
Transcended as Lord Buggy

Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. Clown as the strongest being on One Piece alongside God Usopp. His hate suddenly bring him to his death and even worse, his soul got transferred into Lord Buggy's body. How will Bob live as our Lord and Saviour Buggy? _______________________________________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) _______________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I am not the writer of One Piece and it's characters. It is fully owned by Oda-sensei. English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. _______________________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain Fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · Anime & Comics
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519 Chs

77. Useless Struggle

Buggy attacks Garp numerous times with different moves. But Garp doesn't move even for one step. Buggy has exerted all his strength on his attacks, but he can't do anything to Garp.

'Damn, he's like a mountain. I can't make him move even a bit. Even Pollux's press power is useless,' thinks Buggy while attacking.

"You're not bad for someone your age, but it's still not enough. What's your dream, kid?" asks Garp.

Buggy jumps back and takes a stance with both of his swords. "Exploring the world and discovering its mysteries."

"A good but dangerous dream. To reach that dream, your current strength is far from enough," says Garp while grinning.

"I know, you don't need to tell me that," says Buggy while charging both of his swords' devil fruits abilities using his haki to the max.

"Two Sword Style: Hardened Press!"

Buggy rushes at Garp with high speed and slashes his swords diagonally, making an X shape. Garp just grins and punches Buggy's sword attack with haki covered fist.

Buggy's attack clashes with Garp's fist and creates a blue lightning spark. Garp squint his eyes a little before blowing Buggy away. Buggy crashes to some buildings again, but now he moves farther than before until he crashes onto a cliff.

'The kid just awaken his Conqueror Haki. I never thought that I would help him awaken it. This is bad,' says Garp while still grinning.

Garp thinks like it's a bad thing, but he grins like it's a good thing. It's a bad thing because Buggy is a pirate and having Conqueror means he has the potential to stand above the others.

But Garp grins like it's a good thing because he knows Buggy is not an evil person or scum like most pirates. He hasn't even killed anyone so far to get his high bounty. So Garp still thinks positively about Buggy.

Buggy himself is surprised by what just happened. He never thought that he will have Conqueror Haki. But he also gets surprised to know that Garp has it too.

It's not strange though, considering Garp never follows orders and does as he please as a Marine. The dude literally refuse to be an Admiral many times because he didn't want to be Celestial Dragon's dog.

"I don't know if the original Buggy has Conqueror or not, but I don't think he has it. He is a coward, so he shouldn't have it. That means this is my own power. I don't know why I have it, but it's a good thing," says Buggy while getting up.

Buggy now has blood trickling out from his lips & nose. His hands also tremble after receiving Garp's punch. That punch is the strongest attack that he even received. Garp didn't hold back anything in that punch, but Buggy can survive it, showing his high durability.

Buggy walks toward Garp again even though his hands & body hurt. The impact of those crashes is not small at all. He has covered his body with haki, but it still feels really hurt.

"Damn, did he use advanced haki? Or it's just his pure monstrous strength?" ponders Buggy.

Buggy approach Garp and attack again with his injured body. Garp grins and attacks Buggy too. Now Garp doesn't defend and keeps on attacking Buggy.

Buggy's attacks are still useless and he received many punches now. However, he keeps standing and tries to not fall. If he falls, it will be hard to get up again.

His injuries keep increasing, but Buggy doesn't back down. He needs to stay here and stall time as long as he can. When some marines try to sneak into the island, Buggy will attack them with Pollux's power even when he received a punch from Garp.

Garp then orders his subordinates to stay on their spot and not move. They can only follow the order even though they know that it's a good chance to find Buggy's crew.

Buggy keeps getting pummeled by Garp, but he still stands and does not let the Marines pass through him. The Marines are shivering seeing Buggy's bloody appearance. They don't know why he still fights back even when there's no chance of winning.

Most pirates that are in the same situation as Buggy will give up and beg for mercy. But Buggy is still fighting Garp even with his sorry state. They even start to feel bad for him even though he is a pirate.

Slowly, Buggy's condition gets worsened. His left hand's bones break now and Castor falls from his hand. But Buggy still fight with his right hand and legs. He even uses his head to attack Garp.

"It is interesting to fight a strong young man like you, but I think this is the time to finish this. Get ready, kid!" says Garp while preparing his punch.

Buggy is panting hard and he raises Pollux with his trembling right hand. He charges Pollux with his remaining haki and waits for Garp's attack. Garp sends a full-powered punch at Buggy and Buggy swings Pollux with all his remaining power.

*BOOM* Their clash creates a booming sound that makes the ground where they stand crack. Their clash is brief because Garp's punch breakthrough Buggy's attack and hit his body.

Buggy is sent flying again, but now he flies to the open space. Buggy tries to stop his body, using his feet. He slides on the ground and finally stops after moving for 200 meters.

Buggy grins and raises his sword again, but he doesn't move from his spot. Garp also grins and rushes to Buggy using Soru. Garp raises his hand to punch Buggy, but he stops right in front of Buggy's face.

Garp takes back his fist and dispels his haki. Then he put his hands in his pockets and walk back to his unit while smiling. Garp's subordinates are confused by what just happened.

"The fight is over, let's go back to the ship!" orders Garp to his subordinate.

"O-over? But he is still standing there," one of Garp's subordinates points at Buggy who is still standing on his spot.

"He is still standing, but he is not conscious anymore. That kid fainted while standing. A good seed, but too bad he is a pirate," says Garp while walking back to his ship.

"T-then we can capture him now?" asks another subordinate.

"No need to capture him. He has given me good entertainment & fight, so I will let him go now," says Garp.

"Let's just report that he escaped," says Bogard while following Garp.

The other subordinates are confused, but they don't say anything and just follow Garp back to the ship. Then the Marine unit leaves the island without doing anything else.

Buggy's crewmates who have sailed away from the island see the Marine ship leaving. They have sailed using their ship with Rouge like what Buggy ordered them to do.

They grit their teeth and clench their fists seeing the Marine ship leaving. That means Buggy has been defeated and captured by the Marine. They are frustrated because they can't do anything just now.

"Cricket, what should we do now? You're the one in command without Captain here," asks Manba.

Cricket gets silent for a moment before answering, "Let's return to the island. We need to take care of Rouge like what Captain has ordered."

Everyone has bitter expressions, but they agree with Cricket. They return to the island and dock their ship on the hidden coast again. But when they're about to leave the ship and go to Rouge's house, a man is running to them while shouting.


The Clowns are surprised to hear that Buggy isn't captured by Marine. They're glad about it, but it seems Buggy's condition is really bad.

"MANBA, HURRY UP AND HELP CAPTAIN! LEAVE ROUGE TO US!" orders Cricket to Manba immediately.

Manba nod and take his medical kit before running to the town. Jude wants to follow Manba, but Cricket stops her.

"Let's leave it to Manba, he knows what to do. You won't be able to help him even if you're there. Believe in Manba's ability, we need to do what we can for now," says Cricket.

Jude looked down with a sad expression, but she nod to Cricket because he is right. Only Manba can help Buggy right now, so they need to do what they can. Rouge is very important to Buggy, after all. So they need to take care of her.

Manba arrives at Buggy's location and sees him still standing unconsciously. No one dares to move him because they don't want to make Buggy's condition worsen.

Manba has a sad expression, but he has no time for being sad. He needs to take care of Buggy soon, so he takes his tools and starts to treat Buggy.

"I won't let you die, Captain."


Support me on Pa_treon if you like my story and want to read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this each novel. It will help me to buy internet data too.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 96 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 107 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

You can also become a character in the fanfic if you want.


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)