
Top Tier Summoned

[Chapter uploaded 1-4 every Saturday and Sunday] Yuichi and his classmates find themselves in an unfamiliar world where magic and peril abound, giving their seemingly routine lives a surprising twist. They are made to play the reluctant Heroes, charged with defeating the evil Demon Lord and his powerful army. But Yuichi's adventure takes an unanticipated and dangerous turn when he makes a seemingly innocuous choice that puts him alone in a dungeon's dangerous confines. Now that he is alone from his classmates, he must confront the hard reality of his condition, which is grave and could crush his hopes. As Yuichi progresses deeper into the labyrinthine dungeon, he comes into a terrifying monster that drives him to the point of despair. Just in time, help comes in the shape of a mysterious woman, whose involvement not only spares his life but also gives him a power that is the beginning of his rise to prominence. Equipped with renewed strength and a fierce determination to finally make his way out of the labyrinth, Yuichi sets out to defeat the last boss of the dungeon. He has no idea that his modest upbringing is only setting the stage for a remarkable journey that will challenge him, reveal secrets, and eventually determine his fate. CopyrightTopTierSummoned2024 Carl Lawrence "FletchB" Lara

FletchB · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Fang n' Fist

The seven Shadow Wolves advancing on Yuichi are all alike in appearance, with a grey fur coat and sharp red eyes that allow them to blend into the shadows with a menacing red gaze. But the last wolf, which is at the back, stands out from the others because it has darker fur and is considerably bigger.

This unique look implies a hierarchical meaning, similar to the common battle scenario in which a powerful boss appears after defeating weaker opponents.

The Shadow Wolves crouched low, their fangs gleaming and saliva streaming to the ground as they prepared to attack into Yuichi's rough body. The eyes of the seven wolves, a formidable pack, gleaming with aggressiveness, ready to take head-on.

With a sudden surge, they burst forth, closing in swiftly on Yuichi's position. A menacing growl emanates from that one wolf who acts as the leader of the pack, while the other, without hesitation, springs into action, launching a rapid assault into him.

Prepared for battle, Yuichi quickly sidesteps the wolves' deadly blows. He steps back, making space, and lowers himself to the ground. He lines up his right hand with such accuracy that it glows a vivid green, indicating the impending release of a magical ability directed at the wolf pack that is closing in.

Abruptly, one of the shadow wolves was able to get to Yuichi faster than he could, even though he was able to gather enough time to cast his magic upon the wolves. With a raised claw, the wolf struck Yuichi on the right side of his body. Thankfully, he was able to dodge the attack almost instantly thanks to his passive ability [Spatial Instinct] and at that precise moment he positioned his right hand to face the wolf and released his magic, causing it to glow a strong green.

[Skill: Wind Gale]

After being struck by the magic Yuichi had released with his right hand, the wolf leapt into the air, its body colliding with the wall with a jarring thud. Yuichi was grateful to hear that since he is now aware that the wolf is well taken care of. Yet the fight is far from over, though, as the other six Shadow Wolves immediately charge their lone adversary, intimidating him with their razor-sharp teeth and claws.

One of the menacing wolves bared its fangs, and Yuichi deftly sidestepped the approaching bite. Taking advantage of a brief opening, he dashed, gaining ground on the dark pack. But that was only a temporary relief because a ferocious wolf was flying through the air and headed straight for him.

Recognizing the impending threat, Yuichi quickly turned and stopped the wolf's teeth before they could bite his exposed back, possibly killing him.

The wolf was so aggressive that Yuichi was forced up against the wall and had to fight desperately to keep it from biting him. He struggled to hold the wolf at bay and briefly held its jaws, but it was too late as another wolf took advantage of his vulnerability to attack while he was still pinned.

'Combo attacks?' Yuichi saw the danger coming and responded quickly. Swiftly responding, he threw the wolf that had pinned him against the wall with great force.

At that moment, a fast-moving shadow wolf with its claws ready sprang towards Yuichi. Preparing for the onslaught, Yuichi skilfully pushed another wolf aside. The approaching predator succeeded in making scratches on Yuichi's cheek and left arm.

Taking advantage of the gap, Yuichi quickly and expertly clenched his right fist, endowing it with wind magic power. The wolf's body had a large hole in it from his punch striking its abdomen. Even though Yuichi was acting instinctively, it appeared as though he instantly struck the creature's weak spot by chance.

While pieces of the wolf's blood-red skin fly everywhere, Yuichi removes his hand from the wolf's stomach and tosses its limp body to the ground. But the ghoulish show doesn't satisfy the remaining shadow wolves.

Rather, their growing dissatisfaction as a group spurs an upsurge in hostility as they systematically plan and encircle Yuichi with menacing accuracy.

There was a growing sense of tension in the air as the final five Shadow Wolves approached Yuichi. Yuichi faced the circling predators head-on, his determination unwavering, bracing himself for battle. His hands moved quickly into a defensive position, and he looked from wolf to wolf.

A sense of unpredictability gripped Yuichi as he braced himself for the unpredictable moment when the wolves would launch their attack. The suspense built as beads of sweat formed on his brow.

The Shadow Wolves coordinated their attack on Yuichi's location. The first wolf lunged forward, snarling teeth at Yuichi. But he dodged the blow so deftly that the wolf was left biting at nothing. Taking advantage of the situation, a second wolf moved quickly to deliver a quick combination, severing Yuichi's left side with its razor-sharp claws.

Yuichi struggled to keep up with the Shadow Wolves' unrelenting attack and felt the pressure increasing. Every passing second threatened to be a lethal blow, drawing him closer to the edge of vulnerability.

Yuichi danced a dangerous game of avoidance in a desperate attempt to survive, every move a calculated move to stay out of the immediate danger posed by the ferocious shadow wolves.

While Yuichi was wrestling with the first two Shadow Wolves, a third wolf darted into the fight. The wolf suddenly lunged at Yuichi, taking him by surprise and sending him crashing into the merciless wall. The sound of a torch going out in the blustery wind was audible as it hit.

He noticed the falling torch as it clattered to the ground and glanced at the wooden stick at that moment, seeing its potential as a makeshift weapon.

With a deft move, Yuichi sidestepped the Shadow Wolf's cutting claws and quickly rolled to the ground. He quickly grabbed an unlit torch and fashioned it into a wooden club. He turned to face his attacker and threw the homemade weapon into the gaping mouth of the wolf, nailing it to the wall.

Yuichi let out a cry as he directed his wind magic into the club and applied pressure through the wolf's jaws. The fierce battle was briefly illuminated by the brilliant light emanating from the wolf shrine. His supernatural foe met his untimely end when the shrine burst, sending splinters and pieces of flesh flying to the floor.

Just as suddenly, a second Shadow Wolf materialized, tearing at Yuichi's concentration as its claws ripped into his left arm, burning like hell. Though Yuichi winced in pain, he retaliated quickly, clubbing the wolf in the face out of instinct and driving it back.

A third wolf stalked menacingly towards Yuichi, its mouth open, ready to snap. Quick-witted, Yuichi deflected the oncoming blow with his strong club, creating a temporary shield. The wolf's attention was diverted when its razor-sharp teeth clamped down on the wooden weapon.

The violent collision knocked Yuichi flat on the ground as he struggled to keep his composure against the ravenous beast's onslaught.

The second Shadow Wolf, still dazed from Yuichi's previous blow, moved quickly to take advantage of the impending threat. Yuichi made a swift and calculated move as soon as he realised there was danger. He kicked hard to knock the wolf that was holding him down, then rolled backwards to take his original position.

Yuichi held his club resolutely, anticipating the oncoming blow. He retaliated with accuracy, hitting the wolf in the head one after the other until landing a crushing blow. The force of the blow was so great that the wolf broke, its life gushing out of it. But the price was obvious: Yuichi's once-sturdy club lay broken, shattered by the force of the intense battle.

The Shadow Wolf, who was ostensibly the pack leader, suddenly lunged at Yuichi with such formidable strength that he was unable to breathe due to the urgency of the situation. He scrambled to the ground, writhing in agony at the impact. After quickly getting his bearings, he looked around and saw that there were now just three Shadow Wolves left, including the formidable leader.

Though he had already defeated four of them, Yuichi still had the difficult task of defeating the other three.

Yuichi grimaced from the pain and thought quickly, 'There's only three more of them.'

A commanding howl, a symphony of wild echoes, is let out into the crisp night air by the Shadow Wolves pack's apparent leader. Two lesser wolves answer in unison, their fur blending in with the darkness, adding to the unsettling chorus.

Moved by the eerie tune, Yuichi stands up, staring at the mocking silhouettes of the Shadow Wolves. He prepares for the upcoming reengagement with a steely determination, the tension in the dark hallway palpable.

A sudden and unexpected development occurred when one of the Shadow Wolves charged forward, surprising Yuichi. With a sudden burst of speed, the creature struck viciously, driving a claw deep into Yuichi's chest and causing serious wounds. Yuichi's remarkable fortitude in the face of peril was demonstrated by his ability to maintain his balance despite the excruciating pain.

Yuichi quickly summoned his wind magic experience. He focused energy into his hand, creating a powerful magical charge. He punched hard, right into the wolf's eye socket, his determination evident. The creature's eyeballs took the brunt of the lethal blow from the devastating impact.

In a horrible conclusion, Yuichi's well-thought-out and potent retaliation caused the wolf to eventually succumb to its wounds and meet its demise.

With the remaining Shadow Wolves attacking after him at a breakneck pace, Yuichi darted off in a hurry. Just as one of the pursuing attackers was about to close the distance, Yuichi made a quick move. He dashed in the direction of a nearby wall and used the momentum to his advantage to backflip off it. Yuichi charged the crackling energy of wind magic into his right hand in preparation for the final blow.

With a quick, deliberate move, he let loose the charged power on the charging wolf. He swung down with such accuracy that the punch had incredible force and struck the creature in the head. His powerful strength combined with the increasing wind magic proved too much, and the wolf's head crashed into the ground. Yuichi's powerful blow submerged the creature beneath its sheer force.

Precariously crouching to pick his hand up from the floor, Yuichi discovered he was exposed. The lone Shadow Wolf took advantage of the situation and threw himself at Yuichi, sending him rolling across the floor and doing two rounds.

With a wince, Yuichi rose slowly from the ground, the pain from the wound slowly spreading throughout his body. The last Shadow Wolf who was the apparent leader of the pack loomed in the distance, its menacing snarl resonating through the atmosphere.

As the wolf made eye contact with Yuichi, he let out a menacing cry and released a terrifying aura that made him feel threatened. There was a hint of something sinister in the air.

The wolf disappeared from Yuichi's view, as if driven by a remarkable acceleration. It spun fast circles around him, creating the captivating illusion of several wolves in motion. The creature's razor-sharp claws launched simultaneous attacks in this confusing whirl, leaving Yuichi's abdomen, right leg, and right arm with deep wounds. Extreme pain overwhelmed Yuichi, who grimaced and fell to his knees in agony, not knowing how to proceed.

Yuichi, on his knees, watched the wolf move quickly towards him, and he noticed that there was some pattern to its gait. He focused harder, examining the subtleties of the wolf's gait while also taking a quick look at his own hand. He was trying to deflect the approaching attack, and a plan started to take shape in his mind.

With lightning speed, Yuichi raised his right hand to block the wolf's lunge and used wind magic to deliver a punch that sent a shockwave ripping through the earth. This magical flash was applied just in time to slow down the wolf's charge and stop it in its tracks halfway through the powerful blow.

The shockwave punch echoed through the ground, creating a cloud of dust that briefly covered Yuichi's surroundings. He took the chance and launched himself into a determined grapple with the Shadow Wolf. The wolf tried to pull Yuichi off, but he held on and eventually rolled onto its back.

He placed both hands firmly on the wolf's head and filled them with bright green magic. A powerful aura shot through his body, indicating that a powerful magical attack was about to be unleashed.

"Take this, you bastard!!!" Yuichi yelled with rage, his muscles tensed as he struck the wolf's head repeatedly, using wind magic with accuracy and vigour.

[Skill: Wind Gale]

[Skill: Wind Gale]

[Skill: Wind Gale]

[Skill: Wind Gale]

[Skill: Wind Gale]

He struck the creature five times in quick succession, and each time his skill was unleashed, the sound of impact reverberated through the atmosphere.

When five strong gusts of the [Wind Gale] spell are released upon the wolf's head, it gives up and falls to the ground in defeat. The powerful winds chop off its head completely, and the lifeless body crumples with a sickening thud. From the severed neck, a puddle of blood appears, leaving the battlefield bleak in a graphic depiction of the fight's end.

Yuichi panted heavily, his body weighed down by exhaustion after the intense battle with the seven shadow wolves. Despite being battered and wounded, he managed to emerge victorious, a testament to his resilience. Gasping for breath, he surveyed his surroundings, grateful for the hard-fought triumph that had left him both physically and mentally drained.

With a sigh of relief, he looked up, his expression reflecting the gratitude of realizing he had conquered the formidable foes.

Still breathing heavily, Yuichi said gratefully, "It's done... What a relief..."

Just as Yuichi was about to take a quick break, he noticed a slight shimmer up front. He quickly turned to face the source and saw a glowing... ring hanging there, as if it was waiting for its proper owner.

The unexpected phenomenon intrigued Yuichi, who momentarily became confused and lost his train of thought.

He was left speechless by the sight, wondering why the glowing ring had suddenly appeared so mysteriously after he had defeated the pack of seven shadow wolves.

Perhaps the significance is not only in defeating the Shadow Wolves but also in the possibility of uncovering something even deeper. In the not too distant future, it might open the door to solving more mysteries in this world.