
Transformers adoption

(Revised and Edited) This is a fanfic about the transformers and what they would do if they adopted you. (Disclaimer) I do not own transformers nor will I ever own transformers, I only own the characters that I create.

Catalina_Stanford · Movies
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13 Chs

Troubled Waters

After a long nap, Avery woke up and saw that Optimus wasn't in the room, she started to cry thinking Dad wasn't going to come back for her. "Optimus Prime POV" I was outside talking to Ratchet about dealing with Galloway and the stunt he tried to pull earlier with my daughter; I heard crying come from inside the room where Avery was still sleeping. I walked in to see her wide awake and sobbing, I immediately rushed over to where she was and gently scooped the child up in my hands. Shhh baby girl I'm here, Daddy's got you now. After rocking Avery back and forth, She finally calmed down enough to speak. "Avery's POV" I had a nightmare that I was kidnapped by the man that tried to take me from you earlier. Please don't let them take me away. I want to stay here with you and the others. "Optimus POV" As long as I'm alive I won't let anybody take you from me and if they try they'll have to go through me. How about we both go outside for some fresh air and maybe go visit Ratchet. "Avery's POV" After we left the room Dad took me to go see Ratchet."Ratchet's POV" As I was getting ready for Avery's check-up, I heard knocking on the door, I quickly opened the door to find Optimus standing there with Avery in his hands. You're right on time; just set her down on the table for right now and then we can get started. "Avery's POV" Dad what's going on, What are those pointy looking objects" As Ratchet came back over to where I was laying down, He swiftly flipped me over onto my stomach."Ratchet's POV" Optimus I'm going to need you to hold her still for this; it is going to be very uncomfortable for her. She is going to squirm, but it'll be a few seconds then it's over. "Optimus POV" As soon as the first needle was slipped underneath her skin, Avery started crying and tried to pull away from my grip, Shhh Baby it's almost done you're doing great. Just two more shots then I'll take you somewhere special. "Ratchet's POV" As I finally injected Avery with the last needle, Optimus picked the poor girl up and gave her a lollipop for being brave during her immunizations."Avery's POV" As I sat on the table recovering from the shots, I felt someone pick me up and walk off with me. As the unknown figure carried me outside Ratchets lab, I tried to get a better look at who was holding me. When I turned my head back around, I saw two very pretty looking femmes staring back at me... DUN DUN DUNN!!