
Fate brought us together

At the hangout

"I used to hear the word love, I don't believe it exists, the word alone piss me off" Joan said to her friends. "No, don't say that", Maggie said. "Joan is always that way. She's got men hovering on her, but she doesn't seem interested in them ", Annie answered. "Let me tell you, love is nothing but a fantasy. I only believe in career, you have happiness when you're successful. And once you have that, you don't need men ", Joan said. Her friends looked at one another, then Maggie asked why Tracy isn't saying anything. "Talking to Joan about love or dating is not an easy thing. She's so stubborn, that's why I didn't wanna meddle. She'll meet her man when the time is right", Tracy answered. Joan filled her glass with wine and looked at her friends in a funny way and said "Well, we'll see to that, whether I'll love a man or not ". "I just hope you don't become a lonely old lady" Tracy said. "I won't become lonely, since I have you all with me, we can stay unmarried together", Joan answered. They laughed and continued talking for some while before they left the bar.

Joan is a 22 year old lady who only believes in her work, she's driven with passion and doesn't have affection for men. She stays with her 3 friends in a 4 bedroom apartment in which they all had their rooms. She works in an advertisement company, BET and is her department manager. The employees there fawn on her, while some gossiped behind her back. Joan has a strong personality and is focused.


Joan called for a meeting with her team members. They discussed on a proposal for a beverage company and handled other things at work. "Have you contacted Lewis Beverages", Joan asked Andre. "Yes, I have. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday", Andre answered. "Alright, you all should get prepared. A concrete proposal should be made by tomorrow, we can have three proposals", Joan said. "Organize the name list for the other project and place it on my desk" Joan said to Betty. "Yes, I'll do that", Betty answered. "Why do we need three proposals", Anna asked. "Lewis Beverages might not be satisfied with a single proposal. We have to be prepared, there's a lot to do", Joan answered. The team members nodded their heads, Joan said they're dismissed and left the meeting hall. She left her office and went to make coffee when she heard some staff members talking at the office hall close to the place. "Joan is too arrogant for her age, she's a young lady. Just because she's successful doesn't make her domineering ", an employee said. "Yes, she manages a team and makes good money for the company. Every project she handles turns out well and she's also beautiful", another employee said. "What's so good about her, no man wants her. She's only focused on work and doesn't see anything else", an employee said. "Don't be jealous of her, you can also emulate her. I don't really like her, but she's a cool person", another employee said. Joan finished making her coffee, and went to the office hall the people were. "It's not easy talking without having anything to drink", Joan said to Anita, smiled a little, and dropped the coffee on her desk. The people were surprised hearing her say that. "Did she heard what we said", Dave whispered to Kate. "I think she heard us", Kate replied. "What's the meaning of this Joan?" Anita asked. "I came to check on you, Anita. By the way, you've got interesting team members", Joan answered. "I know that's not your intention. I'm also a manager here, you should know your place", Anita said. Joan smiled and took her coffee from Anita's desk. She drank it up and left the empty disposable cup on her desk. "Please help me with this", Joan said and walked away. Anita screamed and threw the cup from her desk. "Someone should deal with this. That girl is too annoying", Anita said to her team members and left the office.

Joan left the company earlier than usual and met with a client. They met at a tea shop and talked about work. "Why did you ask to meet here Mr Peter" Joan asked. "I love the tea here actually. It reminds me of the one in my hometown ", Mr Peter answered. "The tea is very good. I don't like teas very much but I enjoyed this one", Joan said. The man laughed and said, "you know good things indeed". She smiled and said, "I'll also handle the project well, you can trust BET". The man nodded and said "alright, you should do a good job". They were in the middle of a conversation when they suddenly heard a noise. A car had crashed, it colluded with a truck on the road. The people in the tea shop rushed outside to the scene, the place was close to the road. Joan rushed to the site and went close to the car, it had compressed. She called the police and told them about the accident. She thought of what to do, "how do we save the victims", she asked the people present. "Let's leave them. The police will be here soon ", a man replied. "No, we must do something, we can't watch them die", Joan answered. "Joan looked around and saw an iron chair. She hit the side window of the car and broke the door. She pulled the man out, he was covered in blood. The police arrived shortly after and rescued the remaining victims. "Were you the one that called the police", an officer asked. Joan answered yes. "Your cloth got stained with the young man's blood. You can go home and change, we'll communicate with you later ", the officer said. "Let me accompany him to the hospital", Joan said. Joan entered the ambulance and the victims were taken to the nearest hospital. "Do you know the young man. Why did you risk your life to save him", the officer asked. "I don't know him, I just could not leave him in the spot", Joan said. "I understand you ", the officer said. They arrived at the hospital and a few doctors rushed out and took the patients in. The policemen went in with Joan and stayed at the waiting room while the victims was being attended to. Some policemen which stayed behind at the scene and inspected it. It was nightfall and Joan told an officer she was leaving and asked if she could check on the man the next day. "Let me give you a ride home, it's late already, it's difficult to get a cab or bus" the officer said. "Thank you", Joan replied. "You can check on him tomorrow, though you're not permitted to. But since you saved him, the police would consider that", the officer said. Joan nodded and the policeman dropped her at her house.

Joan entered the house and her friends looked at her surprised. "What happened to your clothes. Why did you return home so late. Did something happen to you", her friends asked. "An accident happened close to the tea shop I met with a client. I called the police and rescued a young man, I got hurt a little ", Joan replied. "What the hell!!", Maggie screamed. "Tell me what he looks like, he's handsome right, he caught the queen's attention" Annie said. "What're you talking about Annie", Tracy said to Annie. Tracy looked at Joan and said, "you shouldn't do that next time. It's so risky, what if something had happened to you, what if he died in the process. We were so worried about you...". "It's alright girls, I'm fine. The young man is fine also", Joan answered. "The young man? don't you know his name?", Annie asked. "A guy was bleeding in an accident, how was I supposed to ask for his name ", Joan replied. "It's alright baby, freshen up and get some rest. We prepared something nice for you", Tracy said. "Let me get you some clothes to change into. The heroine saved a prince ", Annie said. Joan looked at them and went inside her room. She freshened up, ate her meal, discussed with her friends a little before she slept off.

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