
The beginning

Hi, my name is Nova Rayne Havensworth. I'm not sure how I ended up with a new life in a chaotic world. I was a student at a high end university. I was the most boring student ever. I was studying to become a botanist/ ecologist. I was awake all night studying for a major exam and started feeling so tired that I couldn't stay awake. I started to feel sick. I grabbed my phone to call my professor to tell him that I was sick. I just called him when I passed out.

Waking up I'm in the dark. I don't know what is going on right now but I know that I am somehow dead.

What happened to me?

"Hello, human," said a voice.

"Hello," I replied.

"I'm a god here to assist you with your transition to a new world,"said the voice.

"So I am dead right now." I thought this more to myself than to the god.

"Yes you are dead and I will assist you in your rebirth," said the god.

I start to wonder what kind of place I would be reborn into.

"You will not know where you will be until you are there." The god said this to stop my thoughts from wandering around.

"Okay, so what am I getting for my next life in order to survive better?" I asked off the top of my head even though I don't have a head right now.

"You will gain the use of a system to help you survive in your new life and home. Hopefully you won't need to much guidance because systems can become addictive and hard to live without." The god warned me.

"I will heed your warning." I said to the god.

"We will now begin the process of implementing the system," the god said.

***system initiation starting now***

***detecting host***

*** Chaos System selected***

"Wait what chaos system? What does that mean?" I asked.

"Looks like the world of chaos chose its newest champion," the god said.

"I don't think I'm ready to be a hero or villain." I said to them.

*** required input ***

***does host want to be a hero or villain?***

"Do I have to choose now?"I asked.

"No, you can wait until you get to your new home in the world of chaos." They said matter of factly.

***host has chose not to answer yet***

***host needs to check the status screen ***

"How do I do that," I asked.

*** host must think status***


***opening ***


Name… ...…. ....?

Age… …..

MP.: infinite

Hp: Classified

Luck: 100%


Chaos magic

Fire ball



Shape shifting

Armored Skin







God of Chaos's blessing

Goddess of (<3) blessing< p>

God of *&$#)(*; blessing

God of #$@&/#%* blessing

God of #$@ blessing

God of &$#@*+-= blessing

God of &#*"blessing

System points: 0

"Wow that's a lot of information," I said.

"Now I believe that you are ready to go." The god said to me.

"Really? I don't think I am ready yet." I say.

"Really now? I think we gods gave you a lot more than what you require. Do you want us to take away anything?" The god said.

***host has gain the blessings of Honesty ***

"No nothing like that . I was thinking that I'm naked right now and could use some clothes or something like the sort." I said honestly.

"Crap another god just had to add another blessing! At least they aren't giving you any of their divinities." The god said.

"They can do that?" I asked perplexed.

"Yes, we can child," said another voice.

"Are you another god?" I asked.

"Yes, I am." Said the voice.

" Okay." I say.

"I could give you my divinity," said the second god.

"Don't you dare!" The first god says.

"Well she's going to that flawed world because of you. Don't you feel horrible for sending her there?" Asked the other god who sounds more like a goddess than a god.

"Goodness goddess of honesty can you please not give her anything more we have almost exceeded what we can give her while she is still a soul." The god said.

"Oh god of Chaos your system is just as flawed as the world you are sending her to." Goddess of honesty said.

***host has gained the divinity of the comedic god***

"Can souls get headaches?" I ask.

(Giggles start from the goddess of honesty)

"Oh god of comedy what have you done?" The god of chaos said.

" gave her something that will help her get through in the world of chaos since that place isn't very funny or fun. I thought that I'd liven it up." Comedy says.

I thing of status again to see what it says now.


Name… ...… ...?

Age… …..

MP.: Infinite

Hp.: Classified

Luck.: 100%


Chaos magic

Fire ball



Shape shifting

Armored Skin







God of Chaos's blessing

Goddess of (<3) blessing < p>

God of *&$#)(* blessing

God of #$@&/#%* blessing

God of #$@ blessing

God of &$#@*+-= blessing

God of &#*" blessing

Goddess of honesty blessing


Divinity of the comedic god

System points: 100

"Wow now I feel more confident about going to the Chaos World," I said.

"Really?" The god of Chaos asked.

"Yeah." I say honestly.

"Well I guess we should escort her to the portal to her new world." Said the goddess of honesty.

"Yay! It'll be fun I just know it! You'll see." Said the god of comedy.

"Thanks everyone." I say honestly.

We reach the portal a short while later. I am nervous and excited about my new life. Next thing I know I'm in the dark again but instead of not feeling anything I am warm and hear a sloshing sound. I started to think about what I am now experiencing.

Why am I in the dark again? What is this warm feeling? Where am I? Where is that sound coming from? Just what is going on? I noticed that I can't open or close my eyes yet. Really am I still dead? Nope if I was dead I wouldn't hear or feel.

I will add the other gods and goddesses names later on in the story. for now this is only the beginning.

Drake_Willowcreators' thoughts
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