
Toradora Harem

A Death Wish let a person reincarnated into an another world that he hates where his actions changes the story of Toradora Completely and before he realise he slowly and unknowingly creates a harem of his own which leads to several adventures.

Swift_Wayne · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

A Very Unusual Encounter

I always had a set goal from the beginning. I made my mind to be able to take anything to achieve it. Today, the first day of my highschool, I was prepared for anything or so I thought. A boy Suddenly strartled me,Takasu Ryuji. He has blue hair, and his eyes are of like a delinquent, Is he trying to hit on me? It's not Like I wasn't prepared of how to deal with it. But he is quite daring to do that right at first day. First I thought he's just trying to pick on me by trying some cheap pick up lines but he looks serious. Doesn't he have a mirror in his home? I should say that but I knew him even before but I didn't paid attention that much, Even though everyone feared him, I know he was soft inside or atleast that's what I thought. I Don't want to get in a fight now, sepcially with someone this unpredictable. I just asked him he's looking fine but he asked me like how he actually looks as if he don't know the colour lf his eyes and hair. Did he have amnesia. Suddenly he came way too closeto my face directly looking into my eyes as I saw his, I was ready to teach him some lessons as he called my name. I don't remember him calling me my name neither do I remember calling him directly as there was no reason or need to do. This is... Fruatrating. Even though I didn't wanted to fight. I felt like I should remind some manners atleast if does have amnesia right but suddenly he just said that he considers me the most favourite person in the world. What the Heck is he talking about? Isn't he going to fast? That's it as I seek to find answers suddenly in middle it seems he remebered something as he rushed to rooftop? Huh you are not allowed to, did he run away before I asked him what was all this about and Answer what he actually meant? How can he be so bold to try to make and just suddenly be shy and run away! Whatever, Unless he bring this up I won't either, maybe I just misunderstood right? We never talked much Before so I don't think it would change in the future just because of this. After that I went to my class, where is he? His name was in same class as mine. Ofcourse it's not just his I saw everyone's name that in my class, I have to be preapare for everything just on case. Wherw is he? Did he thought I wasn't interested in him before I even answered don't tell me he will try to no he won't right? But he did went to roof! Sudenly a lttle girl came in the class? Is she lost no wait she Aisaka Taiga, yes she is... No wait I shouldn't make comment on someone because of thier appearance that guy really messed up mind with just one encounter i should be glad I am not seeing him again. But I heard Taiga and the girl she was talking to they are disscussing about someone on roof, I heard some words like "up" "stop" "scream" "pain" what !? Was he really trying to hurt himself then did she stoped him by force and now he's in pain screaming! Wait I heard more words like "someone else" ane "like" "ran away" "maybe outside", huh! Wait did he switch sides and proposed her instead her now! Wait no... The way Taiga is asayong as if she was expecting it does that mean she proposed him and he just ran away after that! Wait she must have said tgat to stop him but he may ran away outside, to do what he couldn't do on roof damn it where did go? What will he fo to himslef. It's not my fault. Wy everyone is like that after getting rejected? I didn't even answered now that Inwould have said yes and was that even a proposal atleast he should said directly to make it clear, Because of him I wasn't able to focus on the class at all. Why was I thinking of him too much I even dreamt as if someone else given attendence on his name? Huh this is really frustrating why am I thinking of him too much and what is he doing right now after leaving me in such a state, I wasn't able to even sleep all night because of him. I was worried all night thinking of him. What if he actually decided to hurt himself, Damn you Ryuuji! I couldn't sleep because of you all night I decided fresh my mind and body in the morining and thougjt to forget about him But that thought changed when we once again met in the office of Yuri-Sensei And what is he doing coming with my little sister Sakura? Did he gave up on me and just moved on to my sister? Wait what am I thinking? Maybe he's trying to reach me through my sister. That's not gonna work Ryuji. No wait again why am I thinking he's after me. It's all just a misunderstading. As he announced to be memeber of Student Council Member. I wasn't surprised that decided to do so but rather he made his move so. I really didn't know him at all. I thought despite his looks he wasn't brave or bold enough to stand for himself but the way he acted yesterday and today calling like announcing to be in the Student Council rather than requesting it, clearly proved me wrong. He is bold enough to make his own decisions. What Yuri-Sensei just made him the Student Council President, Why is so nice to him? Wait don't tell him he didn't even left his own homeroom teacher. Just how much of a player is he? She is even insisting him to call him just Yuri why? I couldn't just stand by and let it pass. I wanted to be the Student Council President, I won't let him take the position without even proving himself. I interfered and convinced Yuri-Sensei to atleast let it be decide by the vote. She didn't corrected me to call her just Yuri. Now it's cleat something going on between them. Why is it bothering me so much? Suddenly He proposed him right outside of Yuri-Sensei's office no less infront of my sister. That's it, I am gonna make it all clear and refuse him. Hmmm but that's all a misunderstanding?! Why? He's just playing with words and what does he mean he wants to propose a deal to vote for him for Student Council President? Doesn't he know that's not allowed? Is he an idiot? No he's trying to look like an idiot. But he's a player alright! There must be a catch. I see right through your games Ryuji! I am not gonna fall into it. Why is it so big deal that everyone is loving his cooking is it that good? Even Sakura... No wait Don't Wait it. She loves it too! Alright then Ryuji I will trap you in your own game I will take a bite and then tell YOU how terrible it is! I took bite of Ryuji's cooking and was ready to talk but this is too yummy! But how? He definetly bought it from some where! I also unkowimgly made a delightful expression, he must I noticed but I do want you eat this more. If it's true he made it by himself then I can't get it anywhere else, no I want to eat more I don't know why but agreed to his proposal. Why did I do that? Just beacuse I want to these delicious cooking! I have to turn it around. This guy, without Actually testi g his abilities I can't let him the Student Council President So I made It clear that's what I meant and also I won't mind eating more of his cooking though if he made extra.... That aside Ryuji YOU have to give me more reason than your cooking skills to convince me for your position of Student Council President. No matter How I look at it, he's not! He's either just very bold or simply an Idiot. Maybe he's both. Now he's thinking all over what to offer as one of Sakura is friend came. Him, I wouldn't mind who my sister choose with relation with but anyone could be better for her than you Ryuuji. It can't be just coincidence that he came with her too. I dragged Ryuuji with me to give them space. But he seemed sad. Does he seriously wanted to make move on my sister. He's seriously is just a player. But that was not it. He was sad because he got in the way? Why? Does that mean he wasn't trying to make move on her? Hmmm why am I getting so many things wrong since yesterday. It's all beacuse of him.Ryuuji! From the moment I met all I think about is him. He completely messed up mind. I questioned him further and furiously this time to make last proposal to convince me. But what he will say he won't understand that it's not that I don't want to be Student Council President but I don't someone incapable to lead as Student Council Presdent. But somehow he did. He said exactky what waa on mind also giving me proposal of challenging and stating he could prove it by besting me, thqt's how did he read my mind?! Damn It, I have no choice but to accept it. As long as he still believe that we can't actually vote. As I went to the class I found out that this guy is more dangerous. He even knows the new transfer Student who is a popular model turn overnight Kawashima Ami, How much is his range?! No they must be just friends, there's no way she would.... I minsunderstandimg things again. As I given my speech I got remained of him again and I mentioned him as of atleast I recognise him enough to do that. He given way better speech than I thought "Even though many sugar-coated words but even answered al of the questions correct in the class. He's academic genius but he's still an idiot nonetheless. The next day it seems he somehow grown more brain as he came to know that we can't vote. Who told him? There's now way this idiot would have realised himself or read it somewhere. He jokngly said some kinda god told him. I ignored that and to avoid more conflict I secretly voted him. Surprisingly he got all votes. He's really something huh. I recognise him a little but that lasted for a few seconds as he shattered by refusing to accept the challenge. But because of Yuri-Sensei he has to now no matter what. Ryuuji I am gonna crush you. But that thought di don't lasted either he asked an excellent question with an excellent answer that question truly is suites for a leader. I thought to beat him again in his own game by asking an impossible question but he even answered that as soon as I questioned it. He's truly a genius and not to be underestimated. His he acting to be an idiot and stupid? Why? Does that mean he also acts childishly as an act? No... That ones seems way more genuine. But If he really acting then it doesn't matter, he already better even if he is childish. I asked more of 2 questions whatever came in my mind and that time the only thing that came in my mind waa him and him giving hime a lemonade but he somehow answered those stupid question cleaverly too. I can't help but smile. He may be a hidden gem like the diamond the gave me. I was about to give up, I did felt sad but he stopped me. Why? For some reason his childish A readonings to stop me made sense? Why did They made me comfaortable? Why did they make happy? As his childish reasonings came to an end with a proposal of joining of co-president. I instanlty said yes. I wanted to know more about his childishness. I wanted to know more about him. Everyone given him a chocolate. I guesz everyone love his childishness too but why do I feel uneasy mayne it's beacuse I haven't yet completed the challenge, yes he hasn't told me as a winner what to do. He also given me diamond now I can't turn it down or give it back It would be rude, even if it's fake, Is it fake though. It's hardness is very real. I would ask someone expert about it later. First I will ask Ryuuji what he wants as the winner, I did ask him but this idiot Just wants food. But that's one of the part I liked about him. I told him to wait outside. I wanted to give what he wanted today and as soon as I could I ran to near by store but there's hardly any food store. Why? There were so many. Wait there's something shiny there. This is a chocolate store though. Wait what is that shiny, is that a person. As I tries to near the shiny thing the voice from it Suddenly spoke.

"Do you need something."

"Huh!? I just wanted to... Huh."

"Do you want to treat someone a return gift?"

"Yes but..."

"Wait is that diamond yours?"


How did this diamond that Ryuuji gave me is Suddenly in my handle?

"Can I Take A Look?"


I went closer and now I could say the face. Do I know him? He seems very familiar... But it seems I forgetting someone else now.

"Who give this to you?"

"Oh? This some idiot just tossed it to me?"

"Just tossed it you? But this is a one of a kind very precious 40- Carat Diamond it's blue colour is very unusual from the rest."

"You know about diamonds."

"Diamonds, golds, riches, I have every knowledge of this world."

"Huh? H-How much would it cost?"

"Given it's cut and this unusual blue colour around 37,55,62,50,000 yen."

"Eh, he atleast 18 of it."

"Blue diamonds aren't that rare but with this colour I think this one would be the most real and exepensive one. I think he given kt to you beacuse he considers you hia most favourite and special person."

Ryuuji, why? Does he really like that much? He doesn't even know if I like him or or not. Why.

"You have came here to give him chocolate for that right, go ahead and take that one for him."

He pointed the huge shiny box which had. Oh wait this is as I took it in my hand I knew it's Honmei Choco, I I give Ryuuji this chocolate he would misunderstood specially now that today is Valentine's Day! I was about to refuse it but suddenly a bright light shines as I heard

"Take that chocolate along with the diamond too, for arriving here andshowing me this unsusal diamond you could take the chocolate free."

As he tossed the diamond and caught it. Before I could react anything else the bright shining light brigthen even way more as Somehow I was standing middle of the street again. Huh? What? How did I... Huh? I can't remebered where was that shop, wait now I don't remember how that person looked. That Ryuuji really messed up mind. Anyway it's too late to be standing here in middle of street.Ryuuji must be still waiting outside. I must hurry and pay back the favour as the loser of the game. And aslo if what that unusual person or store owner said was true this is not even the least I could do and give him this as gift. I saw Ryuuji still waiting outside for me. How should I apporoach him and give it. I could not say that this gift means nothing and give it right after I said that. Before giving it I can't day Then how about after huh... No that would also hurt his feelings like giving him hope and crushing it right after. I will just straight forward give it, he will understand right? I handed him Honmei-Choco. He looks calm. Oh wait is he disappointed why? Does he want me to say somthimg too? I can't I will just ask if he's okay with it to which he calmly answered he is How come he is so calm about it? Does he get a lot of

Honmei Choco on Valentine's Day? I thought all of those girls given him were obligatory ones. I can't take this anymore. I quickly ran away as seeing of Ryuuji. From the moment I encountered him yesterday strange and unusual things have been Happenning since. Even today's encounter was as unusual as Ryuji's one! It is truly very unusual how it seemed both of them but realised soon they were very different from what I thought too. But soon after tonight I forgot completely about that unusual encounter of today and only remebered that the diamond Ryuuji given me is very precious. Why couldn't forget it? Why couldn't I forget giving Honmei Choco to Ryuuji? Why Couldn't I forget Ryuji's face and just remember his face all night in my dream? Why Couldn't I Forget a very strange and very unusual enoucounter with Ryuuji only? In future I realised it, In future I got the answer of why a very unusual encounter with Ryuji as we met First on our first day of highschool would become my most precious memory.