
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

26 Agreement

The next morning in General Drakes office. General Drake was sitting behind his desk doing his regular paperwork. About 10 minutes before Jane would have to come to his office for the people of the HQ. A Knock came from General Drake's office door. "Come in!"

Four individuals stepped inside. A man, around 30 years old, in a business suit and a demeanor of somebody with power came inside. Accompanied with a man with the highest-ranking General status attire. When General Drake saw this he immediately stood up and saluted. "At rest general Drake. We are the people that will speak with Corporal Gabriel. The HQ had notified you yesterday."

General Drake came out the salute and nodded. "Yes, sir! I got the message. I notified Corporal Gabriel right after I got the message. Sir!" General Drake told him. "That's good. It will mean she will be here in about ten minutes, no?" "Yes. That should be the case." The man with the highest-ranking General attire nodded.

General Drake's gaze went passed the man and saw two teenagers behind the two. He cast a questioning gaze towards the two adults. "Don't ask. We don't want to explain twice." The man in the business suit said and gestured with his hands for general Drake to sit down.

"We haven't introduced yet, I am Dios Damare. As you can see, I am a businessman." The man with the suit said. "This here is head general Olsen. The two behind us we will introduce later." Dios continued. "Just to be sure General Drake. How old are you?" Dios asked.

"I am currently 32 years old Mr. Damare. Why do you ask?" General Drake says. Dios didn't answer but turned to look at the girl. The girl nods to Dios. A big smile breaks out onto the face of Dios.

"Amazing, that way they don't have to separate."

General Drake face scrunches up in a questioning manner. "What do you mea-" General Drake is cut off by a loud knock on the door.

"Ah! That should be Jane. Come in!" Dios says.

Jane who is standing on the other side of the door hears an unfamiliar voice coming from General Drake's office. 'Should be the person that wants to talk to me.' She thinks while opening the door.

Dios's eyes sparkle upon seeing her this close. "Corporal Gabriel, could you be so kind and take a seat." General Olsen with a deadpan face half asks half commands Jane.

Jane saw that this man holds the rank of head general. "Yes, sir!" She walked to a vacant seat. Sits down and sits patiently.

Five minutes later somebody else enters the office. An Asian looking woman, she had black hair that ended in blue. Sharp facial features and dark eyes, but if you looked deep in her eyes you could see traces of yellow. She was not that tall, a head shorter than Jane.

Jane recognized this woman as the woman she fought yesterday. This woman is Kairy Gushiken. "Sit down, Kairy." Dios says to her. Kairy looked around the office and bowed and took a seat.

"Now that everyone is here. We can start. I am Dios Damare and this is head general Olsen. We are part of a project called: 'New gen'. The whole world supports this project. We have visited a lot of military bases already to scout for promising talents.

When we found a talent, we will ask them if they want part in this project. In one of our earliest visits to one of the military bases we found this couple." Dios says while referring to the couple next to them.

"Because of them our job to scout for talents became much easier. This is related to their powers. They are Cara and Dave. Both have special eyes, Cara has the 'Eyes of Truth' and Dave has the 'Eyes of Deception'. It's funny really, they are soul mates too."

A scoff comes from General Olsen. Dios looks over and scratches the back of his head embarrassingly. "Ah, it seems I sidetracked."

"Back to the project. New gen is a project set up by most of the rich people. It was an idea even before the Dark Change happened. The idea was that when the whole of humanity was threatened and the whole of humanity needed to work together against a common foe. A group of specially trained warriors would be the forefront of humanity.

This group would be the epitome of humans and there were even ideas of bio engineering humans to their full potential. That was off course denied. But with the Dark Change humans can now cultivate. And this project is again in the air. That is why we are here. We are looking for the most talented and skilled people to nurture and be the forefront of humanity.

The benefits you guys get are enormous. Right now you are all just cultivating according to your entities. But if you join us, we will share all legacy worlds that we discovered with you. Resources would be given to you in large quantities.

Everything will be arranged for you.

So, what do you guys say?"

"They are all going to deny, Dios." A melodious voice rings throughout the room.

Dios turns to the girl and the boy who had their eyes closed still. "What do you mean?"

"All three don't have any intentions to join the project." While saying this she turns to the three, Jane, Kairy and General Drake. "It is best if you guys explain. With my eyes I only can see your intentions."

Jane, Kairy and General Drake were astonished. Overcoming the astonishment General Drake answered first. "I do have no intention to join. Jane and I have the same reason to not join the project. I don't know the reason of Corporal Gushiken."

Kairy with a determent look in her eyes says. "She is right that I don't want to join. The reason is because my little brother is missing and I am going to find him."

Jane and General Drake look at each other and nod. "For me it is the same. My brother is missing and I am also going to search for him." Jane says. "My little sister is missing and because I am bound by the military, I made a pact that I would nurture her and that she would look for my sister."

When this was said Dios looked to General Olsen. General Olsen shrugged his shoulders. Dios turned to the couple. 'All three have amazing potential. My eyes are exhausted after reading for even a brief moment to determine their intention to join or not.' The voice of the girl was heard by Dios inside his head through qi lines.

'Your eyes can't lie. So, it must be true.' Dios answered back through qi lines.

'Qi lines' a simple technique. Sending qi towards someone with your words or intentions hidden within.

Suddenly the boy next to the girl sits up straight and turns his head to the girl. Both open their eyes at the same time. A fierce black and white light engulfs the room. When the light recedes, the couple had their eyes closed again.

"Bargain." A deep voice comes from the boy. Dios' eyes widen. He turns so fast towards the three that you would think he strained his neck. "Would you agree if we come to an agreement to letting you all go and search for your family?"