
Transcended as Lord Buggy

Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. Clown as the strongest being on One Piece alongside God Usopp. His hate suddenly bring him to his death and even worse, his soul got transferred into Lord Buggy's body. How will Bob live as our Lord and Saviour Buggy? _______________________________________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) _______________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I am not the writer of One Piece and it's characters. It is fully owned by Oda-sensei. English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. _______________________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain Fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · Anime & Comics
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519 Chs

475. Holding On

Buggy's great clash against Imu has affected the whole war that is split into 3 locations. Those who sense it can tell that the war has entered its climax. Although the ones on the New Marineford and Sea can't really tell what happens. So they can only do what they need to do, fighting their enemies.

Meanwhile, the Clown Pirates can't fight anyone anymore because the only enemy left is Imu who is fighting their Captain. The clash between Imu and Buggy just now clearly told them that no one can interfere. No one has the power to help Buggy because the 2 of them are simply too strong.

They watch as Buggy and Imu exchange blow after blow in the sky. Imu is flying using his giant demonic wings while Buggy is using a chopped rock as a platform to fly. So Imu clearly has better mobility because he can fly freely while Buggy needs to rely on the cube rock.

That advantage in mobility is very significant because Imu can have more attack options. He is also attacking more fiercely now after finding out that he can block Buggy's awakened devil fruit ability using advanced haki.

Previously, he only used long-range attacks because he was wary of Buggy's awakened devil fruit ability. He was afraid of getting his body chopped by Buggy. But now he finds a way to counter it, so he keeps attacking Buggy using his advanced haki.

Imu's attacks are very powerful and he is also very fast. Buggy can barely follow Imu's speed using his advanced observation haki. But it becomes more difficult as time passes and he gets more tired.

Buggy keeps blocking and dodging Imu's punches, kicks, tail, and flame attacks that keep getting stronger. Imu is starting to use all his power, pushing Buggy around with every attack. He keeps using more power as if he has unlimited energy.

Then, Imu suddenly sends a very powerful punch coated with a very hot flame toward Buggy's left face. Buggy manages to block it using his haki-coated arm, but he is still sent flying to the ground below at a very high speed like a bullet. He crashes near his crewmates who are blown away by the powerful impact of his crash.


Cricket rushes to check on Buggy.


"I'm fine, but it won't last long. That guy looks like he has bottomless stamina and power. He doesn't even sweat and his breath is still stable after fighting for this long. We can't drag this battle for too long."

"Are we going to use that?"

"That's our only choice to defeat him now that he has found a way to counter my power. If we still can't defeat him even after using that, then it will be over. Let's use it now while we still have a lot of stamina. That thing is very tiring, after all."

"Fine, let's do it. So make sure you defeat him."

"I know."

The others finally arrive near Buggy and Cricket, but no one says a word. Cricket then calls Enel and Dela. Everybody immediately understands what they are planning to do, so they are getting ready to fight. They need to protect Buggy, Cricket, Enel, and Dela who can't move while preparing their big plan.

Imu frowns while looking at the Clown Pirates that gather around those 4. Buggy is sitting crosslegged with Cricket and Enel sitting behind him with their hands on his shoulders. Dela is standing in front of Buggy with her hands on Cricket's and Enel's hands.

Imu doesn't know what they are planning, but he has a bad feeling about this. So he knows he needs to stop whatever they are planning to do. He creates a massive fireball with a very high temperature and shoots it at the Clown Pirates from the sky.


Palu shouts while jumping and Magnus nods before extending his 3 right Asura arms to the side. Palu steps on the top palm with his Warhammer ready on the side. Then Magnus gathers his power and throws Palu toward the incoming giant fireball.

Magnus's throw turns Palu into a bullet that reaches the giant fireball very quickly. Palu's entire body is covered by haki and flame that he gets from the Lunarian genetic modification. His Warhammer is also covered by flame, so it's like a small flame facing a giant fireball.

Palu then swings his flaming Warhammer with every bit of power he has. He also uses his best martial art skill, Hasshoken. His attack hits the giant fireball. Ripples created by Palu's Hasshoken appear in the air upon contact with the giant fireball.

The clash creates a very powerful impact that even shakes the ground and sea below. It's not as powerful as Buggy's clash against Imu, but it's still very powerful. This clash makes Palu realizes just how powerful Imu is and now he understands why Buggy wants to use that plan.

Palu's attack can't destroy the giant fireball completely. But it manages to break it apart, making it split into many smaller fireballs that fly to the sides. None of the parts fall on the Clowns below, so everyone is very relieved because they can see the power of that fireball.

Even after being broken apart into smaller sizes, the destruction caused by Imu's attack is still great. Each smaller fireball creates a big & deep burning pit when it hit the ground. Those that fall into the sea are evaporating a lot of water instantly, showing how hot the fire is.

"Damn, what kind of flame is that? He is not even a fire logia user, but he can make such powerful fire."

"It's not whether he is a fire logia user or not, it's about devil fruit mastery and raw power. This guy is most probably an 800-year-old monster, after all. Even if he doesn't have great talent, he would still be able to raise his mastery to a very high degree. But imagine if you have someone like Captain live for 800 years. Can you even imagine just how strong he would get after 800 years?"

Everyone shivers while imagining what Mantis says. Their Captain could be this unreasonably powerful even though he is still just 38 years old now. If he can live for 800 more years, then they can't even imagine just how powerful he would get. Maybe he could even destroy the world with ease.

"Now you understand. That's the kind of existence we are facing now. We should be glad that he isn't so ridiculously strong that we can't face him at all. At least we still have a chance of winning even if it's low."

"Phew, it seems we need to thank his low talent. If he has Captain's talent and training discipline, then we would've been obliterated already."

"Yohohoho, he must be very lazy to only improve this much after 800 years even if he has low talent."

Deon's & Brook's little joke eases everyone a little after they become rather intimidated by Imu's power. These 2 always know how to boost everyone's morale in dire situations.


Palu lands on the ground after breaking the giant fireball. He looks fine, but his arms are trembling. He used all his power and the impact of the clash was putting a lot of strain on his arms, making them sore from the backlash.

"You good?"

Manba immediately checks Palu's arms to make sure he is fine. They still need his power right now while Buggy, Cricket, and Enel can't fight as he is the 3rd strongest in the crew.

"I think I'll be fine after a while. But we can't wait for me to recover naturally, so give me some boosters or maybe just painkillers."

"No, it will make things worse later, so let's not do it for now. Let's look at the situation first. We have many reliable crewmates, Palu, so don't force yourself. If things get out of control and we can't fight without you before Captain and Co. finish, then I will give you the boosters."

The boosters that Manba and Palu mean are drugs made of hormones. Manba was studying Ivankov's hormone power for a while. He managed to copy some of the hormones. The effects are still weaker than Iva's hormones, but it also makes the side effects weaker.

Palu retreats after everyone assures him to rest as they'll take care of Imu's attacks now. They are not as strong as Palu, but they are not weaklings either. Even their weakest is as strong as average Marine Captains in New World, so they should be able to hold their ground.

Imu attacks again, but now he goes down himself to attack Buggy. The Clowns immediately move to stop him and the fastest to react is Maverick. He uses an assault rifle to shoot Imu who dives down at high speed. All his shots are accurate, but Imu can dodge every bullet easily.

Still, Maverick manages to slow Imu down even though none of his attacks hit Imu. It gives time for the others to get into defensive positions near Buggy. So when Imu finally arrives, they've already blocked his path.

Imu doesn't seem bothered though as he sends a punch with his gigantic fist toward Buggy in the center. But then, a pair of blackened gigantic axes flies toward his fist. Magnus is swinging his pair of giant axes with all his 6 Asura arms using all his power.

Both attacks collide, creating a powerful impact that spreads everywhere. But it's clear that Imu's attack is stronger as it pushes Magnus's axes back easily, but there's Buggy's group there. Luckily, Jude has created a mountain of ash that appears behind the pushed axes, preventing them from hitting Buggy's group behind.

They manage to stop Imu's attack, but Imu will surely attack again. So they take the initiative and attack the giant demon first. Everyone attacks him with everything they have. Gun attacks, devil fruit abilities, skills, they attack Imu nonstop using all their power.

Their total attack power is not as powerful as Buggy's attacks, but they still manage to push him back with their attack combinations that really annoy Imu. Another attack always comes every time he handles one. They come nonstop without giving him time to rest.

It really annoys him, so he gets angered and suddenly his body is covered by red hot flame. He roars angrily and the flame burst everywhere like an explosion. The Clowns immediately cover their bodies with armament haki to protect themselves, but Imu's burst attack still pushes them back and damages them.

Their damages aren't even light as most of the crew members receive high-degree burns and their internal organs are badly damaged too. Just one attack from the angry Imu is enough to defeat most of them. Even the executives couldn't completely protect themselves and still get injured.

But they managed to protect Buggy's group which is still preparing their ultimate plan. Imu is really annoyed, but he knows that no one can stop him now. He walks among the defeated pirates to attack Buggy who is still protected by the executives.

Imu arrives in front of them and he is almost as tall as Magnus in Asura form, so he is very big. The executives prepare themselves as flame appears in Imu's right fist. Imu's eyes are very cold even though the surrounding is very hot because of his flame.

He sends a very powerful punch, and the executives know they can't stop it with their current condition. Still, they brace themselves to block this attack no matter what. If they fail to protect their Captain, then no one will leave this place alive because only Buggy has a chance to defeat Imu.


Imu's punch lands, but the executives aren't getting hit at all. They all smile widely while looking at the familiar back that they always depend on.


Buggy blocks Imu's punch with his own punch before it hits the executives.

"Sorry for the wait. Get some rest, everyone. This will end soon."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 513. Whitebeard's Defeat

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)