

Updated every other day I don't proofread very well so it's likely that I'll miss some mistakes so feel free to correct me in the comments. SUMMARY One faithful night over 2 millennia ago the ascension of Christ opened a dimensional gash into the unknown. Frightened by it’s power the emperor instructed his priests to envelope the portal with the strongest wards they could muster, and formed a secret society dedicated to containing the otherworldly demons would rush from the portal on the darkest day of the year. But eventually the empire fell and with it the order and all knowledge of the rift. And so for the first time the mystery of the rift became preserved by the rubble. Half a century ago a certain anti-Semitic Reich in search of the occult unearthed the tomb. Causing the accumulated monsters to burst forth. The shear amount of demons was enough to ensure the annihilation of a large infantry platoon only to be once again sealed by several tons of concrete after 90 days of continual bombing. But still the Reich stationed soldiers-well aware of the potentially disastrous consequences that the rift could unleash. But eventually the remaining forces were recalled to defend the fatherland and the rift was forgotten once again until some time in the early 21 century. In the early 21st century physics experiments in detecting dark matter showed a strange and consistent discrepancy. Triangulating the errors a team of UN lead scientists managed to pinpoint the direction of the discrepancy at a certain mountain side near Rome. Soon the discovery of the Nazi research notes a new discipline was created. Metaphysical Affect Generation Interception and Control. Today dark matter is known as astral and the ones who study M.A.G.I.C are known as mages, and as the darkest day of the year approaches the rift once again grows restless. This is a story about a young boy in the future who transcends who he was and is to become someone that really exists.

Jotaro_Kujo · Urban
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6 Chs



The pure white room Linden was in vanished. The plain floor turned into vibrantly pattered platform, and the walls into a vast and misty forest that melted the edges of the square room away. Linden watched in amazement as he watched the playful chirping of birds that flew across the boundless sky above him and he took a moment to close his eyes listening to sounds of the forest.

Hearing a footstep on the mulchy ground Linden opened his eyes to see a doe approach him. He slowly reached out his hand only to stumble and trip on his own feet as his hand went through it's furry head.

Now sprawled on the floor Linden picked himself up as his assistant looked at him with concern a generic prompt appeared in front of him.

Would you like to change the default environment?

Linden stared at the hovering screen and burst out laughing tears streaked down his cheeks as he rocked back and forth on the ground.

Comparing his old VR headset with this was like comparing some third-rate online literature to War and Peace, how cruel could his aunt and uncle be to deny him this?

Soon his tears turned bitter as his laughter became hollow and his facial expression scrunched together fighting to hold back the new tears. Linden had vowed to never cry after he was seven.

'How could they deny me this? What did I do to deserve this? Why? Why? Why?!' Linden desperately thought.

'Is it because I'm a prig? Aunt Lilith said one could ever love a prig. Mabey I should kill myself, the world probably be a better place without a retarded prig in it anyways… I was always worthless, I could never get anything right not even getting my aunt and uncle to love me.


does no one love me?

In a room between reality and fiction Linden curled up into a ball and silently sobbed into his knees.


An hour later Linden managed to get himself out of bed. Following the instructions of his assistant he was given a brief tour of the facilities as well as an introduction to his situation. In short, Linden gathered that he had the aptitude for magic and was scheduled to be shipped out at the end of summer. The base he was staying at was a sort of military facility dedicated to magic research.

Lindens suddenly felt an aching in his stomach. Realizing that he could get free food from the cafeteria Linden excitedly asked his assistant to guild him there. Following the guidance lines that appeared on the ground Linden arrived to see a long line outside the cafeteria. Lining himself at the back Linden noticed that even though other people were wearing r-glass he couldn't see their assistants. In fact the people in the lines looked slightly insane as they chuckled and stared intently into thin air. Wondering how to see other people's assistants a prompt suddenly flashed in front of Linden face.

Switch to public channel?

Linden remembered that Leo said the r-glass could read his thoughts after training. Not yet used to it Linden hesitantly thought 'yes' and watched in surprise as several assistants appeared accompanying each researcher. Their general shape varied from humanoid alien girls to floating orbs, though regardless of their shape the assistants all wore matching uniforms with they're masters. While Linden was busy looking at the sight in front of him he felt a pressure near his bottom as two fingers rocketed towards his anus. Yelping Linden whipped around to face a snotty looking brat who was whistling at the ceiling. Somewhat angry Linden faced to boy.

"Why did you do that?" Linden demanded.

"Do what?" the boy said with an overly innocent look on his face that contrasted his squirrely exterior.

"You-you poked me in my butt." Linden said embarrassed.

"Why I never!" The boy said in faux outrage "I, Ashley Luxton am an honorable and just woman who would never injure a good looking and elegant man like yourself." she smiled revealing a missing tooth while flicking her flaming red hair. Supposedly for effect Ashely's assistant, a straggly looking monkey, conjured an impressive virtual mini-firework show behind her.

Stunned at the sudden compliments Linden turned redder at her, as much as he hated to admit it, somewhat charming display.

Thanks for reading guys. Sorry for the late chapter I'll try to pick up the pace to hopefully to reach one chapter per day.

Anyways for did you know AR is a real technology available now? Search this up on youtube:

"Microsoft HoloLens: Partner Spotlight with Black Marble"

"Microsoft HoloLens: Mixed Reality in the Modern Workplace"

What do you guys think? This tech still needs some development but looks like it should be good enough in couple years.

Jotaro_Kujocreators' thoughts