
Transmigrated as a Game Character

A Gamer suddenly found herself as her avatar. (Note: I just wrote this for fun...)

Mr_SlimePB · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

The date continued as they encountered a special-class danger beast.

Esdeath had a bloodthirsty grin and immediately leaped towards it. The surrounding temperature began to drop quickly as she activated her devil fruit powers.

Dozens of ice spears appeared in front of her and began launching it towards the danger beast which pierced its defense as it began spitting fireballs at her.

"[Ice Age]!"

The air began the freeze as the fireball became a block of ice. The ice spread across a 1km radius, freezing anything from trees, animals, plants, and even danger beasts.

When shiro saw this, she quickly moved her hand in front of her as Aria got behind her.


As the word fell, a huge rectangular shield appeared in front of them as it resisted the low temperature of the attack.

With the battle ended, it's shiro's turn to hunt her danger beast. The person especially excited about this was not shiro herself but Esdeath.


She just wanted to see the bloody scene where her dear rips the danger beast apart, though that'll never happen as Shiro doesn't want herself to be dirty, but a person can only fantasize, right?

Anyway, they roamed the forest to find a special-class danger beast like the one Esdeath has just slain.

Why not super-class danger beasts? Well, they are said to be extinct due to the massacre that happened a few hundred years ago.


A huge roar sounded throughout the forest alerting the trio.

"D-Do you think that b-belongs to a s-Super-class danger beast?" asked Aria, her voice trembles as she thought of this possibility. The imperial arms are created by the remains of a super-class danger beast, since imperial arms are already so powerful… how about an alive one?

"Impossible! Super-class Danger beast aren't cabbage here." Said Esdeath while a battle hungry smile appeared on her face when she said the second part. "Besides… even if it's a super-class danger beast, I can beat it easily."

"Es-chan… Ar-chan… I think you should stop arguing..." said shiro suddenly as she squinted her eyes while continuing. "The danger beast is coming…"

"huh?" a question mark appeared on aria's head while Esdeath became alert.

Heavy sounds of footstep followed by the ground trembling appeared as a 120m long dragon covered by crystal-like scales and golden draconic eyes looked down at the tiny humans.

Seeing this intimidating danger beast, Aria quickly hid behind shiro. She's only a noble woman, fighting isn't really her thing and when this scary-looking danger beast appeared, she would obviously be frightened.

"That dragon is at least a little bit cuter than 'Ugly'…" muttered shiro as she looked at it with a bit of appreciation.

Feeling her gaze, the dragon looked at her in disdain as it began focusing its draconic powers in its mouth.

Esdeath sat on the background looking at the scene with amusement. Though she wanted to fight that danger beast, but this is her Dear's turn to shine.

Let her take the spotlight.

A red-ish orange laser beam was fired, making the appreciation in her eyes disappear.

Her eyes turned cold and emotionless when seeing this attack, when someone appreciates something and that something hits their face, will they still appreciate it?

The answer is of course not.

A sword appeared on the air as she grabbed it. the blade of the sword is white, long, and thick with a clover mark at the tip.

(A/N The one above is written in the purest intentions.)

It looked funny when she held the sword because of the size difference between the two. Flying up to the sky, she raised her sword and brought it down as she indifferently said.

"[Flying Slash]."

A huge beam of light made out of Sword Qi appeared as it moved towards the dragon with incredible speed. When the dragon shot its laser beam, the sword Qi immediately split is apart as the momentum was undiminished.


A clear line appeared on the dragon's scaly forehead down to the dragon's bottom.


Blood sprayed all over the ground as the smell of iron appeared in the air. Esdeath had an intoxicated smile as she saw all this, since it is the first time she saw her partner made this bloody mess.

Aria just sat their looking all this indifferently, she has seen all kinds of blood and stuff so it really isn't surprising for her.

A sweet and adorable voice rang in the two girl's ear.

"The date… is finished, right?"

Shiro's emotionless face showed a sincere smile, her eyes brimming with joy.

They both had a smile as they sweetly answered.

"Yes… Dear/Shiro-chan~"


The sky turned dark and it's time for Night Raid to play.

2 shadowy figures silently leaped from building to building, they arrived at their destination.

The home of Ogre, Captain of the imperial Police.

There are some soldiers patrolling his home, guarding it from any intruder.

The shadowy figures sat on a nearby bush which reveal to be Tatsumi and Mine. They crouch down as they discussed on their next moves.

"Tatsumi, you charge towards Ogre, and I'll shoot down the guards." Said Mine, showing a look of "If you disagree, I'll kick you."

"Y-Yes!" replied Tatsumi, he saluted towards her, got up, and charged to the house.

Mine began aiming at the guards coming towards Tatsumi as the guards fell one by one.

Meanwhile, on Tatsumi's side, he held his sword and quickly found ogre drinking alcohol as many prostitutes surrounds him.

Silently going near him, the prostitutes noticed him but when seeing the sword they quickly shut up and secretly helped him.


"cough! What ar-" said ogre before his head was cut off.

"Ahhh!" shouted the prostitutes as they ran out of this place.

Putting the head in a bag, he immediately walked out of the house as he saw big holes on the dead bodies of the guard.

"Sheesh, Mine didn't hold back at all…"


The Next Day.

Esdeath was summoned to the throne room and given a reward for subjugating the northern tribe. Of course Shiro and Aria follow her to the throne room, they also wanted to hear what she's going to ask.

A boy with should-length green hair and green eyes sat on the throne. Beside him is Prime Minister Honest, he's a muscular middle-aged man with a big belly.

"Welcome, General Esdeath! I heard that you took down the bad guys in the north." Said the Child Emperor enthusiastically.

"Thank you for your compliment, Emperor." Replied Esdeath, her tone became very formal.

"What Reward do you want, General Esdeath?" asked the Child Emperor.

Esdeath, Shiro, and Aria was kneeling down when shiro suddenly scooted near Esdeath and whispered in her ear.

"Establish Jaegers… to take care of night raid…"

Esdeath made eye contact with shiro before nodding and said to the child emperor.

"Then I request to establish the organization to combat Night Raid."

Prime Minister looked at her in surprised before saying.

"Ah yes, your request will be done… is there any other request, General Esdeath?"

His eyes began traveling across her body as it was unintentionally attracted to her huge assets. Seeing him molesting her partner, shiro's eyes became cold.

Her eyes changed from golden to red with a pin-wheel pattern on it. she has activated her EMS, without even making eye contact with Honest, she said in her mind.


An unbreakable illusion was placed on honest. This illusion is permanent as all actions he make will be for the good of the empire. She planned to place this illusion later on but since he molested her wife then why not this now?

After being given the rewards, they walked out of the throne room. on the way out, Aria inadvertently said. "Such a depressing place the throne room is…"

"Hn." Agreed Shiro as she thought of the crime Honest did.

A tick mark appeared on Esdeath's head before saying. "That depressing throne room is who I've been working for, for the past decade."

Esdeath went out of the palace to do some work while Shiro and Aria went back to their room.

At their room, Aria slowly got behind shiro before hugging her to her chest. While she was doing this, Shiro went to her mindscape and opened her mission panel when she suddenly found a mission was sent.


[Task: Erase Corruption in the Empire.

Task Completion Rate: 10%

Rewards: 1 World Travel Ticket]

[Do you accept this mission? Yes or No]

'Simple enough… yes!' clicking the yes button, a sound rang throughout her mindscape.

[Ding, Mission Accepted!]

Outside of her mindscape, Aria can be seen rubbing the smooth and tender cheeks of the loli. The dazed eye of the loli became clear as she saw this being done to her.

Ignoring this, she began going through her inventory before finding a bag of candies. It's the candies bought on the date yesterday. Munching on the candies like a hamster, she stared at herself being rubbed by Aria as a small smile unconsciously appeared on her face.


