
Transmigrated As A Villain, The Heroines Are Also Reborn?

Ronald Kuangge transmigrates into an urban novel called "The Dragon King in The World" as a Rich-Second Generation that has to properly play his role as the Villain according to the plot in order to return back to earth. After finishing his villain role accordingly to the plot, instead of going back to earth, he ends up going back to the beginning of the story where he has do everything over once again. In order to go back to earth he once again acts like a villain according to the story, little does he know that the heroines have also regressed... *** Author's Note: This is my first novel ever so I hope you guys can give me constructive criticism on what I can do in order to become a better writer This novel is heavily inspired by other CN

Dudedude5000 · Urban
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128 Chs



"Hey, why'd you call me out to the park all of a sudden?"

"There's something important that I want to tell you."

"Ah alright, what is it?"


"What's with the depressing look on your face? Did you run away from the agency again? Haha well you can come crash over at my house for the night again if you want."

"...I'm breaking up with you."

"You're breaking up with me...?"

"Yeah...I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"You're not mad or anything like that... right, Ronald?"

"I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't... but I'm not surprised."

"I'm sorry..."

"Like I said, it's fine. Just don't worry about me, I'll be able to manage."


"I'm going to sound selfish saying this... but I just wished our relationship could last just a tad bit longer... but I know I'm just holding you back from reaching your fullest potential..."


"Come on, don't look at me like that. Where's that bright and cheerful idol that millions have come to know and love?"

"I don't know..."

"Well don't feel bad for me, I know that good times don't last forever, but I'm grateful that you gave someone like me a chance anyways."


"Thank you for everything... I mean it. I truly wish that you can find someone you want to be with for the rest of your life... take care."


*Beep beep beep* The alarm clock started ringing down on my eardrums.

"I had that dream again..." After turning off my alarm clock, I couldn't help but mutter to myself as I slowly started to rise up from my bed and touched the tears rolling down on my cheek.

Even though it has already been about a year and a half ever since I had last seen him, my heart still aches so much whenever I think of him.

And even when I try to force myself to forget about him, I just can't seem to do it.

Not only that, but the more I try to move on from the past and try to forget about him, the more I become obsess with him.

And I know... I shouldn't of have broken up with him to begin with if I was just going to cry about it like this...

But my damn agency told me that they were going to terminate all of my contracts if I didn't break up with him at the time.

And now I regret it so much...

Ronald was the reason why I had even became an idol to begin with.

And he was also the only reason why I'm still alive to this day...

Without him, I'm certain I would've died in a ditch somewhere.

That's right, when the entire world had turned their backs against me, criticized me, humiliated me, and even went as far as to track down where I lived especially after 'that incident' that had happened in the past, he welcomed and embraced me with open arms.

And of course, since he was the only person in the entire world who truly cared for me, I had slowly fallen in love with him overtime.

But the problem was that since he had completely saved my life without even being aware of it and was a bit dense, it was extremely hard to get closer to him.

But I really wanted to get closer to him...

No, I knew that I had to get closer to him.

So I just thought that maybe if I could become the girl of his dreams, then I would be able to get closer to him...

And I did manage to get closer to him while I was being an idol.

So why...






Why am I so stupid?

'I just don't know…'

Although I really want to make things right with him and go back to how it was used to before I had broken up with him, I just can't do it...


Because he's gone.

Not gone as in dead, but gone as in I don't even know where he is at right now.

Even after forming an entire search team, hiring private and criminal investigators, notifying the authorities, and even asking my fans to help track down where Ronald was…

I had no luck at all.

Even with millions of people going on a world wide manhunt trying to find out where he is, nobody could even find a single clue to where he had gone off to.

It was as if he had just disappeared out of thin air...

And of course, even though it had already been a year and a half since I've last seen Ronald...

I still miss him so much.

I miss him so much to the point where I don't know if I even have the motivation to continue on any longer.

A world without Ronald is a world I don't want to live in at all.


Just as I was contemplating about committing suicide however, I noticed a book from the corner of my eyes resting on my nightstand.

'The Dragon King in The World.'

Wasn't this the book Ronald had been supposedly reading before he had disappeared all of a sudden?

Although I didn't recall ever bringing this book back home, I had an urge to read it for some reason.

So with that being said, I grabbed the book off of the nightstand, and then flipped to the first page.