
Home Sweet Home

Ava waited a little while at the aircraft doors to see Ashton and James enter after every one boarded. Once more, the inaudible rivalry was apparent and felt intensely.

James was the first to meet her gaze, his countenance softening as he approached her. He intentionally brushed Ava's arms as he passed by. With a flirty smile, he gazed at her longingly.

Ava's cheeks reddened as she averted her gaze towards Ashton, who was following James.

However, Ashton moved forward and lightly touched her arm before he could pass by her without hesitation. James didn't see it but heard when Ashton spoke sweetly to Ava. 

"Ava, are you ready?" Ashton inquired in a quiet and soft voice.

She felt the pull of their conflicting desires as she glanced between the two guys. She could only grin faintly for the moment, but a decision would have to be made sooner or later.