ronald was still the same kind-hearted Ronald from her previous life!

Why would he care if she was a world-class assassin or not?

As long as his subordinates are ok, then he didn't care about anything else!

"Thank you Young Master!" Iris stated enthusiastically and bowed multiple times while her eyes were tearing up.

"..." Ronald didn't say anything else but silently stared at Iris with an expressionless look in his eye.


'I wonder if I can look as happy as her again someday.'

While his back was facing towards the road however, he noticed from the corner of his eyes a taxi quickly driving right by him…

So he quickly turned his head back to the road and tried to signal to the taxi before the taxi could drive right by him...

However before he could even holler at the taxi to pick them up, the taxi had driven right pass him.


'I swear I'm about to ditch Iris here and just go sprint back to the Gu manor.'


The moment Ronald and Iris had arrived back at the Gu family manor, Ronald headed straight upstairs and immediately went to Gu Yuan's bedroom.

After arriving in front of Gu Yuan's bedroom door and verifying that Gu Yuan was in fact cooped up in her bedroom, he started knocking on the door.

*Tap tap*

"Who is it?" Gu Yuan asked in a suspicious tone.

She recalled telling all of the maids and butlers not to interrupt her at all until she came out of the room.

"It's Gu Changsheng's friend, Ronald." Ronald stated in a slightly angry voice.

Even though Gu Yuan's original personality had supposedly changed for the better now, he still remembers everything that Gu Yuan had done to him back in his previous life.

"R-Ronald? W-wait... g-give me a m-moment!" Gu Yuan hurriedly hid away all of her blueprints she had out on the table and ran over to the door as quickly as she could for fear that she might irritate Ronald if she keeps him waiting any longer.

"H-hello R-Ronald... do you need anything from me by any chance?" After slightly opening the door and seeing Ronald's intimidating face on the other side of the door, she tried to soothe her mind for a bit before asking what he needed.

"Mind if I come into your room?"

"I don't mind, what do you need from my room anyways?" Gu Yuan obediently opened the door wide open and then stepped to the side.

"Don't worry about it." Ronald said in a cold tone while walking towards Gu Yuan's bookshelf.

And then after arriving in front of her bookshelf, Ronald pushed the entire bookshelf to the side slowly revealing a secret tunnel leading down to a chamber.

Gu Yuan immediately froze and she couldn't help but start to shiver while Ronald was slowly pushing her bookshelf to the side.

She had thought that if she didn't 'play around' with Ronald in this life, then maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't have to get tortured by Ronald again...

But it seems like even if she doesn't intend to play around with Ronald in this life now, she'll still get brutally tortured by that demon known as Ronald.


Because Ronald had also regressed back and clearly remembers everything she had done to him!

After fully exposing Gu Yuan's torture chamber, Ronald turned his head towards her direction completely stone-faced.

"I-I can explain!" Gu Yuan's legs were shaking so hard that she couldn't help but fall right on the ground.

She knew that she was completely fucked right now and anything she tries to do was completely useless.

But she still wanted to try and see if Ronald was willing to spare her life.

"S-so t-tha-" Before Gu Yuan could say anything else...

"Interesting." Ronald said in an apathetic tone.

Even though Gu Yuan hasn't tortured him in this life yet, considering that Gu Yuan still has that sadistic side of hers in this life, Ronald knew that sooner or later he'll get tortured by Gu Yuan once again.

So before that happens, Ronald intends to instill the fear of god into her just like he had done in his previous life so Gu Yuan doesn't end up trying to torture him again in this life.

And with that in mind, Ronald immediately left Gu Yuan's room in order to get a good night's rest.

"..." Gu Yuan couldn't help but stare at Ronald's back in absolute horror while he was slowly walking out of her room.

'I'm fucked...'