
Exercise Results

It doesn't feel like three months have passed, from Adi training to build up his physique and also increase his mana strength, and during this training, Adi continues to hunt at least once a week, to see his progress and also collect points to choose the items he needs.

Until now, at one location on the island there was noise due to the fighting, and a closer look, would see a teenager who already looked more mature, and also had a much stronger body than before.

Was fighting with a monkey that was as big as a king kong in the movie in the previous life, except that he had thicker fur and longer arms.

Very similar to the orangutans in Adi's previous life, the difference is that the body size of this monkey reaches 4 M in height, and he deals with Adi properly like an adult bullying a baby.

But if we could take a closer look, there would be a relaxed face as well as a confident smile inside Adi, as if he didn't care about the huge physical size difference between the two.

Back to the fight Adi and also the giant monkey, now Adi is trying to avoid the monkey's attack, jumps high while casting fire magic turning into a giant one-meter fireball "Kabooommmmm" there is a sound of fire magic clashing, and the orangutan

But when Adi looked further, he was a little sorry that his fireball attack failed to hit the monkey directly, because it was blocked by the wind magic blown by the monkey.

Yes, this monkey has wind magic, and his magic is in the intermediate level in wind magic mastery, the adi who knew before hand, after diamond scanned, didn't care at first, but seeing this he started to get more excited.

When Adi jumped and landed on a tree branch, soon there was a sound like a projectile being fired from a monkey, and Adi, feeling dangerous, dodged to the side while not forgetting to look at the place where the monkey attacked.

And soon there was a sound of breaking from a tree branch, "Krackkkkkkk" And adi became quite surprised because the branch was quite sturdy, it could be broken easily by projectile shots from the monkey's mouth.

Looking closely, the projectile that was fired at Adi became shocked, because it was something amazing, it was a seed from a fruit, and if you looked closely it was a fruit seed from a jackfruit which was the size of a tennis ball.

And it's only fitting that the branches of the trees break, because of the size and power of the seeds that are shot, it's very strong and fast, Adi who saw this smiled again, and quickly took out his fighting dagger, and stepped swiftly towards the monkey while using wind magic on his feet.

Doing jig jag footsteps, to outwit the jackfruit seed projectile, Adi rushed in front of the monkey, not forgetting to see where his weak points were. After aiming, at the monkey's weak point, Adi rushed to use earth magic to form a 3M high wall in front of him to cover the fission from the monkey.

As he turned to the side and quickly threw his battle knife straight at the monkey's eyes, suddenly a groaning sound came from the monkey that had been pierced through one of its eyes, "uwaaaaaa.....uwaaaaaa..." shouted angrily and acting in a hurry, swinging his hands towards the earthen wall that Adi had made.

And a moment later "oooommmmm" the sound of vibrations from the earth wall collapsing made the earth around the two tremble, Adi who saw that the monkey had become restless now, did not miss the opportunity, by jumping toward the monkey's head.

While making lightning magic on one of the stairs, after the distance has reached 1 M from the monkey's head, Adi immediately slashed his head with lightning magic like Sasuke's Chidori, and suddenly heard the sound "" Tudddd ... roll ....." head the monkey had severed from its body, and on the other hand, adi had landed beautifully in front of the giant monkey's corpse with a smile.

"rukkkkkkkkkk" The earth shook again slightly after the corpse of the big monkey fell to the ground.

"Well, Intan, now it's your job to exchange the corpse of this big monkey for points"

"Yes sir,...a moment later Diamond's voice was heard..... Master defeated a level 10 monster, the drinking water function of water magic has been restored and get 500 poin"

"Ohhhhh.... there's a surprise, finally it's no longer complicated to drink water hahahaah..... and it's pretty good, this big monkey, the value is 500 points, ckckckc..... that's great"

After receiving the notification and clearing the battle marks, as well as burying the corpse of the big monkey, Adi resumed his journey towards the deeper part of the island.

Yes, this time Adi decided to conquer all existences on this island, of course, he also saw the situation during the trip, and if it was not possible to win, he would run to save himself.

Because Adi has mastered black magic and can combine it, with space magic he can teleport within a radius of 1 km from his position.

And of course, this was a very life-saving trump card, and for that reason, Adi became unafraid to hunt further into the forest to conquer the island.

Of course, he is still rational and aware, that above the sky there must be a sky so there is no need to be too arrogant but confident, according to Adi. Now Adi arrives at a very beautiful valley. and if is still on previus his life .

This valley must have gone viral, and lots of young women and couples would line up neatly to choose a good spot for them, but now it's all different, in front of it is a beautiful nature but also full of danger.

Adi knows, in the beauty of this valley, there is danger lurking, and after being told by the diamond that there is a ruler, he is much more excited to harvest it.

Choosing a place to rest at a spring, which is not far from the entrance of the valley, Adi rests by eating the compact food he has prepared in his room.

Taking out a table, benches, and cutlery, complete with some fresh fruit and drinks, Adi took a short picnic while looking out over the valley, thinking about the best way to defeat the ruler of the valley.

Opening the compact menu, what was served made Adi drool, yes, in front of this compact food, it contained jengkol stew and gizzard liver sauce, complete with prawn crackers.

Adi felt he was being invited, shook his head and smiled while he was enjoying eating, an idea crossed his mind, and thought that this idea seemed feasible, Adi ordered again 5 menus, the same as before, the difference is that the portion of jengkol and prawn crackers has increased.

After an hour of eating his lunch, and digesting the food for a while, to wait for the miraculous process that he will make, Adi leans on a tall tree branch and sleeps for the next 2 hours, of course, he has prepared preventive measures around him so that he can sleep comfortably.


After sleeping for two hours, adi wakes up to Intan's call, which is still blurry for a while, adi sits on the ground drinking water.

Don't forget to wash both of his faces with water, and take a deep breath, a strange smile appears on Adi's lips "when he acts.... heheheh"

Entering the valley, walking slowly and as much as possible to reduce noise, Adi is slowly but surely approaching his goal, which is a medium-sized 10M pond that is right in the middle of the valley.

In the expanse of grass and flowers that fill all sides of the valley, there is a large snake with a diameter of more than 7 M that inhabits this pond, as for where Adi knows, he knows from Intan's scan, which says that there is a large snake that is the ruler of this valley.

And just a few tens of meters ahead, a pool that is quite clear in color, becomes a hiding place for the snake.

"Intan, how is the condition of the snake now?"

Adi asks to know the current situation he is facing

"The current state, Master is sleeping, and Master can carry out the plan that Master has thought of"

"Alright then, time to take out the weapons"

Not long after, Adi unzipped his pants, and took out his magic kris, Adi held back a comfortable feeling, from throwing away all the magic dregs that he had piled up.

"Uhh...jengkol is indeed a chemical weapon, it smells bad... but it's delicious, hehe hehe"

Said happily, while holding his breath from the smell of jengkol that came out when he peed, yes, Adi's plan was strange to use the pungent smell of jengkol, to make the snake drunk and when the snake choked on the smell of jengkol, Adi would finish it with fire.

Waited a while, after his urine flowed into the pool, then Adi took some jerry cans filled with kerosene, which he also poured through the small spring channel leading to the pool.

After doing all that, Adi approached the pond and was ready to wait for the fried eel show, while he was hiding behind a large rock near the pond.

It didn't take long, when the sound of dense bubbles covered the surface of the pool, and soon a large snake appeared that looked drunk from the chemical weapon jengkol.

When he saw the snake began to move erratically, and that's where Adi noticed that it was starting to become clear that a layer that was shining brightly on the scales of the snake, indicating that the oil had been smeared all over the body of the snake.

Before long, adi cast a fireball the size of a ball and threw it into the middle of the pond, where the snake was breathing air.

And suddenly...." "Brummmmmmmmmmm...." The hot aura from the burning oil that burned the snake stung around the pool.

And so began the painful scream of the snake sounding, listening to the sound of the snake getting bigger, Adi added electric magic into the pool causing a big explosion.

"Boooommmmmmmmmm" Adi who knew there was going to be an explosion added earth magic around him, and lowered his head, until a moment later, there was a rain of flesh from above the sky that flooded around the pond.

Looking at the pieces of meat of various sizes, adi slightly granny, and using wind magic to quickly clean up the surrounding environment "Swooosshhhhhhhhhhhhh" a small tornado formed, and rolled up the pieces of meat that were around it and the pond, to put it back together on one side.

Adi who saw that his surroundings had become cleaner, heaved a sigh of relief, and as he looked at the small mound of snake meat on one side that was piled high, he pouted and threw backfire magic that was big enough to burn all of the snake's flesh.

So the rancid smell of burning snake meat filled the entire valley, and to prevent other predators from coming, Adi immediately buried the flesh that had become bone into the ground.

To prevent things that he did not want, while not forgetting to hurry to get away from the valley, after half an hour of walking out of the valley, Adi found a small beautiful waterfall under a cliff, asked Diamond to scan the surroundings, and found that it was safe, Adi went straight down to the waterfall.