
Tower of all Wishes

Welcome to the Tower of Wishes where all your wishes can come true! Ron a normal man who longed for a life of fantasy had died and was suddenly transported to this tower. Now with the help of the wish store he could wish for anything! Now he will explore this tower and see if there is an end to it. A/N This is my first fic. English is not my first language but I am pretty fluent in it. This novel will feature populair characters and powers from anime, tv, manga or other fantasy settings.

AnAccountant · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Status screen

How did Ron know he just beat a level two being? Well the achievements he received were a clear indication of that. *ding* *ding* Ron got two messages once he killed the scorpion, one was for exterminating the scorpion nest netting him 2,500 points proving his theory of having to be the one to kill the leader in order to be awarded the points or at least having a role in its death other than spectator. The next one was more of a surprise to Ron.


Reading the message made a few things clear to Ron, one the scorpion was level two which meant that all leaders were also level two. And two using the kindling state Ron was effectively a level two being, however his body can't keep up causing injuries with prolonged use. Which meant the kindling state should only be used on level two beings if he didn't want to gain injuries needlessly.

In the corner of his eyes he spotted Sabrina walking towards him with a mixture of emotion on her face, there was of course surprise and excitement however Ron could also see a bit of fear. She was secretly afraid that Ron would kill her here and now to keep his powers a secret and she would be powerless to stop it. "I will tell no one what I saw here today, I know it's difficult to trust my word but-" She quickly told Ron once she was close.

"Sure, I trust you" Ron quickly cut her off, he really didn't think she would tell people. It wasn't because Ron trusted other people easily, it was because of another reason. Ever since he had met Sabrina he could see pieces of himself in her, she wanted to escape her safe bubble and Ron was the perfect chance just like Scarlett was for him. She wanted to stick close to him and experience many things, she wasn't stupid enough to throw that away purely by being a tattle tale.

Sabrina was taken aback by the quick agreement and thought Ron was too trusting of strangers "But, what if I-" she wanted to debate Ron who cut her off once more "I'm not stupid I know that one shouldn't trust strangers, however I don't think you would tell. Especially not when I'm your ticket to escape the town and experience the tower" Ron revealed that he knew her desires which made Sabrina shut up and fall into silence.

It was true, she was hoping she could stick by Ron. Ron gained strength like a mad man and because of his fearlessness he could have the dream to explore the tower. She wanted that fearlessness to gain strength as well and thought sticking to Ron would be her best best. Knowing that Ron was trusting of her and also knew her desires were both relieving and frightening, she felt like she had no secrets in front of him.

"Don't think too much of it, I was similar to you which is how I deduced it" Ron saw she was going back to square one and quickly explained. Sabrina remembered the story he told her and quickly put one and one together, in the end she bowed as thanks and asked if those potions were from the alchemist. Ron was happy that they were able to move on from the nervous tension and chit chatted with Sabrina while he claimed the gland of the mother scorpion and walked back to town. 

After walking a bit Ron stopped and informed Sabrina that he was going to make a wish, Sabrina eager to see the process stopped and watched in excitement. Ron told her his wish wasn't going to be flashy which dampened her mood a little, ('She's easily excitable like a child') that deduction aside Ron was going to wish for something interesting to him.

For a while now Ron has wondered about his level and his general strengths and weaknesses, and now with his bloodline an idea came to mind on how he would check those; a status screen. It was exactly like it sounded, it would show his stats in video game format making it easy to understand his strengths and which area's needed improvement. It also showed if wishes like the bloodline one were successful at first glance. Ron knew he could wish for immaterial objects like an inventory and even show his talents so he should be able to purchase a status screen.

"I wish for a status screen" Ron kept the wish vague so that he could see a list of possible options.


Soon a list was shown to Ron with all sorts of possible stats it could show him, it ranged from simple ones like name, age, race to even more ridiculous ones like luck, fortitude and resistance to corruption whatever that was. At the bottom of the list there was a total price for the wish and Ron could check which ones he wanted with a checkbox, it felt a little like shopping for a new wardrobe.

Sorting the price from low to high Ron got a bunch of the staple ones like his name, race, level, and wish points. Moving down a little Ron added strength, stamina, vitality, agility and magic to the mix with the last one being more expensive. Strength, stamina and agility were self-explanatory stats with agility meaning speed, vitality was more akin to regenerative strengths and magic was tied directly to his magic. Ron debated if he should throw in ones like intelligence or wisdom but opted not to, the reason was simple; he couldn't change these with training only with wish points, Ron theorised one could use wish points to boost a stat. 

Going further down the list Ron added skills, achievements and bloodline to the list. Skills were obvious ones like his claws but also more advanced ones like his kindling state. Bloodline let him see his Belmont bloodline and check if it did mutate like he suspected. Achievements was a more interesting one, this way Ron could keep track of which achievements he already completed. It was interesting to see the whole list.

After checking the whole list once more he spotted a stat that he had skipped the first time around; toughness. Toughness was more or less how sturdy the body was, initially Ron didn't think it would be interesting however upon rethinking it it was a more relevant stat than he had assumed in the first place.

Scanning the list once more, Ron was satisfied with his choices and braced for the reveal of the price; 6,000 wish points. He would have 2,000 points left over which was enough for his next experiment. Ron confirmed the wish and initially nothing happened, ('Status screen?') he called for it in his mind and a screen suddenly popped up.

Name: Ron Belmont (name changed due to bloodline)

Level: 1

Race: Human

Bloodline: Belmont bloodline (slightly mutated)

Wish points: 2,000

Strength: 32

Stamina: 32

Vitality: 15

Agility: 32

Toughness: 16

Magic: 2/2

Skills: Kindling state, Claws, Whip mastery

Achievements: Accepting the past, Goblin tribe, Convincing, Goblin exterminator, Destiny changer, Secret finder, Kobold's cave clear, Spider hive, Ant colony, Nameless pharaoh's tomb partial clear, Scorpion nest, Scorpion exterminator, Overcoming the odds

It was quite the list seeing it like this, there were many points to talk about. First of all his name changed, could the tower actually do something like that? Being known as a Belmont was of course honouring and Ron certainly didn't miss his old last name; Green. Yes, as in the colour green, lord knows how much he had been bullied with that name.

Name change aside, Ron could see that out of his five body stats 3 were in complete balance. Ron had 55 stars lit thus it seemed like every 2 and a half stars were giving Ron strength, agility and stamina. It made sense when one assumed 10 was the basis of every human being, Ron didn't know if the basis was 10. Vitality was increased due to the potion, Ron had already known the potion gave him a small healing factor that made him heal quicker.

Toughness a more interesting stat, it seemed to start at 5 as a base and increased once per 5 stars. Ron decided on a test with the kindling state to see what would happen to his stats, activating the kindling state and saw a drastic change happen in his strength and agility.

Strength: 54 (32)

Agility: 54 (32) 

His strength and agility gained from the stars doubled in power, however the rest of his stats remained unchanged. Ron knew he had broken some sort of barrier crossing the 50's, which made his body slowly injure itself when using the kindling state. Deactivating the state also gave a change that Ron wasn't expecting.

Stamina: 30 (32)

Vitality: 14 (15)

Thinking about it it made sense, The kindling state would bring a form of fatigue and weakness with it normally but using it to break through the barrier to level two his vitality would take a hit as well. Ron assumed it was his toughness that was the problem, his body couldn't keep up with the stress from the kindling state. Thinking about his toughness Ron tested to see how much it would cost for him to increase his toughness, opening the wish store once more Ron wished to increase his toughness. 


5,000 points for only one point was a rough one, it made Ron think twice about spending wish points for his stats. For now Ron kept the 2,000 wish points in the bank, it could be useful later on. Magic was the last stat Ron had a look at, it was mentioned as '2/2'. Ron expelled his magic through his finger as a test and saw the number go down to '1/2' confirming that it was most likely his current and maximum magic. Ron expected the number to increase to 10 once he could expel it from his whole body.

Ron also could've used his wish points to upgrade the Whip of Alchemy into the Vampire Killer, however Ron had only used the base whip for a single day. 

Was he really in such a rush to upgrade it again? Plus after beating the second level of the pyramid Ron was sure to make enough points, especially when one would think he was going underleveled into a dungeon. 

Ron knew enough about wish points by now to know one thing, they were hard to get but do something noteworthy and you would get points. Do something extra on top of that and more points would follow, case in point the kobold's dungeon, he found the secret room and was rewarded with extra points and it was also mentioned in the rewards screen.

"Are you done?" Sabrina who was losing her patience while Ron was off on his own tangents.

"Ah yes, let's go back. I got another dungeon to raid" Ron replied and walked back to town with Sabrina.

The walk back to town was uneventful, other than Ron increasing his magic to 3/3 nothing happened. Walks like these were more common than one would imagine especially in the desert where not much would survive. Still Ron had the company of Sabrina who chatted here and there, she was still a little reserved but nothing could be done about that.

Getting to the town's gate Ron had to get his story straight, he didn't want to show the town lord that he had the strength of a level two being. It would take some convincing however Ron was confident in his words. There was a reason as to why Ron wasn't going to show his strength, he had assumed the scorpions and black ants were left there by other wishmasters to farm points for beginners now that he had exterminated both of them he had to have angered them.

A quick heads up about the status screen, I understand it can be seen as an easy way to 'farm' words just by putting it in every chapter.

As a result the status screen hence forth shall not count towards word count, furthermore I will only be updating it once Ron's stats increase.

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