
Tragic Immortal

After Losing his family and being cursed with eternal life, he must live on with pain and sorrow. His only hope is to find peace in a life so miserable...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


Eldric's presence radiated a sense of ancient knowledge and power, and as his luminous eyes bore into Alexander's, the weight of centuries seemed to settle upon them both. The Whispering Woods had led Alexander to this pivotal moment, to the enigmatic figure who held the key to unraveling the curse that had bound him to an eternity of sorrow.

"You are the Sorrowful Sylph," Alexander finally spoke, his voice a mixture of awe and anticipation. "The one said to possess the power to undo curses."

Eldric's lips curved into a solemn smile. "Indeed, Alexander. I am the Sylph, bound to this realm and tasked with aiding those who seek to break the shackles of curses that bind them."

A surge of hope welled within Alexander as he realized that he stood before the very being whose legend he had discovered in the village library. The Sylph's existence validated his journey, offering a glimmer of a solution to his seemingly insurmountable curse. Yet, a question gnawed at him, one that was both simple and profound.

"How can I break the curse?" Alexander's words trembled with a mixture of desperation and longing.

Eldric's gaze held a deep sadness. "To break a curse as potent as the one that binds you requires a pact, a pact that transcends the boundaries of time and existence. But every pact demands a price, one that must be willingly paid by the one seeking release."

Alexander's heart raced as he absorbed the gravity of Eldric's words. He had prepared himself for challenges, but the idea of making a pact that carried an unknown cost filled him with a mix of fear and determination. He couldn't deny the allure of freedom, of finally escaping the unending solitude that had defined his life since that fateful night.

"What is the price?" he asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Eldric's gaze intensified, his ethereal form seeming to waver as if pulled between the realms. "The cost depends on the depth of your curse, Alexander. It may require you to sacrifice a part of your essence, a memory that has shaped your very being, or perhaps something else of equal significance."

The words hung in the air, pregnant with meaning. Alexander's mind raced as he considered what he might be called upon to sacrifice. Memories of his family, his childhood, and his very identity flitted through his thoughts. But a newfound determination coursed through him, he was prepared to pay whatever price was necessary to break free from the chains of his eternal life.

"Tell me what I must do," he declared, his voice resolute.

Eldric nodded, his silver form shimmering with approval. "First, you must journey deeper into the heart of the Whispering Woods, to the Place of Echoes, a realm where the past, present, and future converge. There, you will encounter the Keeper of Echoes, a guardian who holds the threads of time."

A shiver ran down Alexander's spine at the mention of the Place of Echoes. The Whispering Woods had already proven to be a realm of mystery and challenges, and the thought of confronting a guardian of time itself filled him with both excitement and trepidation.

Eldric continued, "To prove your worth and sincerity, the Keeper will present you with a trial, a test of your resolve and determination. Should you pass, you will be granted an audience with the Keeper, who will reveal the path to forging the pact that can undo your curse."

As the weight of his journey's purpose settled upon him, Alexander felt a surge of energy and purpose. He was no longer just an eternal observer of time; he was an active participant, taking steps to shape his own fate.

"How do I find the Place of Echoes?" Alexander asked, his focus unwavering.

Eldric's gaze softened, an expression of empathy in his luminous eyes. "The Whispering Woods will guide you, as it has thus far. Trust in its enigmatic wisdom, and follow the trail that resonates with your heart's desire. But be warned, the journey will not be without challenges. The woods test not only your determination but also your understanding of the choices you've made along your path."

As Eldric's words sank in, Alexander felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The journey ahead held the promise of both revelation and risk, and the realization that he had the power to shape his fate was both empowering and humbling.

With a firm nod, Alexander stood, a renewed determination coursing through his veins. The curse that had defined his existence for far too long was now within his grasp to break, and the journey into the heart of the Whispering Woods was his next step toward freedom. Eldric's presence, like a beacon of hope, lingered in the air as Alexander turned and stepped back onto the path from which he had come.

The Whispering Woods awaited him, a realm of mysteries and challenges, where time itself twisted and turned. With each step he took, Alexander knew that he was walking not only toward the Place of Echoes but also toward a chance at liberation, a chance to finally forge a destiny that was truly his own.