
Toymaker: Isekai

In another world where three prominent occupations of fantastical proportions exist, Jeff decides to plagia- oh sorry! bring the characters from his past life to LIFE, although he doesnt remember much of their lore...

TheVoidGrail · Others
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22 Chs

The Storm (10)

Again it was the next morning when Jeff woke, albeit this time he was super weak and super hungry, the intense focusing had depleted a lot of energy from him both physically and mentally, he went to his kitchen and heated up about three sets of premade meals which depleted his reserves to basically only four left.

He ate them all and then took a shower, quick and easy before he returned to the desk where he worked, he opened the Holocom and looked at the time limits given to him by the investors, some actually gave him quite a lot of time even though theu started off a ssomewhat rude, the one that had the shortest time limit was Mattias-Meraccus Productions.

"Okay then this guys the first to get the toys, hopefully my body has recovered enough from that long sleep and all that food"

Jeff resumed making the clone trooper, although he was still slightly trembling since one cannot easily recover from passing out and not eating for a few days straight, he was still able to add the details to the body, scars and burns were carved onto the body.

It took him about another 4 hours to finish it all up and assembled the figure, from joints snapping together to him sewing up the anti-beam cloth for the armor padding, today the first clone trooper in this new world was born, he carved his logo on the bottom of a shoe, this logo wont translate into the lore world but is just a mark of the maker, he also added a roman 1 to depict his first creation.

This very specific clone trooper would end up as a very expensive figure in the future that collectors would spend more than 10M coins to get, but that is for a future tale.

Jeff moved on to the storm trooper armors and for them it was much easier due to the experience he got from the clone trooper and the armors he crafted, as for why he continued to the storm troopers and not the other clone troopers? Because of Matts deadline.

The carving of the wood and all that followed was smoother than before, the only point that slowed down was the creation of the clay bodies and one armor, he made a set smaller than the rest, why? Because he wanted to add a female storm trooper, a sausage party was just too much.. and he also remembered some memes in his past life.

If he was being honest he just wanted an excuse to make a waifu underneath the storm trooper armor, he made the men the same as the first but added some paint on the clay to change their skin colors otherwise he would have a repetitive character and he wanted to give the Loremaker flexibility on their usage.

Jeff then moved on to the one he wanted to make the most, call him thirsty if you want but he wanted to make a waifu, the body creation was still the same, forming up clay and adding details though lets just say he added more details to the female model than the rest... Hopefully the Loremaker wont strip the doll.

The characteristics he gave the toy was red eyes, blonde hair with a wolf cut, a curvy body, large chest and a similarly large posterior, though it all ended up being hidden benath the the armor as he covered it with anti-beam padding, this was also the only figure in this set that got top and bottom underwear... Moving on.

The process took him about a total of four days again but this time he didnt forget to eat and sleep a bit, he still had his focus but he was also looking at the time from time to time to regulate his schedule.

Jeff still had atleast one more day before he would send the toys to the address Matt gave him, so what was he planning to do with this day? Create 6 beam rifles, this part was easy since it was one of the most basic projects when he was in college and ended after 3 hours, the hardest part of the build was adding the electronics without poking an eye out.

With thay done he began designing the box for the toy, he wanted to add a death star to the box but stopped since there was gonna be a high possibility of it being stolen from him if he did, he opted for a jungle aesthetic on the box and just added a scene where they were treading through the jungle.

Jeff moved on to his printer and printed his box art on strong adhesive sticker paper, he added gray silhouettes to show where he was gonna put the figures, this box set was gonna be a six in one with the clone leading the storm troopers.

The printing was fast and accurate, he bought 5 boxes from a nearby seller and then cut it slowly into the shape of the print before sticking the prints onto it, the sticker paper was so sticky he only had one chance to stick it on, luckily he was able to place it correctly.

Why didnt he just stick it on before cutting? Well he is human and humans make mistakes, if you do not make mistakes then youre a robot.

Jeff posed the figures and placed the weapons in their hands, he then tied them to the box and then stuck transparent plastic on the front from within the box to give the buyer a view of the figures, not to blow his own horn but he had to admit it looked magnificent.

A clone trooper leading 5 storm troopers, probably his pupils through a treacherous exercise, just marvelous.