
Tragic Immortal

After Losing his family and being cursed with eternal life, he must live on with pain and sorrow. His only hope is to find peace in a life so miserable...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


The forest's echoing whispers intensified as Alexander stood at the crossroads, his gaze shifting between the three diverging paths. Each trail was cloaked in shadow, inviting uncertainty and promising both danger and revelation. The weight of his immortal curse pressed upon him, urging him to choose wisely, a decision that could either lead him closer to freedom or plunge him deeper into the abyss of his eternal existence.

His heart pounded in his chest as he considered his options. The first path seemed to wind into the heart of the forest, its shadows deepening as the trees converged. It bore an air of mystery, a beckoning call to uncover the secrets concealed within the woods. The second path, in contrast, led uphill, climbing toward a ridge that promised a vantage point over the enigmatic landscape. And the third path, though obscured by foliage, carried an uncanny sense of familiarity, as if it held fragments of his past.

As Alexander pondered, a sense of urgency gnawed at him. The longer he remained in the Whispering Woods, the more he felt its influence, a realm where time and reality were malleable, where every decision held profound consequences. With a deep breath, he made his choice, his footsteps guiding him down the path that carried a sense of familiarity.

The forest swallowed him, its dense vegetation enveloping him in a shroud of green. The path was uneven, a natural carpet of moss and leaves, and a strange luminescence cast ghostly shadows on the ground. Whispers followed him, elusive fragments of words that teased at the edges of his consciousness. Alexander felt like a stranger in his own mind, a sense of disconnection that mirrored his cursed existence.

As he walked, a clearing emerged ahead. The air seemed to shimmer with a soft light, and in the center stood a towering tree with silver bark that glowed like moonlight. Beneath its branches, a pool of still water reflected the canopy above, its surface rippling with the caress of an unseen breeze. Alexander's heart quickened as he approached, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation bubbling within him.

Kneeling by the water's edge, he peered into the pool's depths. What he saw was not his own reflection, but a tableau of scenes from his past. Memories flickered before his eyes, laughter in his family's garden, his mother's gentle smile, his father's wise counsel. Each image was a fragment of a life he had lost, a life that the curse had robbed him of.

His hand trembled as he reached out to touch the water's surface. As his fingers made contact, the scenes shifted, revealing a new image, an older man with silver hair, standing before an ancient oak. The man's eyes bore an uncanny resemblance to his own, and a whisper danced through the wind, carrying a name: Eldric.

The name resonated deep within Alexander's soul, a key to unlocking a part of himself that had long remained hidden. Eldric, the connection between his cursed existence and the past he had been forced to leave behind. The realization was both haunting and illuminating, a piece of a puzzle that had eluded him for so long.

As the echoes of the revelation faded, the forest seemed to shift around him. The luminescence intensified, casting an ethereal glow upon the scene. Before him, the silver-barked tree began to shimmer, its form distorting and transforming. In its place, a figure emerged, tall, cloaked in robes of silver, and bearing an air of ancient wisdom.

"Eldric," Alexander breathed, his voice a mixture of reverence and curiosity.

The figure nodded, his eyes like pools of starlight. "I have awaited your arrival, Alexander Morwyn. The Whispering Woods has guided you to me, to the heart of your destiny."

Tension filled the air as Alexander's unending existence converged with the enigmatic path that lay ahead. Eldric's presence held answers that had remained hidden for too long, but their revelation could tip the balance of his existence in ways he could not anticipate. As the forest's whispers grew louder, and the moonlight figure of Eldric awaited his questions, Alexander knew that the true challenges of his journey had only just begun.