
Transforming Beauty

Beauty Smith, an ordinary and directionless college girl with a poor fashion sense, often found herself targeted by school bullies. However, her life took a significant turn when she befriended the campus heartthrobs, Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Anderson. Initially paired with Nicholas, their differences became apparent — Nicholas prioritized his grades while Beauty lacked concern for her academic performance. Determined to help her improve for the sake of his grades too, Nicholas helped unleash Beauty's inner potential. But as Beauty became closer to Nicholas and Thomas, malicious rumors began circulating, turning her college life into a living hell. Will these rumors ruin the friendship she built with Nicholas and Thomas?

roseescribbles · Teen
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34 Chs

Chapter Six

Today, I am not with Tom and NJ. They're currently at basketball practice that's why I am alone which was fine by me. I'm not denying the fact that I was pretty lonely being alone and kind of missing them. They're always with me everyday after all so why wouldn't I miss them?

I let out a deep sigh at the thought of that

"Woah, that's one deep sigh" a voice told me. I looked up just to see a black haired girl who was smiling at me. I never expected that she'd talk to me one time. I don't know what to feel.

"Mackenzie Scott from Class-B" I stated. "Um, anything I can do for you?" I asked. She sat down on the opposite side of the table I am occupying and stared at me.

Scott is a member of cheer leading too. She's pretty good and was known as Camille's greatest rival

But Scott has never beat Camille in cheerleading. Among Camille and Scott, I actually like Camille better. Camille is a nice girl and Scott was known as not-so-good-girl but I could tell that she's not bad because she once stood up for me when I was getting bullied by three girls.

But still . . . for Scott to approach me all of a sudden . . . I wonder what she needs?

"What? Can't I sit with you?" She said and I didn't answer. She's not alone. She's with her best friend, Fiona Colline who was by the way annoyed at me because she hated the way I dress up. Some people sure are weird. Jeez,

"Why are you bothering sitting with that weird girl?" Colline said with her hand on her hips. Seems like she was really annoyed at me. Colline was standing beside Scott.

"Come on, Fiona! Don't be like that! I don't think it's bad to sit with her once in a while." She said then looked at me. Well, this is really weird but I just shrugged it off. Colline was about to answer when I heard another voice calling my attention.


I looked over my shoulder just to see a running Camille towards my way who was smiling. She wasn't in her cheerleading uniform. She was wearing her P.E uniform and was sweating so I'm guessing that their P.E has just ended. Then, she did something unexpected.

Suddenly, she hugged me and I really didn't expect it. Then after a while, she pulled and smiled at me.

"W-why did you hug me?" I asked, really surprised.

She began playing with her hair and said, "Why not? We're friends!"

Since when did we become friends?

"If I know, you're just planning on using her so that you could get Nicholas." I turned my gaze at Scott and saw that she was glaring at Camille.

Camille likes Nicholas? I didn't know about that.

"My, my, if it wasn't Scott and her little minion." Camille started with her arms folded together. "I'm not using Smith, y'know? And I can get Nicholas without asking for someone's help."

Woah, she really did like NJ.

"Oh, but you tried to flirt with him but until now, he still doesn't look in your way." Scott said, smirking. Camille glared at her because of what Scott said. But then, smirked and revealed new information.

"Look who's talking. You tried flirting with Tom too many times but failed, right? Oh, wait. Are you trying to befriend Smith so that you could get Tom? What a horrible person! Such a user!" Camille accused. I let out a deep sigh.

I don't know what their true intentions are. Why are they trying to befriend me? At first, I was thinking that both of them will use me in the future or something like that. But I am not the girl who accuses something g or someone without proof so in the end, I just decided to ignore them. Getting on my feet, I silently made my way and since they were busy bickering, they didn't notice me slipping away.

Well, I think Colline saw me but just ignored me.

These two cheerleaders sure are really crazy. So, they like my two guy friends huh? I really didn't expect that. I mean, I thought Camille and Brent are dating -- or at least used to. Maybe Brent spent too much time in the library than spending time with her best friend.

But I remembered Scott saying that Camille tried to flirt with Nicholas many times so now, I'm confused.

I have three theories though.

First: Camille and Brent dating was just a rumor.


Second: Camille tried dating Brent but the guy Camille really liked was Nicholas or something like that.

Third: maybe Brent spent too much reading in the library than spending time with Camille so she just ended it. Their relationship, I mean.

Brent Cunner.

Or also known as "LIBRARY BOY" because he was always seen at the library, reading books. He has eyeglasses but suits him really well. He's pretty good looking too but well, he's kind of a nerd. And no one expected that a popular head cheerleader would date a nerd like Brent.

Dating sure is really something.

Speaking of him, he's now approaching me. I went to the library instead, by the way after leaving the canteen where I left those two well-known girls bickering like crazy.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he spoke. "Um, can I sit here?" He asked.

"Why don't you sit at another table?" I asked. When I realized that it sounded like I didn't want to sit with him, I quickly continued speaking. "D-don't get me wrong! It's not like I don't want to share tables with you or anything. I was just wondering . . . "

But he didn't really answer my question. Instead, he answered, "So, is that a yes or no?" Then smiled at me.

"I- um, yes. Y-you can sit here" I said in almost a whisper.

"Thanks" he answered and settled the books he's going to read on the table and sat down.

"Woah, you sure love to read, don't you?" I said, surprised.

"Yeah. Reading's my passion" he answered and began flipping one of the books he has.

"Oh, I see . . ." I responded and continued playing with my cellphone.

Yep, that's what I only did by the time I entered this library. Don't expect me to read or write. Those two were the very least things I wanted to do.

I thought he's not going to talk to me anymore but I was wrong.

"Why are you not reading?" He asked, her eyes were still glued on the pages of the book he was reading.

"I really don't like reading." I answered.

"Then why are you here if you're not going to read?"he asked.

" Well, it's quiet and peaceful here that's why I think this is the perfect place to hang out if you want silence." I said, fiddling with my phone.

"At least try to pretend that you're reading if you don't want to read or else, you'll get kicked out by our grumpy librarian." He suggested.

"Don't worry. I could deal with her" I said and he sighed.

"You're kind of weird."

"I've been told by many people. Mostly, NJ" I said.

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "NJ?"

"I-i mean, Nicholas Johnson!" I said and let out a forceful laugh.

"Say, what's your relationship with him? Nicholas Johnson, I mean" he asked.

"Eh?" I blinked, not expecting that he'd ask that.

"Are you two dating?" He asked curiously.

I chuckled and said"No we're not, silly!"

Me? NJ? Dating? What a joke! "But the rumor said . . ."

"You believe in those rumors? It's not true. I'm not dating anyone at the moment." I admitted.

Then, he got back to his book and didn't speak anymore.

I crossed my arms on the table and buried my face in my arms and began sleeping. I've got nothing to do so I just decided to sleep. If the librarian gets mad, then so be it. I'm used to that grumpy librarian getting mad at me. To be honest, I always go to the library when I'm bored in class and sleep. That's why our librarian already caught me sleeping many times before.

Not like I really care, y'know?

* * *

As I opened my eyes, the first sight I saw was a glaring librarian with her hands on her hips. Boy, she looked so angry. Probably because once again, I slept in her beloved library.

"Beauty Smith, how many times do I have to tell you that this place is not a place for sleeping?! This is a place for knowledge!" She began. Oh dear, here's her nagging again. And what "place for knowledge" she was saying?

"This place is created for reading books! Making assignments! Gaining new knowledge through the magic of books!" She continued and I groaned.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Jeez, this old lady was pretty annoying. She kept on nagging but I didn't listen. Wait . . . where's Brent, anyway? Ugh, it seems like he left me behind.

"MS. SMITH ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!!" she yelled and I covered my ears using my two hands.

"Yes, yes I am" I lied. Why would I listen to her annoying nagging?

After a few hours of lecture, she finally let me go. I let out a heavy sigh while walking in the hallway.

"DORK!!!" I heard someone calling. Only one person calls me 'Dork'. I turned over my shoulder and I was right. It was NJ, running towards my direction. He was full of sweat and was tired as if he'd been running for hours. I stopped walking and faced him.

"I've been looking all over for you! Where have you been?" He asked, catching his breath.

"I'm in the library with Brent. I slept but when I woke up, he's gone" I said. Wait -- why did I even tell him?

"Brent? Why are you with him?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"He asked if he could sit with me and I agreed," said.

To my surprise, he grabbed my shoulder and looked at my eyes. "Avoid him."

"Why would I? He's a good guy, y'know?"I said, wondering why I would avoid him and why should I do what he wants?

" I'm telling you! He's not a good person! Just . . . just avoid him, alright?" He said. He didn't let me speak. He let go of me and held my hand which caught me in surprise.

"Let's go home" he said and pulled me with him.

"Why would I go with you?" I asked and pulled my hand away from him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'll take you home"