
Tower of Dust and Redemption

In the bustling city of Astoria, a kind-hearted individual named Lucas dedicated his life to helping others in need. However, his world crumbles when he is betrayed by a trusted friend, leading to his untimely demise. But fate has other plans for Lucas. Miraculously, Lucas awakens to find himself regressed to a mere shadow of his former self. Fueled by anger and a thirst for revenge, he embraces the darkness within, determined to forge his own path and reclaim his shattered virtue.

Frozen_Wordsmith · Urban
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13 Chs

Unveiling the Abyss

The scene unfolded before my eyes, sending shockwaves through my very being. "I thought I had lost these precious things, but he kept them all," I murmured in disbelief, my voice filled with a mix of wonder and confusion.

Amidst the collection, my childhood photographs and cherished possessions had found their place. Intrigued, my gaze fell upon a diary resting on my brother's bedside table. An overwhelming urge compelled me to seize it and cautiously flip through its pages.

"Sorry, brother, I know it's wrong to invade your privacy like this," I whispered, guilt mingling with my insatiable curiosity. "But I need to see it, just once."

With trembling hands, I opened a random page, my heart pounding in anticipation. The words before me unveiled a tender side of my brother. "Today, Lucas took his first steps. I bought him a pair of tiny shoes," the diary entry read. An accompanying photograph captured me wearing those very shoes, a treasured memory preserved.

Driven by a desire to delve deeper, I turned to the book's entries from the year 2023. It was then that I stumbled upon a profound revelation. "Dad wanted to bring Lucas into the company, but I insisted he pursue his true passions," the diary revealed.

Flipping through the pages, I discovered an unsettling truth. My brother had been diligently documenting my life, his affection bordering on obsession. Daily photographs chronicled my every move, exposing a level of intimacy I never fathomed he possessed.

As I continued my exploration, I came across a torn page, its remnants beckoning me to piece together the missing puzzle. Gingerly, I picked up the torn fragment, its contents unraveling a distressing tale. Lucas had fallen under the influence of a dubious friend named Roy, who had been surreptitiously maligning my character. I had naively dismissed Roy as a mere nuisance, unaware of the imminent danger he posed. Unbeknownst to me, his father had a notorious criminal history, involving fraud, theft, and embezzlement within our family's company.

Epiphany struck me like a thunderbolt. The day I innocently inquired about Roy's father, he had lied to me, claiming his father was a reputable businessman. "Was he seeking revenge for his father's actions? Was that the reason he approached me in the first place?" I pondered, my mind racing to connect the dots.

The friend I once trusted the most had betrayed me. Perhaps my family's loss before my regression wasn't an accident. After that, my family went bankrupt. Maybe I'm overthinking, but now that they're all alive, I can save them. Last time, I didn't know what to do, but this time I will save everyone.

"Oh, right, it's that day. Finally, the day of catastrophe. The first incident happened when a monster went berserk."

[Kill the monster and receive a reward from the system.]

"It looks like I have some work to do."

March 29, 2023

Today is the day of catastrophe. The city of Astoria, near our family's hotel, is in chaos due to a dungeon breakout. It was also the day I lost my brother, and my father had to live with my annoying cousin, who ran away with the remaining money after our company went bankrupt.

But this time, I'm going to change that.

Suddenly, a cracking sound echoed through the air as the ground split open, revealing a dark red dungeon hole. Monsters started emerging, attacking innocent people. Though they were low-level monsters, I knew I had to clear them out. "Ahh... save us!" desperate cries filled the air.

The hotel manager exclaimed, "Something is happening! We need to call the police!"

One of the staff members responded, "Manager, there's no signal. We can't do anything. We need to run for our lives!"

"Evacuate everyone safely!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Security, close the doors!"

A staff member confronted me, asking, "Who are you? Do you think you're a hero? Just run and save your own life."

"Not bad. You can call me a hero after I save you," I confidently replied.

"Manager, evacuate everyone!" I shouted, rushing towards the upper floor where my brother and father were having a meeting with their client.

I hurriedly reached the room and forcefully opened the door.

My father, filled with anger, questioned, "What kind of behavior is this?"

"Trust me, you'll thank me for this," I reassured him.

"Dad, something serious is happening. Ryan, you need to take care of Dad and lead him out through the hotel's back door. Take the guests with you and find a safe place. The hotel has been attacked by monsters," I explained to my brother.

I knew my brother, Ryan, was clever enough to handle the situation and keep our father safe.

Now, I had to focus on clearing the dungeon and protecting everyone else.

A monster with a long tongue lunged at me as I approached the dungeon. Its tongue writhed and slithered, leaving a trail of melting destruction in its wake. "Looks like its tongue contains acid," I observed, trying to keep my distance.

The creature's tongue resembled that of a lizard, but its appearance was strangely different, unlike any lizard I had ever seen.

Desperately, I dodged and ducked, knowing I couldn't face it head-on. I needed something to defend myself. Then, I noticed a sword displayed as a showpiece in a showcase behind me. I wasn't sure if it was genuine or just one of my dad's collected antiques.

Reaching out, I grabbed hold of the sword.

"[Aetherius Sword: You have obtained a valuable item.]"

"Whoa, I had no idea it was this good," I exclaimed in awe, realizing the power and significance of the sword in my hands.

Those who don't know about this sword's value are as good as dead.

Throughout the ages, the Aetherius Edge had become the stuff of legends, entwined with tales of heroic deeds and epic battles against dark forces. It was believed that only a true champion, one with a noble heart and unwavering resolve, could wield its power.

"Hello, Master, I am Zion," a voice echoed in my mind.

"Whoa, you can talk?" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course, I can," Zion replied confidently.

"And I also know that you have no knowledge of swordsmanship," Zion continued.

I paused for a moment, considering the situation. "You sure know a lot, but can we talk later?" I asked.

"Why, Master? Don't you like me?" Zion questioned, sounding a bit hurt.

"That monster is thrashing its tongue around. If I don't kill it, both of us will end up as its lunch today," I explained urgently.

"Don't worry, Master. You can count on me," Zion reassured me.

"How? You know I can't wield swords," I replied, my fear evident.

"It's okay. I will help you. You'll see how useful I can be," Zion assured me once again.

My body moved forward, seemingly on its own accord. My heart trembled, realizing how forcefully I was acting. Deep down, I knew I was still weak at heart. But now, I stood right in front of the monster, gripping the sword tightly. My senses focused solely on the creature before me.

The monster extended its tongue, and in that moment, my hands moved swiftly, cutting its tongue in one powerful slash.

"Whoa, did I do this?" I questioned, amazed by my own actions.

"No, Master. It was me. You were so scared that your body froze," Zion revealed.

[Congratulations! You have earned the title "Heart of Steel."]

With each successful strike, I gained confidence. Fear no longer gripped me as tightly as before. But I knew it wasn't the end.

The monster let out a piercing scream as its tongue was severed, and a viscous liquid spewed from its mouth. Without hesitation, I swiftly delivered a powerful strike, cleaving the creature in half.

[Congratulations! You have earned the title "First Blood."]

"Looks like I'm the only one who was able to kill the monster," I remarked, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Yes, Master, because I'm the best," Zion responded with confidence.

"Wow, you sure are narcissistic. Shouldn't you be saying, 'My master is the best'?" I teased.

"You humans blame the tools when it's your own fault, so why can't I take the credit when it was solely my doing?" Zion retorted.

"You do have a point. Let's stop talking. I think this monster might have a blue stone. I have a feeling I know what it is," I said, recognizing the significance of the stone.

I carefully collected the blue stone, knowing that I could sell it if the need arose.

More and more monsters appeared, but with Zion's assistance, I dispatched them one by one. As their numbers dwindled, I made my way deeper into the dungeon, ready to face whatever challenges awaited me inside.

I update regularly, so if you like it, please add it to your library. It would be beneficial, and I would appreciate your comments, as they will inspire me to provide more good stories.

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