
Hans and Sasha wedding

On Friday, the whole family was taken to old resident of Jung ancestors. It was a large compound located in small village of the nort side of the country. The residential area was an old building with traditional architecture.

"Oh My, it reallt like in the movie" Cacha was dumpfounded.

"True" Lana added.

Mike and his parents arrived there tge night before. So as soon as Feng family and relatives arrived, Mike and Lisa came out "I'll show your rooms then walk you guys around".

After Mike gave them a quick tour insdie the residential, They were gathering in the hall enjoying afternoon tea. Alice suddently remembered about Liam.

"My brother told me that he is arriving today. I just wonder if he can come here" she asked Nick.

"I'll ask Hans about it" Nick went to Hans straight away and came back to Alice in no time.

"What did Hans Say ?"

"He texted me the address and I have forwarded to Liam. He just need to show it to the taxi driver to come here, if he want to. Otherwise he just can wait in the city and attent the function on sunday"

Liam just arrived in country K. he was not alone, he brough small team from his company, with him. His dad asked him to look after business matter there. As soon as he arrived in the airport, He turned on his phone and two text messages appeared on his phone. He was disappointed after he read two rext message one from Angie and the other was from Nick. He expected to see his lover and his sister that day, however both of them told him there were not in the city.

'I can not come. See you on sunday" The replied to Nick.

'when will you be back in the city?' He text Angie.

'Saturday night. I stay with Sasha and her family' Angie replied.

'ok. I'll see you on sunday. Come with me after the party ended. ok ?'

'ok' Both Liam and Angie grinned happily.

Angie mood was not unnotice by Alice.

"why are you so happy ? ah.. I know My brother will be here soon. Am I right ?" Alice teased as she saw Angie put her phone away.

"Wrong. He won't attend tomorrow ceremony. I'll see him on sunday" Angie snorted.

"Really ? why ?"

"No idea. He didn't say anything".

Alice took her phone and sent a text message to her brother.

'Are you not coming to the wedding tomorrow ?'.

'No, I have business matter her. I'll see you on sunday'

On saturday, At 9.30 the whole family was gathering on the front lawn that had been decorated accordingly. Traditional wedding ceremony would be started at 10 and only attended by close family from both side.

"Why did they choose winter" Josh was shivering.

"He wanted as soon as posible" Mike smirked.

"hey guys !" Hendry, the one of the bestmen just arrived. Hendry was Nick and Hans friend, he hang out together back in their highschool and university years. Nick rushed to welcome his old friend who he had not seen for 8 years. He never though Hans would choose his as one of his bestmen.

"Nick, How are you mate ? I heard you are married and become a boss now " Hendry punched Nick shoulder gently.

"I'm great. It's just small firm, Only enough to feed my small family. I'm surprise he asked you to be his bestman" Nick patted Hendry shoulde back.

"Me too, I nearly had heart atteck when he told me he was going to marry your sister and asked me to be his bestman" Hendry laughed then he greeted Sean and Mike then Those four men had a great ha-ha te-he.

"Alan, why didn't you join them ?" Alice was curious as Alan just sat and chatted with Mrs Feng brother.

"I am not familiar with him" Alan said.

"He was to busy study, never hang out with us" Will patted Alans' back then joined Nick.

After while, Nick came to take Alice with him. "Mate, this is my wife" he introduced her to Hendry.

"Hello" Alice smiled

"No way, How come your wife is very beautiful. Miss, how come to choose this nerd as your husband" Hendry was dumpfounded .

"Magic" Nick grinned

"Nerd ?" Alice thought she heard wrongly

"Yes. He was a nerd" Hendry laughed.

"This is my wife" Mike introduced Lisa.

"This My girlfriend" Sean introduced Jasmine.

"This is my future wife" Will introduced Mia.

"Damn you Sean, Why is your girlfriend so cute ? I am sure now that you two learn black magic" Hendry pointed as Nick and Sean. Then he shifted his glance yo Mike "And you two help Mike to get this lady" Hendry shook his head.

"Precisely" Mike roared with laughter.

Hendry th en leaned to Will "Mate, she is better than your last one".

Will grinned "All credit goes to Nick and His wife".

The emcee interupted their fun, he asked every one to be seated before the ceremony begun. The chairs were not enough so Nick and Alice decided to stand up. Not Only them, Sean, Jasmine, Will, Mia and Hendry were also standing.

Nick took Alice to his embrace, he knew she was cold. Jasmine was also the same, Sean his big body to keep her warm.

"It is same like the one I saw in the drama" Cacha whispered in the middle of the ceremony.

"It's beautiful wedding" Alice whispered to Nick.

"Mm hmm" Nick smiled and kissed her forehead.

After the ceremony ended, They were directed to a big hall when they had alunch. It was an extravagant one, the dishes were sumptuous and delicious. During the meal, everyone chatted happily.

"Hans, When did you start fall in love with Sasha ? I clearly remember back then you used to tease and bully her" Will asked.

"Don't tell me you loved to tease her to get her attention" Hendry added.

Hans was just grinning instead of answered the question. But those guys there were not fool, so they knew what the answer was.

"They sneaked behind our back before my eldest brother wedding" Cacha answered it for them.

"It's true. We saw them kissing in our house" Lana added.

" I saw them kissing on Nick wedding party" Lisa added.

"Very cheeky" Sean sneered.

"We are all family now" Hans smiled with Victory.