
Transforming Beauty

Beauty Smith, an ordinary and directionless college girl with a poor fashion sense, often found herself targeted by school bullies. However, her life took a significant turn when she befriended the campus heartthrobs, Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Anderson. Initially paired with Nicholas, their differences became apparent — Nicholas prioritized his grades while Beauty lacked concern for her academic performance. Determined to help her improve for the sake of his grades too, Nicholas helped unleash Beauty's inner potential. But as Beauty became closer to Nicholas and Thomas, malicious rumors began circulating, turning her college life into a living hell. Will these rumors ruin the friendship she built with Nicholas and Thomas?

roseescribbles · Teen
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34 Chs

Chapter Seven

I've always believed that weirdos and no-goods like me are the only people who are hated by society.

Even popular people get hate, I know. I'm stupid but not that too stupid to not know that even famous people get haters too.

Audrey Ford was her name. She's pretty popular too. In fact, she's more popular than Camille. That's why I'm surprised after finding out that she has many haters.

Never in my life have I thought that she'll sit with me one day in the school's garden where I hang out whenever I feel like being alone and whenever I am trying to hide from NJ and Tom.

"Hi, can I sit beside you?" She asked, smiling at me weakly. At first, I didn't speak because of shock. I mean, who would have thought? Who would have thought that she'd talk to me one day? And she's the person I idolize and admire the most! Audrey is a nice girl. Not to mention, talented, smart and pretty too. When I realized that I was staring at her, I snapped.

"O-oh, sorry. And sure . . . you may sit down next to me." I answered shyly.

She said "Thanks" and sat down. She looked up at the sky, watching the birds flocked in a "v" shape flying in the sky while I kept on stealing a glance at her pretty face. We remained silent for a while but the silence broke when she spoke.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked and looked at me with a confused look. "I mean, you keep on looking at me."

"O-oh! S-sorry! I didn't mean to . . . I-I mean . . ." gosh, I couldn't speak and engage in a conversation properly. She chuckled and shook her head, making my cheeks turn red in embarrassment.

"I-it's just that . . . I couldn't . . . I really couldn't talk to other people without stammering." I admitted, looking down at the floor.

"Really?" She responded. "But how come you can talk straight whenever you're talking to Nico?" she asked. I looked at her and saw her smirking at me with a meaningful look on her face. She probably heard those false rumors about us.

I heaved a sigh and said, "A-At first, it was hard for me too but since he's always sticking with me for some unknown reason, I got used to it and was able to talk to him properly."

"Oh, I see . . . by the way, I'm Audrey. Audrey Ford" she introduced, stretching her hands towards me for a shake hand.

Wow. Just wow. My idol wanted to shake hands with me? I couldn't believe it!

"I-I'm Beauty. Beauty Smith" I introduced, taking her soft hand for a friendly handshake.

Never have I thought that I'll shake Ford's hand. I'm so happy right now! I've always thought that popular ones won't ever talk to unpopular people.

Heh, what am I saying?

I forgot that I have two popular companions.

Yep, companions.

'Companion' is what I call them but well, they call themselves my friends.

Are we friends?

I don't really know. Well, maybe.

Ford and I chatted about random stuff and after a while, we decided to go to our respective classes. We don't have the same class because our classroom is only next to one another so we decided to walk together. Before heading to class, we went to the girls' locker room to get our stuff for our class and to my surprise, our lockers are also next to each other.

"Seems like we're meant to be huh?" She joked and I chuckled since I don't know how to react to jokes. Also, it's really not funny to be honest.

As she opened her locker, dirty stuff fell out which surprised us. I saw her smile fade away and was replaced by a sad face. She doesn't look mad. She only looked lonely. Heaving a deep sigh, she picked up the dirty stuff and I helped her.

"Thanks" she said and I only smiled at her. We picked up the dirty stuff in silence and after gathering them all, we stood up.

Then I saw words written inside her locker. It was painted and the words written were horrible. I've gotten so many insults before meeting NJ and Tom. But these words . . . These words are much worse than my insults and names.



Gold digger


Fame freak




and WORST,

F*cking whore

I stared at those written insults in shock. I couldn't believe I'm seeing these insults in a popular girl's locker.

I snapped when she spoke.

"Sorry if you had to see this." I looked at her and pointed in her locker.

"W-what are these? I-I mean . . . is this really . . ."

Nodding, she flashed a forced smile. "Yep, those are thrown directly to me."

"You're kidding" I said. I wanted to ask more about her haters but then, I remembered that we're not close. I suddenly remembered that she's a star and I'm only a soil so I decided to remain silent instead. Besides, It's none of my business, right? So why would I ask? I just helped her to clean her locker and after that, we headed to our classrooms.

And that, my friend, is the reason why I said that only unpopular people were hated by society.

Well, nobody's perfect.

* * *

NJ and I are currently in the Disciplinary Office and it was because of him. To be honest, I have never been in the Disciplinary Office before. This is the first time that's why I was so pissed off and worst, our Guidance Counselor is so scary.

Last year, a classmate of mine was thrown at the Disciplinary Office too. His punishment was pretty scary. He sat in the middle of the school ground and there, our guidance counselor asked the other students to throw insults at him and because my schoolmates are so kind like angels, -- note the sarcasm, by the way --- they did what they were told to do.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen! They insulted him like crazy and his so-called-friends didn't even try to help him. Instead, they joined the other people who insulted him. Not only that! His "friends" even revealed a secret of his.

That is why I really don't like telling my secrets and trusting other people. Giving trust is so hard to do.

So now, I was feeling kind of nervous because our guidance counselor might do the same to us.

Oh, you might be wondering how in the world we got thrown in the disciplinary office.

You see, earlier at class, I felt really, really sleepy so I decided to sleep. I didn't understand anything and the class was boring anyway.

I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes, getting ready to drift off to my dreamland when I felt my chair shake.

"Hey! Wake up! Don't sleep!" I heard a loud whisper. I turned my gaze at him and threw him a glare.

"Shut up! I'm sleepy and mind your own business!" I growled and buried my head on my arms that were placed on the desk. Again, I felt my chair move and I already knew who's shaking my chair.

"Pst! Hey! Wake up! Listen to what our teacher was teaching us!"


"Hey! Wake up! Don't you want to learn?"

Ignore. Sleep.

"Pst! Hey! Hey!"

Ignore. Sleep.

He didn't stop. Ugh, this guy doesn't know how to give up. I raised my head to glare at him when he kicked my chair HARD that I fell down.

Obviously, we caught everyone's attention and I swear, our professor wasn't really happy about it. Worst of all, our professor thought that I was the one who started! Of course, I defended myself but in the end, he didn't believe me.

He said that I'm influencing Johnson and will drag him down. He said that I was trying to drag him down because I was jealous of his high ranking.


Pft. As if I care! I know that defending myself won't do any good so I just kept my mouth shut. To my surprise, NJ defended me. I am actually not the only one who was surprised. Even my other classmates were surprised at what he did.

For a moment, I stared at him in shock. I don't need him to defend me, y'know?

"Jeez sir, stop being so grumpy. That's why you can't get a girlfriend until now." He said and chuckled. "You're getting bald and you still don't have a girlfriend. What more if you become bald?"

That's when our professor lost it.

And that is how we've gotten into this trouble.

Because I'm so pissed off, I gave him a silent treatment even though he's trying to talk to me.