
Transcending Reality: When the Game Becomes Life

Behold as our protagonist is transported from their in-game avatar to a foreign realm. However, the individual has now taken on a feminine form and must navigate the treacherous waters of their deranged underlings, who seek to crown her as ruler of the world. As the pressure mounts, our protagonist must also contend with her own deteriorating mental state, threatened by the encroaching madness.

Im_Hungry123 · Action
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40 Chs

My Fault.... Again

Greetings, dear readers! Your lovely author returns to bring excitement and joy to your hungry brains. I am thrilled to share that I've embarked on a new literary journey—a fanfic titled "Uncharted Seas: A Tale of Bonds and Adventures – A One Piece Fanfiction." If intrigued, feel free to dive in and explore this thrilling adventure!


After she takes the first bite of the delicious bread, an unstoppable chain of culinary delight follows, one after another, until the delectable pastry completely disappears, leaving no trace of its existence. Despite its relatively diminutive size compared to her miniature mouth, she impressively devours every morsel with ravenous fervor, leaving her appearance still reflecting the lingering hunger for more.

"It somehow tastes way better than any other bread I have ever eaten," she joyfully exclaimed, her eyes shining with euphoria as the flavors danced on her taste buds.

A small chuckle of amusement escapes my lips as I continue to gaze at this adorable little girl who has just experienced a gastronomic delight beyond her expectations. "Was it truly that good? The way you savored every bite made me envious, wishing I, too, could have tasted such culinary bliss," I said with a genuine smile.

My fingers gently brush off the specks of dirt that had playfully settled on her luscious blond, almost golden hair, as I bask in the heartwarming moment of witnessing her pure enjoyment of the bread that had brought us together in this delightful encounter.

"No! I went through so much trouble to get that little piece of bread," she exclaimed with a tinge of frustration in her voice, her eyes reflecting determination. "And don't forget the promise you made to me, okay?" She pointed her small, delicate finger at me, her eyes sparkling with joy as she playfully reminded me of our vow.

"Why, of course, I haven't forgotten," I replied, my smile warm and reassuring. "You did your part, and it is only proper for me to do mine." Gazing up at the night sky, mesmerized by the countless stars that enveloped it, a cosmic backdrop to our conversation. "I'll take you to your parents, they must be worried sick," I promised, my heart sincerely committed to fulfilling my part of the vow.

However, as soon as those words left my mouth, a subtle change in her demeanor caught my attention. I sensed a shift in her emotions, and a pang of concern rushed through me, fearing that something might have happened to her. I quickly turned to look at her, and the only thing I saw was her head pointed downwards as her small hands formed into fists. "I-i," she stammered, taking a small pause before continuing, her vulnerability surfacing. "I don't have parents, t-they passed away not too long ago." Her shaking intensified, and a hint of sorrow filled the air around us, making the atmosphere heavy with her painful memories.

"The other day, during a really weird storm, something super strange happened," she began to recount, her voice tinged with melancholy. "My mom and dad lost their lives when our home fell down. But I was lucky and got away before it happened," she said, her eyes glossed over with memories of the tragic incident that changed her life forever.

However, my heart sank and for the first time since arriving here, an odd and unexpected feeling took hold of me, like a tangled web of uncertainty and awe. The illusion that I had been playing a carefree game, free to act without consequences, began to crumble, leaving me feeling foolish and naive.

In this breathtaking world, every step I took seemed to carry a weight of significance, as if the very ground beneath my feet held untold secrets and hidden dangers. The allure of leisurely walking through this surreal landscape had once enticed me, blinding me to the truth unfolding around me. The realization dawned upon me that I had been walking through this existence with blinders on, oblivious to the profound happenings and profound mysteries surrounding me.

The sense of detachment that once shielded me from the gravity of this reality now felt like a heavy burden, a shield that kept me ignorant of the intricacies and emotions woven into the fabric of this world.

I crouch down, extending my left hand hesitantly behind her and over her shoulder. Softly and gently, I draw her closer towards me, disregarding her dirty state and repulsive smell. "I see," those words escape my lips, "please forgive me for reminding you of such a devastating past." That's all I could say. Truthfully, I've never been good at comforting others during their hardest times, and to be completely honest, I still struggle with it.

Yet I draw her into a tighter embrace, enveloping her in the warmth of my arms, I can sense the gentle rhythm of soft sniffles beginning to take hold of her. It's in these tender moments that I find myself compelled to utter words of solace and reassurance, wanting to offer her a sense of comfort and understanding. So, in a hushed and soothing voice, I whisper gently into her ear, "The world can indeed be an unpredictable place, full of twists and turns that challenge us to our very core."

"Throughout this journey we call life," I continue, "you will undoubtedly encounter an array of uncertainties, trials, and conflicts that may attempt to obscure your path. But remember, within those moments of hardship, you hold a precious and powerful choice—a choice to either yield to the pressures or to summon the courage to bravely face them, casting aside the shackles of fear and embracing the hope for a brighter tomorrow."

In the depths of my emotional turmoil, I find myself uttering phrases that my rational mind hesitates to endorse. Why am I saying these intimate thoughts to this young individual? My lips and body betray me, once more succumbing to an involuntary impulse, leaving me powerless to regain command.

"I too, have experienced something akin to your plight," yet my voice persists against my will! "And akin to you, I had the option to immerse myself in sorrow like a pitiable creature, as the enormity of that tragedy burdened my soul. However, I vehemently refused to let it overpower me; instead, I harnessed its potent essence as a source of unyielding inspiration and drive to move forward."

My body rises gracefully from the ground, a tingling sensation courses through me, aligning my gaze once more with the captivating night sky, adorned with its celestial jewels, the stars. With each passing moment, my right hand instinctively moves upward, as if drawn by an unseen force, as though it yearns to grasp something intangible yet alluring.

And then, as if by some magical command, the seemingly ordinary night sky transforms into a mesmerizing spectacle of wonder. The stars themselves embark on an enchanting dance, defying their earlier immovable positions. A mysterious force molds them, guiding their graceful motions until they converge to form a circular void of darkness, reminiscent of a majestic black hole, whose enigmatic nature holds secrets of the universe.

Within the heart of this enigmatic darkness, my voice echoes through the cosmos, foretelling a profound truth. "Like a black hole, your plight will consume you, leaving nothing of your former self behind." The words reverberate with a haunting intensity, carrying the weight of destiny's decrees.

With an air of solemnity, my opened palm closes upon itself, like the closing of a chapter in the grand book of existence. In that fluid motion, the once starless blackness transforms back to its former state, as if the cosmic ballet of the stars had never occurred. The mystery of the ever-changing universe continues to captivate and mystify.

As the echoes of my celestial voice dissipate into the vastness of space, I find myself once again compelled to speak, my voice filled with both awe and reassurance. "Yet, amidst the uncertainties of the cosmos, fear not, for you hold a future brimming with countless possibilities, just like the myriad stars that dot the expanse of the night sky."

Lily, with her watery yet hopeful eyes, gazes up at me as the intensity in them subsides, replaced by a glimmer of hope that gradually takes shape, subtly reflecting the hues of blue and almost green. Delicately, she wipes away her tears with the side of her right arm, only to direct her gaze back at me once again, now with a curious and excited mix resonating within those bright and hopeful eyes.

"Miss, are you a wizard?" Her exclamation rings out, and it seems as though her earlier state of distress has vanished completely, as if it were never there in the first place. "Sending that weird guy flying, teleporting us to a different location, and now controlling the stars! Miss, you must be an incredibly powerful wizard!" Her voice carries enthusiasm and admiration, making me smile in response to her awe and wonder.

"Oh, my dear, if I continue like this, I might unintentionally reveal all of my secrets," I remark playfully, feeling the reestablishment of control over my own body after what seemed like an eternity of external influences. "You truly are one smart little girl," I praise her, acknowledging her perceptiveness and inquisitiveness.

As I complimented her, she responded with a gentle giggle, placing her hands on her cheeks, clearly affected by my praise. With a joyful expression, she extended her arms in a hug-like gesture and eagerly asked, "Can you teach me magic? It looked so cool when you were doing all of that," her excitement evident as she happily jumped up and down.

I replied, "Certainly, perhaps in the near future," as I observed the girl's excitement reaching its peak, reminding me of the unpredictability of her emotions and what might ensue next. "But first, I must fulfill my part of the promise."