
Fractured Trust

"Roy, please, save me!" I groaned, lying on the ground, covered in blood. But he just smirked and moved forward without a care. I felt betrayed. "Roy, weren't we friends?" I managed to utter between gasps of pain.

"Huh, friends? A weak person and someone of low class like you cannot be friends with me," he sneered, his words piercing through me like a dagger. The pain was not just from the wounds but from the realization that our friendship meant nothing to him.

I mustered the strength to speak again, my voice trembling, "But I saved your life."

He paused, turning back to face me. Slowly, he approached, bringing his face close to mine. The world around us seemed to fade away as he spoke, his words dripping with contempt and indifference.

"Saving my life doesn't change who you are. You're nothing but trash," he spat, his words stinging like acid. In that moment, my heart shattered, and the weight of his betrayal became unbearable.

"Did I tell you to save my life? How foolish you are not to realize it was all a setup to trap you," he sneered, his words twisting the knife in my heart. My strength waned, and I struggled to comprehend the depth of his deception.

"Why did you do this? I treated you as a friend," I managed to whisper, my voice filled with a mix of confusion and hurt.

His anger blazed in his eyes as he retorted, "What friends? I never thought of you as a friend. I merely treated you well because you were useful to me. But now, I no longer need you. I don't need your skills anymore."

With those words, he callously walked away, leaving me broken and abandoned. Tears streamed down my face, their warmth mingling with the cold ground upon which I lay. It was a painful realization that my kindness had been met with betrayal, that the people I had trusted had shown their true colors.

Lying on the ground and waiting for death, I thought, "I don't want to die like this. If only I had one more chance to make up for my mistakes, I wouldn't have ended like this."

A message popped up: "Do you want to be a regressor? (Y/N)" Of course, I needed this chance. I chose yes. [Penalties will be applied.]

{Random date has been chosen: March 23, 2023}

Everything was enveloped in darkness. When I finally opened my eyes, it felt as though I had just awakened from a deep slumber. To my surprise, I found myself lying in my bed, in the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. The world outside my window was filled with the warm light of day.

Curiosity urged me to reach for my smartphone on the nightstand. As I picked it up and glanced at the screen, my heart skipped a beat. The date displayed was March 23, 2023, and the time read 8:30 AM. It was the exact date and time the system had mentioned.

"I can't believe I am back to square one. All my stats have become F class. I need to raise my stats. I was at least a C- class before regression."

Three years ago, on the day of the catastrophic event known as the "dungeon break," a horrifying disaster unfolded. Countless people suffered, including my parents, who tragically lost their lives. It was the day I lost everything. Despite the immense pain, I refused to harbor blame or seek revenge against the monsters responsible. My father had always taught me that seeking revenge was a childish pursuit. Instead, I chose to carry on with an ordinary life, finding solace in playing games.

However, everything changed when he approached me.

"Lucas, I need your help as a supporter. I heard you possess healing skills, and I need someone to cover my back and provide healing support," he said, his name being Roy.

"Roy, I've told you before—I don't want to become a hunter. I'm content with my ordinary lifestyle," I replied, hoping he would understand.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and pleaded, "Lucas, I merely need a healer. You don't have to engage in battles or take unnecessary risks. Just be my supporter, and I promise to watch your back."

His words resonated within me, and I contemplated the idea. Perhaps trying something different wouldn't be so bad. Despite having rejected numerous offers from guilds in the past, Roy's persistence wore me down.

Eventually, I agreed, thinking it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Little did I know how wrong I was. As Roy grew stronger, he began to belittle and degrade me. What once seemed like a partnership turned into a one-sided exploitation of my powers.

One day, while Roy was hunting alongside his friend, my mana depleted rapidly from constantly healing their injuries. Since I had neglected developing other skills, my stamina was extremely low.

"Roy, can we rest? I'm completely exhausted," I pleaded.

Roy's girlfriend, Tina, interjected, "Roy, why did you bring this pathetic loser along?"

"Just as a supporter because I needed him," Roy nonchalantly replied.

Hearing his words, I realized that he didn't value me as a person; he merely saw me as a means to enhance his own abilities. The problem was, I couldn't bring myself to say no to him.

They didn't stop. Out of nowhere, a monstrous creature with two massive teeth and long ears attacked Tina, severely injuring her. My mana was nearly depleted, and I couldn't heal her injuries.

"Lucas, save Tina! What are you doing?" Roy shouted in frustration.

"Roy, I want to save her too, but I don't have enough mana left," I explained, my voice filled with desperation.

"So what? Just save her! That's why I brought you here!" Roy's anger escalated.

"It will endanger my own health," I mustered the courage to voice my concern.

"Just shut your mouth and do as I said!" Roy snapped, his dominance overpowering any objections.

Helplessly, I used every last bit of my remaining mana to heal Tina. I coughed up blood, my body weakened by the strain.

As Tina regained consciousness, she kicked me with fury. "Hey, you wanted me to die! I won't let you get away with this!"

Roy grabbed Tina and said, "We still need him. Let him go."

I had no mana left in my body, feeling completely drained and defeated.

In truth, I possessed skills in marksmanship and swordsmanship, not healing abilities. Yet, I had made the mistake of working as Roy's sidekick, never realizing the true extent of my own potential. The day after I decided to quit and venture into solo hunting, Roy set a treacherous trap for me. I found myself cornered, facing imminent danger.

As the monsters closed in, I desperately called out for help, but no one came to my aid. Not a single person stepped forward, not even those whom I had selflessly healed for several years until my mana had been entirely depleted.

In that moment, a resolve ignited within me—a burning determination to rise above my past and become the strongest hunter, surpassing anyone who had ever doubted me. Roy's betrayal would not be the end of my story; it would be the catalyst for my transformation.

"This time, Roy," I whispered to myself, anger and determination lacing my words, "things will be different. I will become the strongest hunter, far surpassing your power or anyone else's."

I returned to the day one week before, a time when the towers emerged, and the entire world underwent a drastic change. Armed with a wealth of knowledge about the past, I knew I could utilize it to overcome the tower's challenges. However, before that, I needed to focus on enhancing my stamina.

From that day onward, I made it a habit to rise at 4 am, pushing myself to the limit to build my endurance. I embarked on a grueling routine: a 20 km walk, 50 crunches, stair climbing, jumping jacks, sit-ups, and push-ups.

As I finished today's demanding workout, a notification chimed, informing me that my pain resistance and stamina had increased by 20 percent. Yet, despite my progress, I couldn't help but feel it still wasn't enough. Collapsing onto my bed, exhaustion coursed through me.

A knock sounded on my door, followed by the arrival of my meal. Niel, my companion, remarked, "Your food seems to reflect your exhaustion. But why are you pushing yourself so hard? Your brother and father have already achieved enough success for the family."

"Don't get me started, Niel," I replied with a sigh. "They spoil me too much. But neither my father nor my brother has ever forced me to do anything for them."

Niel, concerned, questioned further, "Yes, they love you dearly. But why do you harbor such animosity towards them? I think you should join them for dinner tonight."

"Niel, you know that every time they open their mouths, it's all about business. And as for my brother, he's convinced that if I enter the company, I'll snatch away his position. He doesn't want me there."

"Lucas, I believe you've misunderstood him. He cares deeply for you and wants you to pursue your own passions. He wants you to find something you love. If you don't believe me, just visit his room."

"He never allows me to enter his room. He always keeps it locked and wears a strained expression whenever I bring it up."

"I'll give you the keys. Just go and see for yourself. I'm telling you, there's a side of your brother you haven't seen."

Curiosity welled up within me. 'If it were the old me, I wouldn't dare to break the rules and enter his room. But this time, I want to be different. I want to witness a side of my brother that has remained hidden from me all this time.'

Standing before my brother's room, curiosity gnawed at my insides, urging me to uncover the truth about him. He had always kept the door locked, denying me entry. Only Niel, our trusted butler and caretaker, held knowledge about the room's contents. With a mix of trepidation and excitement, I turned the key and stepped inside, prepared for whatever awaited me.

The sight that greeted my eyes left me dumbfounded. "Whoa... is this real?" I questioned, unable to believe my own senses. To confirm my suspicions, I pinched myself, wincing as the pain coursed through me. "Ouch... it hurts. Maybe... maybe this is all real."

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