
Transcending Reality: When the Game Becomes Life

Behold as our protagonist is transported from their in-game avatar to a foreign realm. However, the individual has now taken on a feminine form and must navigate the treacherous waters of their deranged underlings, who seek to crown her as ruler of the world. As the pressure mounts, our protagonist must also contend with her own deteriorating mental state, threatened by the encroaching madness.

Im_Hungry123 · Action
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40 Chs


"Oh, would you just look at that? It's not every single day that one happens to witness such a captivating spectacle unfolding right in front of our very eyes. Oh my, oh my, what a truly rare occurrence, indeed! Pray tell, kind sir, what do you suppose could be the reason behind this enthralling display of your valor and strength?" With a sarcastic and mocking tone I address the assertive individual who is physically harming the young girl directly in my presence.

In that crucial moment, a palpable sense of astonishment overtakes him, causing his eyes to widen like saucers, brimming not only with shock but also a discernible tinge of fear, as if he had inadvertently stumbled upon a hidden specter. My unexpected words seems to have shaken him to the core, rendering him momentarily immobile, except for the quivering of his hands as they betray his nervousness.

He instinctively takes a few hasty steps backward, putting some distance between himself and me, while simultaneously neglecting the innocent little girl he had been accompanying just moments ago. His grip on the item he had clutched tightly for the ongoing conflict now falters, and with a sense of helplessness, he watches it slip from his grasp, succumbing to gravity's pull and landing with a soft thud on the cold, unforgiving ground.

The young girl, seemingly forgotten in the man's abrupt retreat, continues to lay where she was left, her wide eyes now fixated on the unfortunate outcome of the bread that had accompanied her. The bread, once a simple sustenance, now lies soiled and tainted by the dirt and grime of the floor, rendered inedible and unfit for its intended purpose.

"Who are you?!" The man exclaimed, eyeing me up and down. "Your getup screams highfalutin' big shot, but I gotta call it like I see it—it's hard to buy that story. No way a high-society type would be caught dead strollin' through this hood solo, especially a dame like yourself." With a finger outstretched in my direction, he delivered his words with a tone as unpleasant as his actions.

His scrutinizing gaze pierces into my very soul, as if he seeks to unravel every hidden secret within me. It is as though time slows down, each second stretching into an eternity, while he runs his eyes up and down my figure with an unsettling intensity.

"Hey, I gotta hand it to ya—you're not half bad, you know? Hehehe, not too many folks around here lookin' as pretty as you."

In the midst of this uncomfortable moment, a sinister and malevolent smirk begins to take shape on his lips. His expression exudes a sense of malevolence and unpleasantness, hinting at a side of him I dare not explore further.

Drawing closer with measured steps, he speaks in a voice that holds both authority and an air of calculated charm, "You look a tad bewildered in this sprawling maze, huh? No worries, though, 'cause I wouldn't mind playing the Good Samaritan and helping you find your way out of this confounding mess. But hey, lemme be clear—this kindness ain't free, you know? Even a helpful soul deserves a little somethin' somethin' for their efforts."

As his words escape his lips, they seem to carry a certain venomous quality, accentuated by the spittle that dances in the air around us like a flickering fountain, marking the space between us with an unspoken tension.

In an unexpected surge of emotions, words that I never knew resided within me emerged: "You disgusting animal. To accept assistance from someone like you would be akin to surrendering and abandoning all hope, reducing me to the level of a wild beast." These words caught me by surprise as they escaped my lips at this very moment.

"Wow, Take a sec to chill, will ya? 'Cause, ya know, my one and only possession just got wrecked thanks to your sudden entrance. So, here's the deal—I might need some kinda compensation for it, if ya know what I mean." he said, extending his hand towards my left shoulder as if to hold onto it.

A moment fraught with tension and anticipation hung in the air as the calloused hand of the man inched closer to make contact with me. However, my senses were heightened, and with a speed that surpassed his limited comprehension, I swiftly raised my right hand to meet his impending strike. The very wind itself seemed to recognize the gravity of the moment, gracefully parting aside as if to bear witness to the spectacle of my lightning-fast movements and unmatched precision.

My outstretched pointer finger became the instrument of my prowess, extending forward like a noble conductor guiding an orchestra of fate, aimed precisely at the center of his chest. Our surroundings seemed to blur, as if time itself had momentarily slowed to allow the unfolding of this extraordinary event.

The nexus of our confrontation was reached as my finger made contact with his chest, a collision that sent ripples of force through the very fabric of reality. The effect was instantaneous and profound, as if a mighty force had been unleashed upon him. In a breathless instant, he was propelled backward with astonishing speed, his eyes widening in sheer shock as he grappled with the bewildering reality of what was happening to him.

But there was no respite for contemplation or recovery, for the laws of motion were unforgiving. Within the span of a heartbeat, he found himself careening towards an unsuspecting brick wall, a formidable barrier that had no hope of withstanding the titanic impact hurtling its way.

As he hurtled through the air, time seemed to stretch like a tapestry, allowing us to witness the kaleidoscope of emotions playing across his face. His mind struggled to process the events that had unfolded with such blinding velocity, leaving him suspended in a state of disbelief and disarray.

Yet, before he could even muster a response or attempt to alter his trajectory, fate had already decided his course. The thunderous impact between his body and the unyielding brick wall sent shockwaves rippling outward, fracturing the very foundation of the structure. The wall, a symbol of strength and resilience, crumbled under the force of the collision, as if acknowledging the undeniable might that lay within the depths of my being.

As the dust settles, my mind races with the idea of sinking to Lyra's level. The very notion throws me into an overwhelming torrent of emotions, too complex to articulate. Yet, amidst this turmoil, the young girl who had witnessed it all rises slowly, her eyes wide with a mix of astonishment and, perhaps, even admiration.

The young girl, with a mixture of fear and curiosity etched across her face, looked at me with wide, innocent eyes as she struggled to make sense of the situation.

Her voice trembled as she spoke, her words spilling out in a rush of confusion and distress. "Who... who are you?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "And what the heck just happened?" Her gaze shifted between the almost lifeless man buried under a pile of bricks and me, her savior, as she tried to comprehend the chain of events that led to this moment.

Fearful and desperate to clear her name, she continued, "I... he was the one who pushed me down, I swear I didn't do anything wrong!" Her plea tugged at my heartstrings, and I felt an overwhelming desire to protect and reassure her.

With a soothing tone, I gently whispered, "I know." It was as if my voice had a magical effect, washing away her anxieties and replacing them with a sense of calm. A warm, reassuring smile played on my lips, the tension from earlier melting away like a distant memory. It was a strange sensation, this sudden shift in emotions, and I found myself questioning the source of my newfound fondness for this young girl.

"There's no reason to be afraid," I assured her, my voice carrying a sense of certainty that even surprised me. It was as though I possessed knowledge beyond the present moment, seeing things others couldn't. Perhaps it was intuition, or maybe there was more to it than meets the eye.

Her eyes widened in gratitude and relief, finding solace in my words. "Absolutely! I didn't do anything wrong at all," she exclaimed with newfound confidence, emboldened by my support. "I assure you, I didn't take that bread from anyone; it belonged to me from the start." In a swift, agile motion, she knelt down and rescued the loaf of bread, a symbol of her innocence.

Amusement danced in my eyes as I watched her defend her actions. "I hadn't said otherwise," I replied, a hint of humor in my voice. My curiosity was piqued by her assertiveness, and I found myself drawn to her resilience. As she attempted to clean the mud-stained bread, I couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for her well-being.

"Are you planning to eat that?" I couldn't resist asking, my concern evident in my voice. The bread's sorry state left me worried about the consequences of ingesting something so unclean. "It's no longer fit for consumption," I added, hoping she would understand the potential danger.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she grinned back at me, undeterred. "Oh, it's okay! I've had worse," she quipped, displaying a resilience beyond her years. It was as though she had faced adversity before, and this mere challenge was child's play to her.

Intrigued by her indomitable spirit, I crouched down beside her, curiosity getting the better of me. "Tell me your name," I gently requested, eager to know more about this remarkable young girl. She hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating whether to trust a stranger like me, but then a spark of familiarity crossed her face.

"I'm Lily," she said, her voice steadier now, sensing something comforting in my presence. "And you... you're the one who saved me, aren't you?" she asked, her gaze searching my eyes for confirmation.

With a slight nod, I acknowledged her observation. "Yes, Lily, you're safe now," I assured her, feeling a sense of responsibility for this brave little soul.

"Take my hand," I urged, my voice gentle yet firm, as I reached out with an outstretched arm. The urgency in my eyes matched the urgency in my words, for it was time to leave this place immediately. The loud, bone-jarring crash from that unfortunate man colliding with the cold, unforgiving brick wall had surely drawn unwanted attention. Every second that ticked by increased the likelihood of discovery. "I'm certain someone will come to investigate," I explained, my mind racing with the possibilities, "and I'd rather not get caught... at least not just yet, for personal reasons that I'm not quite ready to divulge."

With a hint of uncertainty in her voice, she questioned my peculiar request, her brow furrowing with curiosity and perhaps a hint of fear. "Um, okay? But what's the point of holding hands?..." Her sentence trailed off as she hesitantly reached out, her small hand intertwining with mine. In that fleeting moment of physical connection, I could feel her heartbeat quicken.

Employing the same enigmatic method as before, we embarked on an extraordinary journey beyond the limits of ordinary perception, instantaneously teleporting to another random location within the vast expanse of the city. The girl, now visibly taken aback by the surreal experience, widened her eyes in disbelief, her gaze darting around the new surroundings with a mix of awe and astonishment.

"Wait, did we just teleport?" she gasped, her voice tinged with exhilaration and wonder. Her eyes locked onto mine, seeking confirmation of this extraordinary feat. "Miss, was that your doing? That's how you appeared out of nowhere and suddenly back then!" The excitement in her voice was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile at her curiosity.

"Hehe, that was me," I confessed softly, leaning in closer to her, "but let's keep it between us, alright?" I brought my index finger up to my lips in a playful gesture, whispering, "Shhh."

The girl's face lit up with a mixture of admiration and fascination. "Wow, miss, you're incredible!" she exclaimed, her words carrying genuine admiration. "If only I was able to do that back then, I would never have been caught stealing this bread," she confessed with a touch of innocence, unaware that her words had just revealed a secret.

What an intriguing and strangely innocent girl she was, I thought to myself, her unfiltered openness both amusing and refreshing. In all my experiences, I had never encountered anyone quite like her before.

"Um, Lily," I began, my tone earnest and gentle, "about that bread—would you mind handing it over to me for just a moment? I assure you, I won't lay a finger on it." I delicately made my request, feeling a sense of responsibility to purify and cleanse the bread of any stains and filth it might have accumulated. It was essential to approach this task with a well-thought-out and convincing plan, as Lily seemed to be quite possessive of the bread, tightly hugging it against her chest to emphasize its ownership.

But I understood her attachment. "No! This is my bread!" she vehemently protested, turning away from me, shielding the bread from my view.

"Lily, I want to assure you once again, I won't eat it," I said, trying to ease her nervousness. "If I truly desired that bread, I could have taken it long ago. But how about this: if you trust me with the bread, I'll repay your kindness with more delicious food than you can ever imagine?" My words carried a soothing cadence, hoping to convince her to consider my proposition.

Intrigued, she swiftly turned around to glance up at me, her eyes searching for any hint of deception. "You promise?" she inquired, torn between wanting to believe me and holding onto her precious possession.

Looking directly into her eyes, I nodded reassuringly. "I promise," I declared as she hesitantly handed me the bread.

With the loaf now in my hands, I focused my mind on what I intended to do. The magical abilities that I had discovered within myself allowed me to harness the power of thought and intention. As my fingers touched the bread's surface, the transformation began. Gradually, the stains and dirt started to fade away, as if they had never existed in the first place. The bread was returning to its original, pristine state, all through the power of my mind.

I could see Lily's eyes widening with wonder and amazement as she observed the miraculous cleansing process. "Wow," she gasped, her hesitation turning into genuine excitement.

As the last traces of dirt vanished, I presented the now spotless bread back to Lily, who held it with awe and gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, clearly moved by the gesture.

"Of course," I smiled warmly, pleased that I could make her happy.