
Tower of all Wishes

Welcome to the Tower of Wishes where all your wishes can come true! Ron a normal man who longed for a life of fantasy had died and was suddenly transported to this tower. Now with the help of the wish store he could wish for anything! Now he will explore this tower and see if there is an end to it. A/N This is my first fic. English is not my first language but I am pretty fluent in it. This novel will feature populair characters and powers from anime, tv, manga or other fantasy settings.

AnAccountant · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Handing in the tasks

Hiding his strength would cause him to appear weak making those out for revenge more open about it, once they were out in the open Ron could deal with them by suppressing them with his strength. Ron would rather deal with them in the open than them scheming against him from the shadows.

Walking through the gate Ron and Sabrina walked to the guild, upon entering Ron walked to the receptionist. "Hello! How can I help you?" She smiled at Ron.

"Hello I have some things to report, first I've exterminated the scorpion nest. Second I have scorpion glands to give for another task" Ron explained his reason for being there. Once he was finished he could see the receptionist being stunned for a bit before she asked him to follow her. Ron could notice some gazes from the diner linger on him, was this another effect from the bloodline?

Following the woman inside Ron and Sabrina were led to a room where they waited for someone to arrive, the first to arrive was as Ron expected the alchemist. Upon seeing Ron he was a little confused but upon seeing Sabrina he frowned a little "What can I help you with?" He said as he entered the room with two guards as security.

"We have scorpion glands that I'm fairly certain were your request" Ron explained their reason for being there.

"Ah right, how many do you have?" The alchemist remembered he did place out a task for scorpion glands.

"I've got 18 including one big one she's got 10" Ron and Sabrina took out their glands.

"I'm more surprised you actually went out" The alchemist told Sabrina, he was living in this town and Sabrina was a well known figure here.

"Some stuff happened, I'm going to leave town. I will inform the town lord once he's here" Sabrina told the alchemist. She didn't give him her reasons as to why.

"Well that's big news, wait a minute is that from the mother scorpion?" The alchemist didn't seem interested in Sabrina's departure and was more interested in the gland from the mother scorpion.

"Correct, so how much for the glands?" Ron wanted the merit points so that he could buy more potions from the man.

"5 for normal ones, 15 for the mother gland" The alchemist said his price.

"Fine for me" Ron accepted the price and looked at Sabrina who just nodded and didn't say anything. Upon hearing the price Ron realised it was exactly 100 merit points, originally he was going to buy potion from the man now however he realised he could buy entry to the second level of the dungeon. This did mean that he would have to do the second dungeon without potions, however the enemy was an evil spirit and he did have a holy weapon and even some magic.

After the transfer of goods was done the alchemist left but the guards told Ron and Sabrina to remain, Ron decided to comment on an earlier remark from the alchemist "You don't leave often?" Sabrina just looked down and eventually told him "Not really, I usually stay at home but you know the reasons". Ron just nodded and didn't say anything else and just waited.

A little while later another man came into the room, this was the first time Ron had seen the town lord again after he got his bloodline changed and the difference was like night and day. Ron could feel much more from the town lord than he could previously, it was like a constant weight on his shoulders and a small familiar scent of iron lingered once the man entered. Ron knew the town lord had bloodlust but being able to smell it was a new sensation, Ron tried to stone his expression and hoped the man didn't notice it.

"I have to say you do grow quickly but being able to destroy a scorpion nest while still halfway into the first level? That sounds a little too hard to swallow. So mind telling me how you apparently did?" The town lord didn't miss Ron's growth and was surprised that Ron grew that much from the dungeon; however that still wasn't enough for the scorpions.

"I'm a wishmaster, I used a wish to exterminate the scorpions" Ron told the town lord his identity and hoped his excuse would convince the town lord.

"You really used points to exterminate the scorpions? That just sounds foolish and a huge waste of points" The town lord didn't buy Ron's answer it just sounded dumb.

"I finished off the small scorpions on my own, I used a wish to destroy the mother spider. I assume you know how we get points, just used a smaller wish than the points I would get for destroying the mother scorpion" Ron's explanation was flawless, it was undeniably a  plausible situation.

"I thought you couldn't use the wish store in battle?" The town lord spotted an error in Ron's story and pressed him on it.

"Correct, however one can prepare attacks in advance with it. Say I buy special items that get used upon use that replicate an attack from a higher levelled being" Ron once bought and used items that were tailor made for the fight back with Goblin Slayer and the goblins.

"I cannot deny the plausibility of your story and you being able to kill level two beings on your own is even more outrageous. The only question remains, why are you in such a hurry?" The town lord couldn't say it was impossible however why do it so quickly? He could've waited some time and trained, with his growing speed he could've matched the scorpion rather quickly.

"Because I wanted to clear the dungeon as soon as possible, I managed to obtain a special weapon that I believe is quite suited for the second level" Ron told the town lord the truth on that one, it didn't make much sense to keep the lie on that one.

"So in total you're telling me that after the dungeon and the scorpions you've not only grown a big deal stronger but also procured a special weapon for the second level of the dungeon and still had enough points left over to kill the mother scorpion with" The town lord summarised Ron's whole story which sounded a little bit ridiculous indeed.

"With the wish store anything is possible" Ron's answer made it clear, he was using the infinite possibilities of the wish store as a veil to hide his strength. The best part was that one couldn't even disagree with it. The town lord just looked at Ron with a little scepticism and then looked at Sabrina "I suppose you don't have anything to add to this".

Sabrina's expression was normal as if it didn't matter to her and simply responded by saying "I shared no hand in the killing of the scorpions, that was all him. There is another thing I'd like to talk to sir with but that is outside of this report." 

"Fine, I'll believe your story for now. But if I find out the scorpions are still alive I'll be coming for your head, as for the merit points that will have to wait until I've confirmed they're dead" The town lord believed Ron's word for now and would check out the scorpions later himself. He then focused on Sabrina "And what would you like to report?" 

"I would like to apply to leave the town permanently" Sabrina requested her leave and didn't explain her reasoning.

"So you finally have the guts to leave, fine do as you wish" The town lord didn't mend any words over her leave as if he already expected these words a long time ago. Sabrina just nodded and bowed in thanks.

"If that is all I'll take a look at the scorpion's nest, you better not have wasted my time especially now that the woman is close to the exit around this time" The town lord warned Ron once more before he was off. At his level it would maybe take a few hours to confirm if the scorpions were really gone, this way he could also check the mother scorpion itself to see if Ron's story held water.

Once they were back at the guild hall Ron purchased another entry to the dungeon and breathed a sigh of relief, it seems like the town lord bought his story for now. They exited the guild and went to the town lord's manor "Are you not scared that he will find out the truth once he sees the corpse?" Sabrina asked Ron.

"That corpse is at least 2 days old at this time, with vultures and other predators there's a big chance the corpse is already eaten. And if not I doubt there's much he can gleam from the corpse" Ron explained his thought process. "And even if he can see I did kill it with my hands, the fact still stands that it's dead, it doesn't matter how because I'm also the only one to claim credit. And if he cannot accept someone with keeping secrets then he's just a big hypocrite". 

"What makes you say that?" Sabrina was more surprised Ron would call the town lord a hypocrite.

"Because he's got secrets of his own, especially with that strong bloodlust and smell of blood on him" Ron told Sabrina about the town lord's smell.

"So what now? You will tackle the second level?" Sabrina asked Ron once they were near the town lord's manor.

"Correct, what I told the town lord wasn't a lie. I really do have a weapon for evil spirits" Ron told Sabrina about his whip and how it was made specifically for beings of evil.

"I did notice you changed your whip, this one looks extremely well made but still seems almost sealed?" Sabrina noticed the whip was still in a weaker form.

"Correct, I can unseal it later and have it transform into something even more powerful" Ron didn't explain the specifics around the Whip of Alchemy and Vampire Killer, it was a legendary whip from a video game franchise how would he explain that one?. "How about you? Will you enter the second level of the dungeon?

"No, I don't have a square counter against the spirit. So I suppose I'll have to come back one day" Sabrina told Ron she would probably be at her home during his dungeon track.

Ron and Sabrina parted ways and Ron knocked on the door, he didn't know who would be answering the door since the town lord was gone to check on the scorpion nest. The door opened and an old man walked out, upon seeing the old man Ron started to frown. At first glance the old man was nothing special heck Ron didn't even feel a thing from him, which was exactly why he was frowning; he felt absolutely nothing as if the moment Ron would look away the man wouldn't exist anymore.

"Yes? Can I help you sir?" The old man spoke politely to Ron.

"Yes, I have an entry to the dungeon right here" Ron handed the man with the documentation.

"All seems to be in order, please follow me" The old man nodded and walked inside.

"Sure, are you a stand in for the town lord?" Ron tried to make small talk with the old man.

"Something like that, whenever the town lord goes out I deal with the matters of the dungeon" The old man answered Ron yet Ron was more focused on the old man's feet. He didn't seem to be making any sounds as he moved, Ron was even more perplexed.

"So what is it that you do when the town lord is here?" Ron probed a little bit.

"Oh, nothing special really, just a bit of cleaning here and there" The old man smiled at Ron when he answered his question. Ron almost asked what type of cleaning however that would probably not be a good idea. Ron was certain of the man's identity yet he'd never think to even meet someone like that here.