
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

27 Elves

The war of the forces of chaos and the keepers of natural order. It was such a devastating war that in order to expel the forces of chaos to their own realm the dragons and the world tree sacrificed themselves.

Due to the pact the dragons made with the world tree, who is sort of an 'envoy' of the world. The world tree is connected to the earth and can communicate with her.

The pact stated that the Ent tree that was closest to breaking through to becoming a world tree would definitely become one. This newborn world tree had the sole purpose of keeping the natural order, taking over the duty of the previous world tree and becoming the next 'envoy' of the world.

The power of the Royal dragons, the Great dragons and world tree's sacrifice was so great that after expelling the forces of chaos back to their realm and sealing it. The leftover power was seized by the world, she thought it was a pity that the power of dragons would just cease to exist.

So, she spawned a lesser being using the left-over power of the dragons and world tree. These beings being the elves. Born from the Great dragons, Royal dragons and the world tree.

The elves took it onto themselves to take over the gap that the Royal dragons and the Great dragons left. Keeping the natural order.

The elves were not born all the same though. Because the Dragons all had different specialties, the elves also had that.

The Dragon king, he had the power to command all the elements. He was dignified and exuded a natural royal aura, the natural ability to rule. The entity god of elves also has this ability, transferred from the Dragon king. With all the elements. Meaning wood, water, ice, fire, earth, metal, lightning, air, light and darkness.

The children of the Dragon king all awakened powers different to their father.

The eldest child of the Dragon king had the power of space. He would be the definition of dignified and being a scholar if it was compared to the world of now. He was the only star dragon to exist.

His power was transferred to one of the royal elves' bloodline. This bloodline is now known as the Silivren royal bloodline.

The second born. A natural fighter, his power was to nullify any elemental attack. The only crystal dragon to exist. His fighting spirit was transferred to the Dusk royal family of the elves.

The power of nullifying elemental attacks mutated into the ability to comprehend any type of weapon at astonishing speeds. The nullifying became comprehension, the fighting spirit took a liking to weapons thus creating a frightening comprehension towards weapons.

The two youngest were twin dragons. The one wielded Ying the other Yin. The only sun and moon dragons respectively to exist. The power of Ying was transferred to the Arivae royal family while the power of Yin was transferred to the Lharast royal family.

These royal families; Silivren, Dusk, Arivae and Lharast. Are the only bloodlines that have the possibility of having the next Elven/Dragon king.

The royal family are the top power in the power structure of the elves. They have the great families under them, who rule the 'regular elves'.

The great families are a total of six. Each rule a certain race of the elves.

Just like the royal dragons, the great dragons' power got transferred to these six great families of the elves.

The great families are as followed. The Ora, Vonalu, Uskeche, Erekrauta, Driizair and Morivae.

The Ora, who have inherited the power of the Wood dragon, having the power of the wood element. Rule the wood elves.

The Vonalu, who have inherited the power of the Blizzard dragon, having the power of the water and ice element. Rule the frost elves and aquatic elves.

The Uskeche, who have inherited the power of the Fire dragon, having the power of the fire element. Rule the fire elves.

The Erekrauta, who have inherited the power of the Earth dragon, having the power of the metal and earth element. Rule the earth and metal elves.

The Driizair, who have inherited the power of the Storm dragon, having the power of the air and lightning element. Rule the air and lightning elves.

As last you have the Morivae great family, who have inherited the power of the Morivae dragon (Mor meaning Darkness and Ivae meaning Light), having the power of the light and darkness element. Rule the light elves and dark elves.

The land the elves inhabit would best be described as a donut being eaten from, plus a big island in the middle. Starting from the middle island. This is where the royal family reside, in the capital that is also located on the island. The world tree is also located on the island.

The most western point of the island is closest to the mainland. A bridge connects the island to the mainland. To the north, east and south is a vast sea. The east being the furthest to the next patch of land.

The western part of the donut where the island is connected has a lot of lakes and protrusions of land.

To the south of the western part, so the southwestern according to the islands position. Is a land of snow and little islands.

You have to imagine the that south of the island in the middle, a bite is taken from the donut. Then inside this gab is an island.

Then to the southeastern part of the donut is also a land of snow. To the north of this is a 'normal' piece of land, then to the north of that, there is a swamp piece of land with dead trees.

Then to the north of the island there is a scorched earth, filled with cracks filled with lava. To the northwest there is a dessert and mountains.

In order to keep the natural order, the elves are in a continues war against the forces of chaos that come through little crevices of the seal.


On the island inside the capital and the palace of the current king. There sat Ben in a luxurious room on his bed. Crossed legged. Going through all the information that he has stuffed inside his head the past few days.

Ben also gotten a lot of information about cultivation. He also talked a lot with his entities before he couldn't anymore. From them he found out because of his special circumstances he couldn't cultivate like everyone else.

The heavens of this world didn't support his existence. In the eyes of the heavens, he is an anomaly that shouldn't be there at this moment in time.

But why was he allowed to be here then? It is because of a mistake the heavens made. Can the heavens even make mistakes? Yes, because the heavens are in a difficult situation right now. Earth being closed off, eliminating the seals of billions of organisms at the same time and different heavens interfering with each other.

No one knew this but the heavens of the home realm of Ben and that of the Elves and some few others are merging. The reason? No one knows.