
Toradora Harem

A Death Wish let a person reincarnated into an another world that he hates where his actions changes the story of Toradora Completely and before he realise he slowly and unknowingly creates a harem of his own which leads to several adventures.

Swift_Wayne · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

A Very Awkward Group Study

As I, Sumire, Ami, Nanako, Kihara and Yuri were going to Ami's group study. On the entire the entire way It was too awkward. Also the Kinda God following just made it worse to say anything more for me. What should I say? We are walking for a while now. No one has said anything at all. Even though it was for a while it felt eternity for me. As soon as we reached and I saw Sumire's house I felt relived as if I reached my own house. Sumire took my hand as we went inside first and went into the room. There I saw Sakura..... Wait she's changing. As she screamed.

"S-S-Sis, Ahhhh.. R-R-Ryuji-San!"

As soon as she called my name I bursted out of the room as quickly as I can thinking what the hell just happened As I saw Nanako outside who haven't went inside yet.

"Ryuji, why did you burst out of the room? What happened?"

"N-N-Nothing Happened I guess."


I heard Sumire and Sakura's voices coming from inside.

"Huh? Ryuji you can come I'm she's changed."

"Huh? Sis I am still not changed yet and how come you come in my room all of a sudden."

"My room is a little messy and I thought You were out, you don't usually come early I always arrive before you."

"You got all it opposite."

"Huh? I think yiu were the one who got opposite."

Yeah, I will still be here outside for a bit. As Nanako keeps glaring at me.

"Hey, what did you do to Sakura?"

"Hey, I didn't do anything, I barely saw her."

"So you did saw her, you are a pervert."

"Hey it was an accident!"

"Yeah, Yeah, Right."

She won't believe, will she? Anway after a while I went inside While Sakura was also sitting In the corner. I won't be a good idea to bring any topic now.but I should apologize regardless but Then Suddenly Ami spoke up.

"Sakura-San what did Ryuuji did? Tell me I will kick his ass myself and destroy him and his life completely and socially."

"Hey you were beside me you know what happened and was an accident."

"Was it."

"Yes it was and.. S-S-Sakura I am Sorry even though it was an accident I should have knocked and come."

"N-N-No It was my sister's fault you did nothing wrong Ryuuji-kun"

"Yeah, I know right? Sumire's at fault!"

As I said that Sumire knocked me in head as fell to ground.

"Alright, Alright I am sorry but you Are equally responsible Ryuuji you should ask first before entering a girl's room."

"Hey how was it fault I thought it was your room and you already knew I was entering."


Damn it she's glaring at me. It's scary!

"Alright it's my fault, sorry for trusting you!"

She knocked me again.

"Yeah, you were wrong to do that don't trust me with your life got that Ryuuji?"


"Alright everyone now let's settle down and study together."

Yuri calmed everything down.

"I-I Will go and bring snacks for everyone.. Eh... Ah..."

As soon as she said that she rushed out and fell right in front of me as I accidentally saw.... her p-p-panties what is happening right now.... And suddenly Nanako glared at me and said."


Ho is that my fault now. Well forget that I stood up and quickly given my hand to Sakura as asked.

"Are you okay, Sakura?"

"She took my hand and got up and said.

" Y-Y-Yeah, I am okay. Thank you I will bring some snacks quickly."

She said that and rushed out. I got back to my seat awkwardly being silently. Damn it I still feel guilty though. As Yuri spoke up to me.

"Ryuuji, you should study the history as you are the weakest there."

"Huh? How did you?"

"I am your teacher right? I noticed."


"Ryuuji have yoou be end reading the book."

"All I do is read book."

"Alright then tell me Three major shogunates (Kamakura, Ashikaga, Tokugawa) led Japanese from _ to _."

"Yeah, I rember it's from page no 24 to 27!"

"FROM From 1192 until 1868

E explanation"

"Hmm, Or Maybe That."

"I need you to take it Seriously Ryuuji."

I was actually. It was juts excitement of knowing it damn it but still it was my fault. Suddenly Sakura came with some snacks and juice. She given at me as we both looked at each other awkwardly. As I ate my snacks I felt very weird and then I realised that this can't be happening am I turned on right now damn it Control! How is This P happening I know this is my first time being surrounded these many beautiful girls but this is that kinda must behind it as I looked outside virgously to glare at him he was juts casully playing which made me feel more like an idiot for the first time. Maybe I am too used to blaming him that now I am thinking utterly nonsense like controlling my turning on points. But even so he's still kinda god I have to be careful but right now I have to be most careful not to be spotted so I have to sit in right position it's not that hard atleast not as hard As ah.. God damn it. I suddenly spoke to dish out.

"I-I-I will be out for a moment. I need some fresh air."

Ami suddenly looked at me with a smiled as she waved back.

"Okay, Ryuuji-kun we will be waiting for you."

Sumire just looked and nodded as she shooked her head forcefully as if to not care A thing about the world. I went ahead as I rushed into the washroom to calm down. But for some some reason it just won't.As I wonder why is this happening I decided just hide it while strong in right position. As it Would seems weird to wait long. As I went A head and unlocked door nanako rushed opened the door and bumped into me as she feel into me in the ground.

"Ouch, Sorry Ryuuji-kun I am in a rush hmm What am I touching eh!! Wh-wh-wh..."

"Huh...What happ.....huh?! Wh-wh-wjy ate you holding m-my ...."

"I-I-I am sorry."

Suddenly it seemed someone was coming into our direction and even though she's saying sorry she still hasn't got her hands off it yet instinctibely picked her up and closed the door as the steps sound came near and finally broke the silence of the state and I amd Nanako were looking at easch other as I lifted her up.

"Ryuuji are you still in there."

Iooked in Nanako's eyes and hinted her to answer her back.

"N-N-No Ami-San It's me!"

"Oh! Nanako-san! Have you seen Ryuuji?"

"H-H-He.... Huh..."

I went close and Whispered in Nanako's ear.

"Tell her that you might have seen me go upstairs."

She whispered me back.

"I can't control any more"


"Slide my skirt and..."


"Just do it"


As Ami continued to Call her I did What Nanako suggestedbut slightly different as I removed her skirt And slices her psnties down.she said as I told.

"I-I-I might have seen him go upstairs."

"Oh, Okay Thank you Nanako-san. Sorry to disturb you. I will go now."

I waited for a while As I stood wondering what to do and when it felt she finished.I asked.

"A-a-are you done?"



I slided her panties and lufted her skirst and put it back as I slowly drop Nanako as she stand up on her feet. I went close to her as I slowly unlocked the door and as I seen the outside being clear. I quickly went outside and shut the door as I said.

"I-I-I am sorry to cause trouble Nanako I will leave now."

I said That and quickly in the room as Ami came first.

"Where were you? I looked all over for and couldn't find you."

"I went upstairs to get some fresh air."

"I went There but you were not there!

"I also was roaming and wandering down side to clear my head and mind I guess that's When you went upstairs when I was downstairs."

"Huh? I guess..."

Sometime later Nanako came and sat beside me at her seat. As if it was not awakard before it certainly was very now. I couldn't concentrate on the studies at all as the entire group went on like this I only remember learning the awkwardness that I felt. As I said goodbye to Sumire And Sakura. Sakura given me some snacks.

"Once again, I-I-I am sorry I cause trouble."

"N-N-No it was me caused trouble..."

"Goddamn Right!"

Sumire unnecessarily backed me up.

"And huh Thank you for the cookies. They are very Delicious."

"I didn't told but I made them myself and t-t-these are first ones that I made and handed to you as an apology it's not as good as your cooking but I hope that you will like them."

"I know I Will absolutely love them so thank you sakura For these delicious cookies."

"Y-Y-Your welcome."

I went outside as others said thier thanks as I thanked them back. Yuri went ahead first as it seems she forgot papers in school. Ami went ahead First as she was getting g late for Who it not before coming close and teasing me.

"You teased Me A lot today by ignoring and avoiding me Today so be prepared to be punished later."

As she she softly threathened me by saying that. She went ahead. As Kihara And Nanako went ahead And thanked me.

"T-T-Thank you Ryuji-San you taught us greatly today right Nanoko-san?"


" Why are you shuttering?"

"N-N-No it's nothing at all."

"Oh you learned wonderful things From Ryuji-San too Right."

"Y-Y-Yes that's right."

"Yes now It's very easy to understand.Ryuji-San's great right?"

"Y-Y-Yes Ryuji-san is great. I-I-I will go ahead thank you Ryuji-San for today."

"W-W-Wait, thank you Ryuuji-san we will see you tommorrow."

Just like that they went ahead. I still don't know what Happened but guess it's over as that kinda god arrived near me.

What Happened? Did I missed sonething? How was the group study? Did you learn something new?"

"Hard Awkwardness."


"It was a very awkward group study."

"Huh? Oh I might caused that."

"Oh nothing you know how reincarnation causes disasters and all it has thiny-tiny some other things that doesn't matter."

"Alright then."

"Huh? You letting it go easily?"

"I Am too tired to concentrate."



"Good to maintain good rest for good health."

"Yeah, Right"

Just like that the very awakard group study ended.