
Chapter 21 : Revelations

Daejong’s words kept playing in my head over and over. There was so much that I still didn’t know about Varon, and about what had pushed him to kill his father. But what I did know of him now made me wonder what else there was to the story.

Could he really be a coldhearted killer? I was beginning to doubt it.

He killed his father, there was no question about that. But I was just as certain that there was way more to the story than what was known.

Five people went into the room that night, and only three came out, which meant that I didn’t have to get the entire story from Varon. Something told me that Daejong knew more of the story, but it was that same instinct that told me he didn’t know everything. And that if I wanted to truly hear the entire story, then I was going to have to ask Varon, Jeremy, or Voltaire.

But before I could even get to that, there was an issue that was a little more pressing right now. Something within my own body.