
Tower of Fantasy : Rising to the Top

Alex from earth suddenly woke in a body of a teenager in a parallel world and found that everyone in that world can enter in dungeon which are mostly movies , anime and novels in his previous world and Only he knows the plots. Will he be able to use his knowledge to his advantage to reach the top or will he fail . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.S cover photo was made using photoleap P.P.S Its my first novel .I welcome advice to make my writing better P. P. P. S I own only the OCs. Other characters from movies,anime or novel belong to their respective owners

Daemon009 · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

[ Teleporting adventurer to the dungeon]

[ It is found that adventurer No: 707897 has an item [ Drop location] card. Does adventurer No: 707897 want to use it]

"Yes," Alex said.

[Please enter the address you want to be teleported]

[Note: More detailed the address better the accuracy. If you enter only the country then you would be teleported anywhere in that country randomly]

This might be difficult for others as they do not know the world they are going into but for Alex it is easy.

Country: USA

Address: Austin, Texas

[Is this the address you want to be teleported to]

[ ' yes' or ' no']

Alex clicked ' yes'.

Then a blinding light flashed and Alex suddenly found himself in an alley. Alex hurriedly pulled out his gun from his inventory and looked around to see if there was any zombie around. Luckily Alex was teleported to an alley free of zombies.

[ Congratulation to the adventurer for entering his first dungeon]

[ To leave the dungeon adventurer has to complete one mission]

[ Sp will also be awarded to the adventurer depending on how well the adventurer's performance was or how many missions the adventurer completed]

[Mission A: kill 20 zombies

Time limit: 1 month

Reward: Leaving the dungeon and 100 sp for each zombie killed]

As Alex expected mission was to kill zombies.

Suddenly heard a sound coming from his side he turned around rapidly to see a female zombie in jogging clothes limping toward him. Her face was covered in blood and bite marks on her arms and legs. Her foot was bent so she was not able to move fast.

Alex was terrified seeing this scene even though he had seen such scenes in movies but seeing it like this was completely different.

Alex hurriedly pulled out his gun and fired at the zombie hitting her in the head. The zombie fell down and stopped moving but Alex got close to it and fired at its head one more time. 'Double tap' is one of the rules to survive in this dungeon.

Alex walked out of the alley slowly and looked around. He saw nothing but destruction all around. Cars crashed into each other and blood on the road. He started walking towards a store on the other side of the road carefully.

Alex looked inside through the glass door to see if there was any zombie inside. He opened the door slowly with one hand and held his gun in the other hand tightly. Alex entered the store and closed the door behind him.

Alex searched the whole store first for zombies but did not find any. He closed all the doors and looked for useful things in the store. He was able to find many food items like chips and soft drinks which have not yet expired. Alex also found a shotgun with 10 cartridges.

Alex thought of his next course of action he could either choose to stay here and kill 20 zombies or choose to take a risk and go out toward the highway leading to Columbus, Ohio where he will be able to meet the protagonist's team. There is a big chance he will be able to trigger a mission.

After thinking about it for some time Alex decided to take the risk. He looked outside the window to look for a vehicle and spotted a gray Cadillac. Alex exited the store and ran toward it and open its door, fortunately, it was not looked and the car keys were still inside Alex checked the back seats just to be safe and got in. He saw three zombies coming toward him from the buildings in front. He started the car and drove over them and stopped after some distance and killed them with a bullet in the head. Alex started driving towards the highway.

Alex started thinking about the plot. The protagonist of the movie is trying to reach Columbus to look for his parents and in the movie, he is called Columbus due to his destination. He is cowardly and survived due to following his rules. He meets a man on the highway who is going to Tallahassee who is also called Tallahassee in the movie and asks for a lift. Then they meet Wichita and her sister little rock who rob them 2 times and are going to Pacific Playland. Alex was quite excited to meet Wichita who was played by Emma Stone in the movie. He was her fan.

On the way, Alex was also able to find a gun store and was able to get a large amount of ammo and a few guns there. He was also able to find explosives there apparently that store was a hideout of a mafia Alex felt quite lucky.

Alex reached the highway and started driving towards Columbus slowly hoping to find the protagonist or Tallahassee on the way. Alex also killed 6 more zombies on the way completing half of his mission.

After driving on the highway for some time the car ran out of fuel and Alex had to walk on the highway but he did not have to walk for long. Alex found a Hostess truck crashed on the side of the highway the same one that Tallahassee and Columbus found and checked for twinkies. Alex checked it and it was not open so that means they have not yet come here. Alex decided that he would wait there for a few hours and if they do not come then he will continue on the highway and look for the grocery store where Wichita and little rock were.

There were few zombies around so Alex decided to kill time by killing zombies. Alex got on top of a car and easily killed 17 of them and completed his mission.

[Congratulations! Adventurer No: 707897 you have completed your mission. You can now choose to return back or stay here for a month]

[Do you wish to return back?]

[ 'yes' or 'no']

Alex clicked on 'no'.

[As the adventurer has chosen to stay the mission will also be upgraded]

[ Mission A2: kill 50 zombie

Reward: 100 sp for each zombie killed and Title ' Zombie Slayer']

Alex has not heard of a title but since it was the reward for the upgraded mission it must be a good thing. Just when was returning back to the truck he found another zombie he wanted to ignore it but the zombie charged toward him. Alex used the same method but the zombie got up and charged toward him. Alex was shocked to see this. He did not expect to see a T800 zombie here they were only shown in the second movie. He hurriedly pulled out his shotgun and fired at its head blowing his head to smithereens. He fired one more to completely destroy its head. This was the only way shown in the movie that could kill a T800.

[ Congratulation to the adventurer for completing a hidden mission: Kill a T800 zombie. The reward will be given after the adventurer return to the Tower]

It was as Alex has expected there were hidden missions other than the basic mission to return back. These missions will contribute to the overall assessment. Completing the basic mission only gets you B or C assessment and most only chose to complete the basic mission which is why nobody has ever had an assessment higher than B.

Alex decided to return back to the truck. When he reached there he was surprised to see two men standing close to the opened truck. Both of them heard his footsteps and aimed their guns at him.
