
Transmigrated as a Game Character

A Gamer suddenly found herself as her avatar. (Note: I just wrote this for fun...)

Mr_SlimePB · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

(Mc Pov)

It was just another day as I wandered the forest filled with danger beast. Why was a cute and weak girl like me here? I just wanted to explore the forest because I'm bored out of my mind just sitting on the couch all day.


'is that an explosion? What happened?' I thought.

Instantly stepping on the ground, I immediately travelled twice the speed of sound as I quickly accelerated towards that direction.

My cotton clothes fluttered due to the speed I'm traveling as signs of tearing could be seen. Cotton clothes that is still intact after twice the speed of sound is very impressive…

'Why are my clothes so flimsy? I need stronger clothes…'

A few seconds later, I arrived at the site. Seeing the huge hole and scorched ground, I saw a figure at the middle. A man with brown hair and brown eyes, his face is quite handsome while his eyes showed a hint of naivety.

It could make most soft girls unconsciously like him, Though I'm not one of them… I could smell the protagonist aura around him.

'He kinda looks like a certain pervert with a red gauntlet…'

A familiar cold voice sounded in the forest.

"Well, Well, Night raid rat! It looks like you didn't escape~"

Turning my eyes towards the direction of the voice, I found a familiar figure... she had blue hair reaching down her waist and blue eyes showing a sadistic look while wearing a white general outfit… why the heck is Esdeath here?

Recalling what she said this morning, I thought.

'Oh yea… she did say to catch some rats…'

I decided to look at the scene and see what happens…

(3rd Pov)

"Night raid rat! What would you say? Obediently be captured or die on the spot." Said the ice general, her tone filled with coldness and a hint of sadism.

"Never! You already wiped out Night Raid and killed Mine! Stop chasing me already!!"

The shout of the man silenced the atmosphere.

The eyes of the ice general squinted as if looking at a piece of garbage. Earlier, she told him that Night raid has been wiped out but in reality, they were captured and thrown in the dungeon.

She said this because she wanted to see what the man would do? Would he still go to the dungeon and check whether they're alive or dead regardless of his safety? Or would he just run away and abandon the tiny hope that still exist?

If he chose the former then maybe she'll let him live but… of course he chose the latter. Abandoning the slim chance of his friends being alive and chose to save his own dog life.

This disappointed her… she thought she found the rare gem of a person but no… it's just another dog.

"Tatsumi… You could've chosen to save your friends and got away with it, but you obviously chose to save your own life." Said Esdeath. "I think whatever worth you have before… disappeared."

The disappointment disappeared, replaced by a sadistic grin.

"I'll see your pain as I step on your manly dignity… and I'll enjoy it."

Stepping on one step, she travelled incredibly fast as it only took a few seconds to appear in front of him. Her hand grabbed his throat as her white general boots stepped on his 'no-no' part.


A crack sound was heard as an intense amount of pain is felt at his lower half of his body, he felt the two eggs broke from the kick. The pain is unimaginable for the male creature as its their inherent weakness… The pain is like giving birth.

(A/N Is the analogy above accurate or insanely inaccurate?)

Tears began flowing down his eyes as he tried covering his lower part to protect it.


The laughter of Esdeath filled the forest as her slender and white hands moved just above the lower part of this man, the temperature around her hand dropped as frost began to appear on the air and on the eggs of the man.

All warm-blooded animals, that includes humans, will die due to the sudden change in temperature. That also means that if one's eggs were instantly frozen then the pain will be magnified by dozens of times.


The screams of Tatsumi filled the forest while the sadistic grin of Esdeath became wider and her eyes filled with enjoyment. Once a sadist, always a sadist.

Seeing this scene, shiro decided to leave. After all, didn't want to disturb Esdeath's enjoyment/hobby.

When shiro left the scene, Esdeath continued torturing him, taking advantage of a man's weakness and countless torture methods she has. A few hours has passed, and the screams gradually became weaker and weaker until he can no longer scream.

All that's left is his lifeless eyes staring at whatever it's staring at and his mind broken due to pain.

The sad end of Tatsumi, the son of destiny in this world.

Or was it son of luck? I don't really remember…


A few hours after the death of Tatsumi, Esdeath came to the dungeon and tell the Night raid 'rats' some news.

"Yo, night raid rats… I have here to bring you some sad news…" first said Esdeath as she continued. "The man known as Tatsumi abandoned you."

Mine's eyes widen while clenching her fist.

"That's impossible! He promised to save us!!"

Hearing what the flat-chested girl said, A grin appeared on Esdeath's face.

"Yes he did… but he also abandoned you."

She turned around and walked out of the dungeon, not before leaving a sentence.

"The last bad news is… he's dead."

After hearing this, Mine's eyes turned lifeless in despair as her boyfriend left her to save his own damn life. The rest of the Night Raid members didn't reach the level of despair did as Mine but is also sad, like losing a friend.

The reason why they easily believed Esdeath was because she has no reason to lie to them. What benefits she can get with telling a lie?

Though her being sadistic is well-known but it is also known that she likes to do the sadistic things herself, not play mind games.

The one hit least hard was Akame. She had already seen through Tatsumi's true personality, that's why she wasn't in a relationship with him. she has also tried warning her teammate but because of his seemingly naïve personality, she just looks like the villain.

Though it doesn't mean she won't feel anything when Tatsumi left them… she just feels a bit betrayed, not much but a bit… because she thinks of him as an acquaintance.




(A/N I tried portraying Esdeath's sadistic side, but torture methods isn't really my thing… maybe I need more research for these kinds of things… Also the chapter is a bit short…)

I guess this chapter is a bit... late.

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