
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs



Black Widow discovered a secret passage and rushed in alone to hunt down the remaining enemies. Hill and Sharon began destroying the data, which was actually an action of copying before destroying.

Daisy pulled the old doctor out of the laboratory building. The old doctor had participated in World War II, bombed German tanks, and was a superhero of the same era as Captain America. Unlike the unfortunate pair of Captain America and Peggy Carter, he had been influenced by Pym Particles for years, maintaining excellent physical condition. He could run and jump, looking nothing like an eighty-year-old, easily keeping up with Daisy's speed.

Suddenly, a strange frequency appeared on her left side. The opponent was fast, and she quickly stopped the old doctor. "Stop... God! What is this thing?"

Before she could carefully identify it, a giant, over ten meters tall, accompanied by thunderous footsteps, walked up to them.

The giant wore a common white coat, suit, and tie, and had a wristwatch. However, both the clothes and the body were enlarged more than ten times.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the head.

Dr. Egghead was indeed well-known; this person's head was pear-shaped with a narrow top and a wide bottom, no hair on the top, wearing round glasses. On the pear-shaped head, there was also a translucent helmet. At this moment, his face was full of hostility, and his eyes stayed on Dr. Pym.

Seeing the enemy's appearance, Daisy couldn't help but take a step back.

Though both were enlarged, Dr. Egghead seemed much more formidable than those giant insects.

Pym Particles had the ability to enlarge, and the second-generation Ant-Man used this move to single-handedly battle Iron Man, War Machine, Spider-Man, Vision, and Black Panther, which was incredibly fierce.

However, compared to the current Dr. Egghead, the second-generation Ant-Man's enlargement technique seemed more mature technically. In Daisy's memory, there was even a scene of Dr. Pym himself growing to the limit and standing side by side and talking with one of the five cosmic gods, Eternity.

In any case, Pym Particles were undoubtedly Marvel's black technology.

The guy in front of her, from height, weight, and mental state analysis, was probably a preliminary version.

Although the version number was relatively low, saying that ten meters weren't tall, the terrifying oppressive feeling would be experienced when standing in front of it – a huge figure that could easily crush her with one step.

Daisy felt like she might not be able to defeat this enemy.

Turning her head, she considered asking the old doctor if he could also grow larger, let the two play the game of getting bigger.

However, seeing the old doctor standing there with empty hands, seemingly ready to run, she had to pull out her revolver, ready for a direct confrontation.

Also hurriedly call out her teammates, there is a boss here!

Ten meters is not tall on paper, in reality, it was the height of a three-story building. Daisy had to tilt her head back to see the face of the opponent. Unlike dealing with those monstrous insects, Dr. Egghead was, after all, a doctor, not stupid, and many of her tactics might not work. The opponent spoke in a thunderous voice, but unfortunately, it was Hungarian, and Daisy didn't understand a word.

Seeing Comrade Old Pym standing with hands on hips, looking righteous and ready to scold each other, Daisy was startled. It seemed that Dr. Egghead had been educated by Dr. Pym many times before and didn't waste time on nonsense. A foot over a meter long came down toward him.

Daisy hurriedly accelerated, grabbing Old Pym's arm and running.

Running while looking back, she aimed her gun at Dr. Egghead's large head and fired a shot.

With a loud 'bang', a Magnum bullet shot out of the barrel, whistling toward Dr. Egghead.

Dr. Egghead, being a researcher himself, even if a villain, adhered to certain principles.

His reaction time was far below average, and now, with the prototype version of the giantization ability, his neural reflex speed had been greatly extended.

Just as the bullet was about to hit, his head automatically tilted slightly, but it was too late. The shining bald head took a solid hit.

Unlike the lower versions of giant insects, Dr. Egghead had reserved more powerful technology for himself. The Magnum bullet only pierced the epidermis, stopped by the fat layer, causing some blood to appear, but it didn't inflict much damage.

"What the fuck is the principle of this?!" Daisy asked as she ran. Back when she watched the movies, she found Ant-Man's ability to change size unreasonable. If the size changed, shouldn't the mass remain the same? Yet, he could ride ants around without crushing them.

Enlarging was even more absurd; could strength increase proportionally? Grabbing War Machine and tossing him around like a toy – where was the basic logic of physics in all this?

Now, seeing Dr. Egghead grow larger was much more convincing. His bones, weight, muscle strength, and various other factors were all enlarged. Where was the conservation of mass? These increased parts seemed to appear out of thin air!

Seeing Dr. Pym staying silent, she asked again.

The other party curiously glanced at her. Even in a life-or-death situation, she still had such a strong desire for knowledge? The quality of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents nowadays is quite impressive.

Comrade Old Pym was only a few years younger than Sharon's aunt, Mrs. Peggy Carter, but the old lady was already lying in bed waiting to die, while he could still leap around, following Daisy in their mad dash.

To say that there was no physical reinforcement by the Pym Particles, Daisy didn't believe it.

Comrade Pym seemed not entirely familiar with many of the data related to giant size, as he occasionally looked back to observe.

"This transformation is not perfect; my experimental data should be higher than the current performance," he said thoughtfully.

Daisy suddenly pushed him, sending the old man sprawling into the mud. A massive rock landed right where he had been standing a moment ago.

Running away was no longer an option; the opponent covered several meters in a single step. Seemingly thinking they were too short, Dr. Egghead pulled out a large tree whose name Daisy couldn't name and swept it over them like a broom, occasionally grabbing rocks from the ground and hurling them.

Support was slow to arrive, and even if they did, Daisy doubted it would be of much help. She had to figure out a way herself.

With her pistol at her back, Daisy prepared to engage with her powers. She had her excuse ready, that is, "Chinese Kung Fu!"

"Doctor, with this enlargement, does the body density also increase?" she asked.

"Of course, density, mass, and volume all increase," replied Dr. Pym, unaware of her capabilities. Seeing that she was about to confront the enemy head-on, he quickly grabbed her, "Little girl, let's split up."

The old man had a kind heart, and splitting up would likely result in him being caught and killed on the spot.

Daisy mentally calculated that she wasn't entirely powerless in a fight. Rejecting the old man's kindness, she instructed him to run and then charged towards Dr. Egghead like a martyr.

With rapid footsteps and two consecutive accelerations, she arrived at Dr. Egghead's feet. Assessing the height, she considered going for the knees using her jumping ability, but being in the air was not as agile as being on the ground, so she just decided to go for the ankles instead!


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