
Thicker than blood

After lunch, Nick asked Sean to come with him. Both of them sat on the louged on Nick cottage that was very quite.

"Have you prepare for the documents?" Nick asked.

Sean nodded and gave him a folder "Check it. It was rather difficult for me to find printer".

He read it and signed it "Thanks"

Sean grinned "Bro, have you rethinked about it ? I think it is good for you to lead such a big conglomerate. You have the ability and it's a good chance to prove your self"

Nick laughed and patted head arm "Bro I understand now why our parents opposed Alice and me also you and Jasmine at the beginning"

"Why ?" Sean asked.

"They are from famous and powerful family and us is just a humble one. It doesn't matter how good we are, sometime, we are not worthy in their eyes. What we have is only pride and dignity. Do you remember my friend Ben ?"

Sean nodded "His wife is very rich. He is boss in big company"

"It is belong to his in law. His carrer is given by his father in law, when the company performed very well, it is his responsibilty but when it was not good, he was scolded. He can not say anything to oppose them for example, he told me he does not want his wife send their kids to study in singapore because they are too young. But his in law supported her, so He had no choice but agree. You see, he is no body in his own house"

Sean nodded "I understand what you are trying to say, I experience it for so many time. I n ever tought you feel the same as well, your in laws look fine with you. We are just lucky that our woman accept us as what we are and they don't ask beyond our capability".

Sean had been married for 7 years. Eventhough Jasmine told him how proud her parents were of him, he never heard his parents in law praised him. Everytime they met, they always criticised him. He suspected that she made it up.

Nick laughed and signed " her parents never say it but I can feel it. They expect to have better son in law than me"

"are you regretting your decision now ?" Mr Feng came.

Nick and Sean were startled.

Nick spoke "No, I don't. She is very good wife and mother. I am glad that she and mum have a very good relationship"

"Neither me. Mine is good as well" Sean grinned.

"I am glad three of you have good wife. I was worry that they would not have a good relationship with your mum because your mum is demanding lady" Mr Feng smiled.

"What is it ?" Mr Feng pointed at the folder on Nick hand.

"Agreement that I will only work with Father in law for maximum of 5 years. after three years, I'll start to withdraw step by step"

"Should is be done by formal agreement?" Mr Feng frowned.

"Dad. He is sly businessman not like you" Sean laughed.

"Don't tell me you also made agreement like this with our in law ?" Mr Feng glared at Sean.

"I just signed it few hours ago. I have to protect my self from their family conflict of interest. In the future, I'll probably face harder situation than him because their family has a lot of politician"

Nick laughed "How lucky Keinichi and Hans. They never have this kind of problem"

Sean rubbed his chin "True, They just need to deal with our bullying and send ticket for our parents once a year"

Mr Feng laughed and slapped Sean shoulder hardly then Nick "You two, stop being ring leader bullying those two good boys ! Alan is copying you"

"It's not bullying. We just show them to respect their senior" Nick chuckled.

Mr Feng messed Nick hair . "Dad, I am not Austen" Nick protested

"Thank you for being such a wonderful first born. I'm really proud of you"

"And you too Sean" Mr Feng pulled Sean ear that had eartud.

"Me ?" Sean rubbed his ear.

"Thanks for coming to our home and become a fine man. "

"Three of you are wonderfull boys. good sons and good brothers. You are my pride" Mrs Feng sobbed. She had been there for while.

"Mum" Nick and Sean hugged the petite woman.

They let her sit next to their father.

Nick kneeled "Mum, dad, I swear I will let our family pride and dignity down. I won't blind by money and status. My dream is to grow old with my wife and educate my kids well"

"Mum, dad. Eventough I didn't born as A Feng, but I have been grown up proudly as A Feng and will be a Feng until I die. I won't let you down" Sean knelled.

Mr and Mrs Feng wiped their tear and nodded "Get up" Mrs Feng caressed her boys. They had grown up but for her they were still her little boys.

"You will be a big boss soon. Will you look down at me ? I just a retiree fruitman" Mr Feng teased Nick.

Nick laughed "I am a fruitman son"

"Dad, how lucky you are. fruitman who has big bosses as your son in laws, now your son become big boss" Sean teased his father.

"I still just a poor woman who look after 11 boys and only have 1 granddaughter" Mrs Feng sneered.

Nick laughed "I'll ask Keinichi and Alan to experiment more

"Ask Keinichi by your self mum. He won't say no to you" Sean blurted.

"nah, they have enough and That Keinichi, he spoiled your sister to much" Mrs Feng signed

"That's his obligation" Sean laughed

Behind the door, Alice wiped her tears. She saw her mother in law stood on her cottage door earlier. she walked over and coinsidently heard the whole conversation. People said blood thicker than water, but for her, there was something even thicked than blood. Her husband was far more important than them who had blood relation with her, In fact he was her priority . She determined to support her husband and forced her brother to learn and mature faster.