
Toradora Harem

A Death Wish let a person reincarnated into an another world that he hates where his actions changes the story of Toradora Completely and before he realise he slowly and unknowingly creates a harem of his own which leads to several adventures.

Swift_Wayne · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

A Very Casual Day

As I woke up and did the same pattern of making delicious breakfast for Yacchan as always, I went to school as that kinda god followed me as always. I can't figure him out. One thing has been bothering me yesterday.


"Huh? Oh yeah YOU see other people" s privacy."

"Can't you say mind read and tell me what's been bothering you."

"The earthquakes and flood you mentioned that happened beacuse of my reincarnation, did anybody...."

"Nope, if someone dies it messes up reincarnation process although there's still way you can be reincarnated if someone dies, that person would actually get OP powers too."

"What does that mean?"

"If somehow you do reincarnated by someone's else death then the more died the OP power get."

"Dies anyone succeed to do that in this world."


He said that with an unsettling creepy smile. As always I decided to ignore that but it would be a bother if soneone with an ability get reincarnate Here.I have to figure out of that person's situation and weakness in advance. But now let's just go to school.

"Hey, Ryuji, speaking of death do you know what happened to stalker that you beat to death?"

"What happened?"

"He died Ofcourse."

He saying that calmly. Is a god a devil?

"A devil just like you."

"Tch , again with privacy invasion."

"Again mind reading ability you should be nice to god."

"I thought you said you were a devil."

"You can call me God of devils or maybe Devil Of Gods nah that di don't matvh , but do you wanna know how he died?"

" I don't care."

"Oh, you will live it, beacuse it was a terrible death."

As I was ignoring him I just saw a rich man with a luxurious car lurking around as he aarived near me.

"Hey, kid do you know which apartment does Aisaka Taiga lives?"

Oh yeah I know him a little.

"Oh, so YOU are the asshole of the father."


"Do you have any idea how much YOU made her suffer with you so called trying to do act of good father for a moment of pleasure and just leaving again as you please."

"What are you talking about..... I...."

"Shut up, I am really not in a god good mood today beacuse of a Kinda god lurking behind me and top of that you stalking your own daughter."

"I-I-I Am not."

"I am gonna tell YOU this once I stead of showing her that you are good to her be actually good to her for a change by asking what she wants and where she wants go and you know basic parent stuff of giving love instead of taking her to some of fancy hote of wherever you want, got that!"


"Alright, now first write an apology later and With flower of bouquest take some sweets and food for too before you come here."


"Also Instead of invading her house right no of nowhere how about you Give her a surprise in the school's culture festival"

"Huh... Alright where and where it is I will check the schedule."

"Make time and find out yourself like A GOOD PARENT!"


As I said he drive back quickly. That felt good. I would have felt more better if I would have punched him though.

"You are using Ryuji's eyes effectively but how is there a school culture festival this early?"

"I will ask Yuri to arrange it somehow.since I am greeting bored of all of the lectures"

"Huh.. How selfish. And it hasn't even been a week since YOU started highschool and you got bored already?

I ignored him as always and went to the school As the I sat I to class I answere d every questions again correctly but as Again History lecture start I am at loss how come I know Japanese but terrible at history of Japan, Damn It I did study a little bit Since History is interestingly easy it was quick to learn but there are still many things I Don't know, I have to study it A bit more than others. Since It history And history mostly stories and all It would be intertesting and Easy to learn it all quickly. After the class Sumire told me to guide all students outside for P.E.

"Oh, yeah how about we skip that today?"

As soon as I said that Sumire punch me head. What The hell.

"Aren't I the Student Council President?"

"Exactly do your job."

"A-Alright, I will gather everyone outside right now."

"Good as expected of our talented Student Council President YOU learn quickly by one one punch beating maybe I will add more beating so that you will be unbeatable and know everything."

"No! -T-That is not right, you know As A wise person said you should can't learn Everything if you do then the. There Would be nothing to learn and you will get bored with the life."

"Yes, but we should try to learn Everything we can with our life Right.?

"Haa... Right."

"Okay, bow quickly guide everyone I am waiting outside."

As I gathered all the students. Everyone followed, well everyone but Taiga.

"Hey, Taiga I said..."

"Yeah, I beard what you said But I don't feel like taking P.E classes today."

"If you go today, I will give treat my homemade special Barbecue."


What the hell am I doing right now? I went outside with Sumire as She hinted to give some instructions.

"O-Oh yeah, As The Student Council President I want to instruct you to follow all of the orders from The Co-President Sumire from on, as I request her to give the orders as Please. Alright Sumire..... Eee!"

She's glaring angrily. I mean what the hell she wanted me To say anyway. I only wanted to become Student Council President so I can freelg ask the notes from everyone and not to this shit or protocols.Anyways She did order them some torturous exercise and now all the other students are glaring angrily at me as for Taiga is clearly stating that Barbecue won't be enough for this shit.

"Huh, Isn't this too much for...."

"Huh, what? You wanna join them too? Ofcourse you should as the President."

"No... I will make sure they are doing it all right as I was saying they probably think it's too much for them to do it without supervisor like me."

"Smartly Good Choice."

After Sumire and I torture I mean trained the students. We went back to classes just watching them made me exhausted. After the classes ended Kihara and Nanako appeared infront of me.

"Ryuji, how are you."

"Yo, Kihara I am good."

"If you were good you would have given us a softer training session."

"Nanako that Was The Co-President's deciding and there must be a preety good reason to do that."

"Tch, You Two are"

"We two are what?"

"S-Sumire-san When did you."

"What are you talking about."

"W-W-We were talking about inviting Ryuji r-right?"

Even Nanako is shaking with words. I guess I am not the only one who fears Sumire.As Kihara confirmed Nanako's reason

"Y-Yes, We were gonna invite Ryuuji to the group study we are having today, Since Ryuuji is so smart it would be great if he teaches us some of his tricks Right Ryuuji? Would you come with us? You did told us once not so long ago."

Oh, yeah I did say that,I also need to study the Jaoanese history knowing it directly from them Would name it easy and quick to remember.

"Oh yes I would love to come with you In the group study

"I would come too then."


I wasn't expecting Sumire's reply like that.

"What?Am I not allowed to come too with you?"

"Huh.. Well sumire you are already so smart and It didn't seem like you study with groups but rather prepared for all of the subjects In advance Before even semister begins at all."

"Hmm... It SOUNDS like a compliment."

"It is a compliment."

"Hmm... Thank you, I want to come because I want to know more about you as Student's Council's Co-President, I have to know about your studies and agenda for better cooperation."

"Huh? O-Okay Alright I get it?"

"Alright, Then Let's go to my house. You two alright with that?"

Both looked at each other and then answered at the same time.


"Okay,Ryuuji Let's Go."

"Where are you going Ryuuji?"

"Oh, Ami We Were going To Sumire's house for group study."

"Oh, really? I am coming too."

"Okay. Let's go. Oh Simre there's something on your face.

I went near Sumire's ear and pretended to brush of something as I whispered

"Is it okay if Ami Does along too."

After that, I backeddown but suddenly Sumire said.

"Oh, there's something on your face too."

Sumire came close to my face and whispered me in my ear as she touched my hair and face with both hands.

"Why did you asked for my permission that After you told yes to her already?"

"I will let you know afterwards but are okay with it?"

"Hmm yes."

"Thank you."

As we all went into hallway we ran into Yuri as she asked.

"Oh, where are all going together?"

"Oh, we were going to the group study at Sumire's house"

"Huh? Without me?"


"I mean Sumire can I come along with you all to the study group."

Sumire looked at me as if to ask what to do I looked her back and hinted her to just go ahead and say yes as it would be rude and not okay to refuse her.

"Huh? Y-Yes Ma'm ofcourse you can."

"Thank you I always wanted to go to a study group and treat me Like a friend and ask any question casully okay Ryuuji?"

"Y-Yes Yuri, you are already my close friend that I can trust."

"Oh, thank you Ryuuji you are also my only best friend that I trust the most."

Yuri said that with a bright smile as everyone else looked at me suspiciously. I haven't even entered the place of the group study nor the group study has started yet and I already feels this tense. What will happen at the actual group study. Well, this day started very casually so I Was hoping to end it casually too. Even if it does not look it would, I hope it does by the end.