
Another chance

During the whole journey, Alice was unease. She saw Ming kept looking at her while grinning. Nick noticed it as well, he patted her hand to make her relax. Alice inhaled a deep breath and lean on his chest while caressing Austen who just woke up. An hour later, they arrived at a villa. From outside, it looked like just an ordinary place. However, in fact, It was very luxury place. It had a spacious front lawn with beautiful landscape, the main building which was in the middle of the property was very spacious and decorate by highest quality of furniture.

"where are we ?" Alice was very confused.

"Your parents live here since one and half years ago" Ming got off from the car and opened the back door "come on, your dad had been texting me all the time"

once Nick and Alice stepped out from the car, they were welcomed by Liam.

"welcome home, my sister. Come inside" he gave Alice a big hug then shook hand with Nick and pecked little austen forehead lightly.

He did not forget to greet Mr and Mrs Feng as well as Sean, Jasmine, Lana and Ed.

"Lets go" Nick held Alice hand with his left hand while his right hand held Austen

" But mum and the rest"

"They will follow us. Come on" He knew she was reluctant to do it.

They were guided to the living room by Ming where Two familiar figure werr waiting for them. Alice froze when she saw those two, She was in daze but she was still able to hear her husband called them father in law and mother in law.

She saw them smiled at her and called her Xinxin affectionately, but she didn't know what to do. She had been dreamed about it for years but she had abandoned her dreams years ago.

She saw in low motion that they stood up and walked toward her step by step.

She saw they raised their hands toward her, she did not what their intention was. But she remembered his slap and she suddenly feared of the lady in front of her. She was scared of them "Don't touch me" She said weakly.

"Don't touch me, Don't touch me" she said it louder and louder until the whole villa heard her. She lost her clear mind, her fear, sorrow and resentment took over her rational.

"I am not your daughter. Xinxin is death. she is not longer here"

"No. you are my daughter I had you on me for nine months and I delivered you" Madma Lin cried

"But you didn't care about me. you left me alone while you were playing with our daughter. You never cared about me. You asked money for me so I can be with my husband. I gave it to you so I am not related to you anymore. You hate me" She said it out of loud. Madam Lin cried while pressing her chest.

Nick gave Austen to his mother "Mum, Look after Austen. Alice, she is not in her right mind"

Mrs Feng nodded and took Austen, She was worry about her daughter in law.

Mr Feng hugged his wife"Sean, go, help your brother". They knew Alice emotion was not normal.

"Xinxi, stop it. Stop hurting your mum" Chairman voice was full of domineering

"I can't hurt her nor anyone you love but you and other are freely to hurt me . Why ?" Alice challenged him.

He was a proudand domineering man, No one had ever dared to provoke him like that. "You" Chairman NG raised his hands subconsciously.

"Dad don't" Liam held his father hand while Cobra, Ming and little tiger also rushed to calm him down.

On the other hand, Nick rushed to pull Alice to his embrace and shielded her with his body. However, Alice pushed him away. she could not recognised anyone else, she just stared at her father with hatred.

"Let him hit me. He did it before, he threw me on the street like a garbage. He never looked for me, the only time he did it was to insult me and humiliate me in public. what's the different if he hit me once or few more time" She said it coldly but tears were falling from her eyes.

Chairman NG lower his hand and closed his eyes. He recalled what he did to her years ago in country U. He opend his eyes "Take your aunty upstair" Liam knew his father were asking him.

Nick pulled her to his embrace and calmed her down "No one will slap you. I am here". Alice cried

"Go, we are here. Nothing go wrong today" Ming tapped Liam shoulder.

Chairman NG walked to his daughter step by step. He raised his hand while Alice hid her face to Nick chest. "Bro" Cobra warned.

But Chairman NG ignored him, He extended his hand to her face and caresses her head "I am sorry, I was wrong. I am not a good father. I hurt you so much and let others hurt you as well. Xinxin, you are my daughter, My flesh and blood but I failed to protect you. It was all my fault. I am sorry. but Dady promise you, I protect you from now on. Daddu won't allowed them to hurt you, never again. Give dad and mum another chance to adore and pamper you, Just one more chance ok ?".

Alice did not answer him, she just cried.

Nick slowly pulled her off from his chest and signalled his father in law to get closer and hugged his wife.

"Xinxin, Daddy is really sorry" Chairman NG placed Alice head on his chest and caressed her.

"Dad loves you, you are my princess" Chairman NG for the first time in his life kissed his daughter forehead. He sobbed.

Alice felt a warm sensation on her father embraced. The word of love from her father mouth destroyed her hatred. once she dreamt about it and now she heart it.

She cried even louder on her father embraced, Chairman NG led her to sit on sofa and let her princess cried while patting her back lightly.

Mrs Feng wiped her tears and gave Austen to her husband then went to Madam Lin who was refused to go. She also cried on Liams' embrace

"She just need time. she is a good girl, she longings your love" Mrs Feng spoke in mandarin, She patted Madam Lin then two mothers cuddled each other and cried.