
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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218 Chs

Adamantium Alloy


Daisy closed her eyes and felt the mysteries within the amulet. Easterners might claim that it sealed a real tiger, but she felt it was more like the spiritual characteristics of the tiger's life, replicated within the amulet at a specific frequency.

Unfortunately, the amulet was lifeless, devoid of its own thoughts, only able to simulate a segment of the tiger's existence before replication.

Wearing the amulet, the strengthened power was comparable to her current level.

However, in terms of speed, it was far from impressive, as tigers were not known for their swiftness.

Similarly, endurance showed no improvement; Daisy estimated her own endurance might even surpass that of a tiger.

Unlike other street heroes, she didn't need attribute enhancements.

Instead, she was more interested in the various striking methods, running techniques, and muscle utilization associated with the amulet. When wearing it, these skills felt as if she had mastered them all along.

With short bursts of acceleration, changes in direction, overcoming obstacles, and utilizing unique running techniques, she could even run a distance on walls regardless of gravity.

The only ability the amulet bestowed upon her was intuition, the intuition of a wild beast.

Daisy's ability to foresee danger significantly increased. She speculated that it might be slightly inferior to the spider sense of the little Spider or the beast sense of Wolverine.

The remaining that is still helpful to her is the reaction power. The tiger's reaction speed is slightly faster than her own. This is somewhat helpful for avoiding bullets, sensing the surrounding vibration frequencies, and teleporting

After thorough research, she found no additional effects. In the final analysis, her strength surpassed street heroes, and her potential exceeded that of the White Tiger amulet.

She remembered that the White Tiger amulet still had some additional functions, but unfortunately, the compatibility between them was low. Whether in consciousness or thought, activating them felt awkward. Daisy wasn't ready to open up her mind and let the big tiger take residence, so the research ends here.

Daisy turned the tiger head and claws into a bracelet on her left wrist, disguising it as jewelry. She could use it anytime.

Generally speaking, the talisman is not bad. If she didn't need it in the future, she could give it to someone else. She thought Hill would be a good candidate; those light blue eyes of hers were like a tiger's, always staring straight on every time, making Daisy feel excited and scared...

Having seized someone else's opportunity, she felt no guilt. On the contrary, she believed she saved the fate of Hector's family. Not only he but also his niece and sister could now survive. Daisy felt she had done a good deed, and she wished them a happy return to Puerto Rico; the United States was too dangerous!

After the movie was released, it was now June 2007, and politicians started making noise, preparing for the upcoming elections next year.

Jurassic Park movies gained momentum worldwide. While some professionals had reservations, the collective silence in the expressions of major film company bosses hinted that details shouldn't be scrutinized too much.

For ordinary people, it was a source of joy. Everyone happily went to the theaters, and left with excitement, and this movie was considered a success.

The theaters didn't dare to withhold money from S.H.I.E.L.D. The profits from the first week's box office, according to the revenue-sharing agreement, were deposited into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s account in full.

Seeing an additional 50 million US dollars on their balance sheet, Fury couldn't believe that his casual investment six months ago would come back.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was an expert at spending money, and the massive expenses of S.H.I.E.L.D. were driving the members of the Security Council crazy. However, this time making money was a first. Nick Fury thought about calling Daisy; he wanted to ask her some questions.

Daisy was curious about this office that was air-conditioned year-round. It was her first time entering, and she couldn't help but look around.

Nick Fury still wore his long windbreaker, a black eyepatch covering his eye, and his shiny bald head seemed to conceal countless secrets.

"Your ability to handle things is good and the staffing arrangement is very reasonable, but I didn't expect you to have such insight," the big boss spoke first.

Hill had talked to her, and it seemed that Nick Fury had some disapproval of her movie. Daisy always thought he didn't like movies.

Being praised by the boss, she accepted it with a calm smile. Only fools would refuse, and the braised egg was also a human; basic humility was still necessary.

Tell them all about your intentions and hope that the superiors will do things according to your own plan, which is even more a kind of mental retardation.

Daisy didn't mention the impact of the movie on S.H.I.E.L.D., but said that she did very little, and it was all Phil Coulson's credit. Giving credit to the leader's cronies would make them feel that she knew when to advance and when to retreat.

Nick Fury remained silent, staring into the distance with his one eye, lost in thought.

Just when Daisy felt his bald head was covered in olive oil, the big boss finally spoke.

"Don't bother Sharon with inquiries about the adamantium alloy. I've contacted a seller for you."

Daisy felt it was normal for him to know, cautiously asking, "How much?"

Although she had scraped a fair amount of money from the film crew, she was still afraid she couldn't afford such cutting-edge alloy.

Nick Fury looked mysterious, saying, "You don't need to pay; S.H.I.E.L.D. will cover the expenses."

Daisy immediately sensed trouble. This couldn't be simple. Rolling her eyes, she said, "Another rescue mission, right? Forget it, I'll look for it slowly on the market."

"On the international market, you won't find it. The limited supply is in top laboratories of major countries. Even with your abilities, stealing it would take some effort," Nick Fury said casually, discussing theft as if it were just shopping, with no sense of legality.

Daisy estimated the difficulty of stealing it using her string teleportation and shook her head slightly, "Then S.H.I.E.L.D. always has stock, right?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. of course does, but you'll need to complete a mission for it."

Things circled back to square one.

Daisy finally understood Nick Fury's intentions. She decided to hear about the mission first, asking, "What mission? Am I the only one going?"

"Hill and others have their tasks. Your combat abilities are good, but the most crucial point... is that you're good at running away," Nick Fury's one eye looked at her.

"Agents aren't warriors; they don't need to face hundreds alone. In my era, there were countless elites stronger than me. But where are they now? Being able to escape in dangerous situations is the quality of an excellent agent. In that regard, you're stronger than Hill and Sharon," Nick Fury stated his unorthodox views.

Daisy tilted her head, listening to Nick Fury's twisted logic; her being greedy of life and afraid of death, in his words, had turned into being clever and decisive. However, the Braised Egg's words did make her feel pleased. The flattery was done quite artistically.

Not understanding why he compared her to Hill and Sharon, Daisy nodded and accepted the compliment.

"Do you know Professor X of the X-Men?"

Xavier, a big boss among mutants, had detailed information within S.H.I.E.L.D.

Daisy nodded, indicating that she knew.

"Wolverine is on his way to Japan, and a mutant with precognitive abilities informed Professor X that he is in danger. The professor sought our assistance, hoping we could assist Wolverine at a critical moment. Additionally, the adamantium alloy you need is also in Japan. I've contacted the head of the Yashida family, Yashida Shingen; he will provide you with the adamantium alloy," Nick Fury explained the mission.


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