
I'm your caretaker


Joan was in her office when Betty suddenly knocked on the door. "What's up Betty, are you done with the tasks?", Joan asked. "Yes, Sis Joan. I finished it yesterday, the name list had been sent to your email. The director asked to see you", Betty replied. "Got it. I'll be right there", Joan said. She rushed over to the director's office and went inside. He was looking out through the window. He's a middle aged man, Steven. Joan greeted him and he turned back, and offered her a seat. "I called you here to know how the project is going. Are you sailing smoothly", he asked. "Yes sir, it has been finalized. I met Mr Peter yesterday and had a good talk with him", Joan answered. "Good, I know you won't disappoint me", Steven said. Joan said thanks and smiled. "Is that all that happened yesterday", he asked. "Yes", she answered. "Really!", he asked while staring at her. "I happened to save a young man yesterday, I couldn't help it", she replied. Steven took a deep breath and said, "I brought you into the company so you could help me. I could see your talent, and tried every possible way to bring you into this position. You shouldn't meddle in things that don't matter, what if things went wrong while you tried to save him. You'd be affected, including the company. Can you take responsibility for it?" "I'm sorry, I'll deal with this and make sure the company isn't affected", Joan replied. "Do you know the identity of the guy you helped" he asked. "No. I don't even know his name yet" she answered. "Don't worry about that for now, and ensure you get along with him. Since you started this, you should go with the flow", Steven said. Joan hesitated to speak, while the man pat her on the shoulder and said, "I'm aware of your personality, but this is a responsibility you can't evade. I'll handle other things for you". "Thank you", she said, and took her leave. Joan pondered on the matter as she returned to her office. "Who's the guy. How does the director know about the incident. Why is Mr Steven willing to help her. Why should she get along with him", she continued to ask herself. She got to her office and sat on her desk, she didn't know where to begin her role from. She finished her work at the company and went to check on the man she saved the day before at the hospital.

At the hospital

Joan went to the ward the man was admitted and asked the nurses around there if she could see him. "Who are you", a nurse asked. Another nurse who happened to be there said, "She was the one that accompanied the patient yesterday. She was with the police.". "Ohhh! I didn't know. I wasn't on duty yesterday. You can go in and see him" the first nurse said. "Thanks" Joan replied and went in. The guy was still unconscious. Joan sat next to his bed on a chair and said, "I'm sure you can hear me, my name is J-O-A-N. I rescued you from the accident yesterday, and is a good friend of you. You've also been entrusted to me and I have to take good care of you. Though I don't like to do this, but you have to wake up soon". The police entered and asked, "how's he?" "He's still unconscious", Joan answered. "Did you find out anything", she asked. "I'm sorry it's confidential. Though we've discovered some things, his name is Freddrick Bernard. "Did you check the CCTV footage by any chance?", Joan asked. "Yes, we did", a policeman named Jay replied. "Alright. Thanks for dropping me home yesterday", Joan said to Jay. "You're welcome", Jay answered. "What happened at the scene before we arrived ", he asked. "I was in a tea shop close to the incident site. And was still in a meeting with my client when everyone heard a blasting sound. We rushed to the scene, then I saw Fred trapped in a car covered in blood. I couldn't wait for the police to arrive, and had to take the courage to save him", Joan answered. "You did the right thing", a policeman commended Joan. She smiled and said thanks. "I'll check on him tomorrow", Joan said and took her leave. The police ordered two officers to guard Fred, and said Joan is permitted to visit him. "There'll be change of turns until he recovers. Don't worry, we'll get two officers to help you", Jay said. The police returned to the station shortly after and continued with the investigation.

At the Chairman's home

"John Benard is the chairman of BET. Fred's mother died shortly after giving birth to him. Mr Benard remarried five years later, his new wife, Sarah Benard performed the role of a mother to Benard and loved him as her own child. She has a daughter, Mitchell who's an artist, her dislike for Freddick started when she discovered her husband cherished Fred more and didn't care much for their daughter."

"You can't even perform a simple task. I told you to take care of Fred and make him disappear. He's a threat to my daughter, you didn't finish him when he newly arrived from America. You said to wait till few weeks, what happened then... you messed up", Mrs Benard said to Cobbs on the phone angrily. Cobbs works for her and performs the dirty tasks. "I'm sorry. I didn't finish him then because I didn't want it to be traced to us. Hurting him the day he arrived would make the chairman suspicious of you. Rest assured, I'll find another means to deal him", Cobbs replied. "Just deal with him asap", Mrs Benard said. "I'll do that. I already checked the hospital he's admitted in. He's still unconscious but has two policemen guarding him. A lady comes to check on him, she was present yesterday and today. It seems she was the one that saved him", Cobbs replied. "Good. She dared to meddle in others affair. Check her background well without excluding anything, and hide yourself well. Don't get discovered by the police", she said and hanged up.

"What's the matter Madam", her assistant, Vivian asked. "I asked Cobbs to finish Fred. Guess what he did, he didn't only escape death. Fred also gained affection and security", Mrs Benard replied. "How do you mean madam?" Vivian asked. "Cobbs said a lady protected him without even knowing his identity", Mrs Benard replied. "Are you worked up because of that. We can wait till he brings her home or the chairman decides to reward her. Then we'll finish the both of them. Since she protected him, she'll also accompany him", Vivian said. "Wow! I didn't think of that. You're really smart and a good disciple of me. Don't worry, when this is over, I'll reward you well", Mrs Benard said. "Thank you madam" Vivian replied smiling. "Has the chairman heard about the incident?", She asked. "No he hasn't. We can break the news to him. The chairman will be back soon", Vivian said. Mrs Benard nodded and dismissed her assistant. The chairman arrived shortly after, his wife went to the sitting room while her husband met her there.

"What happened to you, why are you in tears?" her husband asked. "Our son ... he got into an accident yesterday and is hospitalized. He's still unconscious" she answered. "What! How come I didn't hear anything", he said. "I just heard about it today, the police contacted me and asked if I was his mother. They said a young lady rescued him and called the police", she replied. "It's alright, Fred will be fine. I can't lose him, his mother died early. Let's go check on him", Mr Benard said while petting his wife. "My son! I raised him personally all these years, whoever did this would be severely punished, hurting him is hurting me. I wonder how his sister would feel when she hears this" Mrs Benard said while crying. "Put yourself together, you need to cheer up, how do you expect me to react if you're acting this way. How would our son feel when he sees you in this state", the chairman begged his wife. "I'll be fine, I'll be fine, let's go check on him", she replied.

They set out together and went to the hospital. "You can wait for us outside", the chairman said to his driver. Mrs Benard inquired the ward Fred was admitted into and a nurse took them there. "They're Freddick Benard's parents, Mr and Mrs Benard", the nurse said to the policemen. They were allowed in and saw his state. "Why is he in this state, my poor son!" Mrs Benard said. "He'll recover soon, let's be hopeful. The doctors will treat him", Mr Benard said. He turned to the policemen and said "Thank you for saving our son, we're really grateful". "We only performed our duties. A lady rescued him actually, she was the one that called the police", one of the policemen answered. "Please help me to thank her. I'll like to meet her and thank her personally", Mr Benard said. "Alright sir, we'll let her know", the other policeman answered. "Let's go darling. We shouldn't disturb Fred or the policemen", Mrs Benard said to her husband. "Do you really need to reward her, she only performed her duties as a good citizen", she whispered to the chairman. "You shouldn't say that, let's take our leave", her husband replied. They took their leave and returned to the house.