
Top 10 Famous Death Scenes: The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start!

Synopsis: Top 10 Famous Death Scenes No. 10: Demon Slayer - Kyojuro Rengoku's Demise Lights Up the Night, the Eternal Flame of Purgatory In the world of Demon Slayer, the passing of Kyojuro Rengoku shines as a beacon in the night. The flames he wielded continue to burn brightly, never to be extinguished. No. 9: Pirate World - Whitebeard's Furious Onslaught at the Navy Headquarters Marks the Dawn of a New Pirate Era Within the World of pirates, Whitebeard's fierce assault upon the Navy Headquarters left an indelible mark, even as he fell in battle. This event heralded the arrival of a new era of piracy. No. 8: Naruto Universe - Unraveling the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Fall of Madara's Grand Ambitions In the Naruto universe, the powerful illusion of the Infinite Tsukuyomi was shattered, revealing the true intentions of Madara's grand scheme. His ultimate dream crumbled, a victim of its own deceit. No. 7: Naruto Universe - The Uprising of the Nine-Tails, Fourth Hokage's Sacrifice for the Sake of Naruto Amidst the turmoil of the Naruto world, the Fourth Hokage and his beloved wife united in a heroic sacrifice during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Their selflessness ensured the safety and future of Naruto. No. 6: ... The aftermath of these poignant scenes was followed by more entries in the "Top Ten Black Pseudonymous Scenes," with mischievous Laughing Bats spreading across the multiverse. As the chronicles unfold, Ryan emerges as the central deity, guiding the destinies of each recounted character, all of whom have become reincarnators. Once again, they are destined to alter the course of fate. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Top 10 Famous Death Scenes, The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start! This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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269 Chs

Chapter 75 : Gogeta’s Invincible Strength !

The resonating echoes, as majestic as deities, send shivers down one's spine!

But what just occurred is utterly bewildering!?

Why did One-Star Dragon, who could effortlessly overwhelm a Super Saiyan 4, get sent flying and coughing up blood with a single glance!

In this very moment, countless onlookers find their minds reeling!

The God of Destruction Beerus rises to his feet, his eyes filled with astonishment!

"One-Star Dragon's gaze brims with frustration, still fuming from being inexplicably launched into the air!"

"He doesn't take defeat lightly; his right fist reappears before Gogeta!"

"Gazing at the disdainful expression in front of him, One-Star Dragon smirks, and this one's going to blow your socks off!"

"Suddenly, the fabric of space trembles inexplicably!"

"Gogeta remains motionless, offering no counterattack!"

"Yet, One-Star Dragon's face shows signs of bruising, and his nose releases a flow of purple blood as he's sent flying once more!"

"What just happened? The excruciating pain keeps him alert, but the spectacle a moment ago has him utterly confused!"

And the spectators from around the world share the same sentiment!

In the One Punch World, Boros wears a perplexed expression as he mulls it over:

"Could it be the power of the mind? No, the power of the mind fluctuates!"

"I can't comprehend it. Is he genuinely a god?"

In the next moment, Boros is overwhelmed by emotions because he suddenly realizes he can no longer sense the imposing aura emanating from this man!

What does this signify?

It means that before this man, I don't even hold the status of an ant!!!

Before him, I am nothing more than an inconsequential speck of dust!!!

Boros, in his moment of madness, lets out an anguished roar:

"No! A god cannot be this powerful, he is invincible to all, the true overlord of the universe!!!"

Not only Boros, at this instant, mighty beings from countless worlds are stunned to discover that the abyssal pressure that once bore down on them has vanished!

They have become, much like the ordinary human spectators, devoid of any aura!

Every mighty warrior is unwilling to believe, yet they cannot deny the reality!

The gap between themselves and the god on the screen has been severed entirely!

And that distance is now referred to as... infinity!!

"Can't make sense of it..."

A wry grin plays on the corners of Gogeta's mouth, and his echoing voice fills the heavens:

"For the sake of your nosebleed, let me clarify that it's alright... In fact, I just landed three hits on you in a row!"

Countless spectators reel in dizziness upon hearing this!

Three punches?

I didn't even see a single one!

Have we reached the point where we can't even keep up with the fight? This is truly disheartening!

The scene unfolds:

"One-Star Dragon can't believe he couldn't even see the attacks clearly. If that's the case, he's not dead, and he doesn't even have a one-in-ten-thousand chance!"

"It's impossible; the opponent must be toying with me! Making my heart waver!"

One-Star Dragon compels himself to think this way, but the inexplicable assault remains unexplained!

As One-Star Dragon gazes at Gogeta with uncertainty, Gogeta beckons him with a crooked finger and a thoughtful smile:

"Let's do it again. This time, I'll go slowly so you can follow."

"One-Star Dragon is seething!"

"Less chatter! With that command, One-Star Dragon erupts with all his energy, his right fist cloaked in terrifying power, and he hammers it at Gogeta's head once more!"

"In the next moment, his wish is granted."

"This time, he indeed makes contact with Gogeta's head!"

"Unfortunately, this time it's Gogeta who initiates the contact."

"Gogeta simply shifts forward, causing One-Star Dragon's arm to contort before continuing to collide with the opponent's head!"

"Purple blood hangs in the air as One-Star Dragon is propelled backward, his expression a mask of anguish."

In the Dragon Ball universe, Vegeta breathes a sigh of relief.

In this form, no enemy can beat Gogeta!

However, the thought that he initiated the fusion leaves Vegeta blushing with embarrassment.

"This Kakarot, even though I assisted, you could have at least asked first. Don't you understand the concept of taking the initiative? I swear, your emotional intelligence is nonexistent!"

Beerus, the God of Destruction, now wears a look of excitement in his eyes, as Gogeta in this form is now qualified to challenge him!

Unfortunately, this is in the future; otherwise, he'd head to Earth now.

"Thankfully, with the Five-Star Dragon's abilities, the One-Star Dragon has just used his arm. He shakes his head, and his shattered bones heal!"

"One-Star Dragon can't comprehend... So he must resort to attacking to find his opponent's vulnerability!"

(One-Star Dragon remains undeterred!)

Once more, the air ruptures on his body, and in the next moment, the One-Star Dragon transforms into a meteor, hurtling toward Gogeta!

Closer and closer... This punch even grazes the opponent's hair!

One-Star Dragon smiles, thinking, "This time, I will undoubtedly strike my opponent. It seems my earlier fears were unwarranted. Such power is simply unsustainable!"

However, this expression freezes within 0.0001 milliseconds!

It feels like he's hit nothing with this punch, as though it's penetrated the opponent's body!

The punch he unleashed with such force appears to have landed on cotton, causing One-Star Dragon extreme discomfort. He almost sustains internal injuries, loses his balance, and plows a furrow with his face in the ground!

"Hey, what are you doing, you fool?"

Hearing the undisguised mockery behind him, One-Star Dragon turns back in anger!

Gogeta still looks at him from the same position, a disdainful expression on his face, as if he's gazing at a buffoon.

At this moment, countless spectators can relate to One-Star Dragon's mood and feel as if Gogeta is looking at them with the eyes of a buffoon!

It's maddening! What just happened!?

We were clearly observing Gogeta standing still, yet the One-Star Dragon couldn't penetrate him!

Once again, everyone was left incapable of comprehending the battle!

However, among the spectators from countless worlds, some beings can discern what just transpired!

In the DC World, Barry Allen, also known as The Flash, watches in astonishment!

The slice of pizza in his hand falls to the ground!

If he interpreted it correctly, that man just surpassed the speed of light in an instant!

At that moment, time seemed to stand still for the other party!

When Barry witnesses it, Gogeta even makes a grimace and sticks his tongue out at the frozen One-Star Dragon before finally pushing him from behind, causing the latter to lose his balance and smash into the ground headfirst!

In an instant, Barry's face displays a wry smile. He reached this level with the Speed Force, but this man is entirely reliant on his physical abilities!

His body is utterly astonishing!

"What are you still hesitating for, you old fool?"

Gogeta appears nonchalant, unable to hide his exasperation.

Upon hearing this, One-Star Dragon trembles from head to toe; he detests being called old more than anything, and it strikes a chord in his heart!

Suddenly, he roars wildly:

"I despise it when people call me old! Don't assume that by enhancing your strength, you can become arrogant! You've pushed your luck too far!"

In the next moment, countless yellow energy blasts hurtle toward Gogeta like a storm!

Gogeta remains motionless, allowing the countless explosions to occur, a look of extreme contentment on his face.

"Huh... It's comfortable, but can you exert more force? It's too weak!"

Gogeta then turned around, pointed to his left shoulder, and smiled with a hint of embarrassment.

"Ah, my apologies. Could you aim for this spot next time? My shoulders tend to get a bit sore."

The One-Star Dragon stopped his attack silently, realizing that Gogeta not only possessed immense power but also had a mischievous personality.

"I put all my strength into that attack, and he thought it was just a massage! This is just unbelievable!"

For the first time in his life, the One-Star Dragon harbored genuine hatred. At this moment, countless viewers from different worlds began to sympathize with him.

It was the first time they had seen a villain portrayed like this, which only emphasized Gogeta's incredible strength, transcending countless dimensions and defying imagination.

Suddenly, One-Star Dragon lost control and attacked Gogeta again. The battle unfolded in an unconventional manner.

Gogeta smiled, calmly raised his hand, and then, in the blink of an eye, One-Star Dragon collided with it face-first.

Amusing and terrifying at the same time.


Seeing the One-Star Dragon motionless, Gogeta effortlessly dispatched him with a single kick. Although the kick didn't seem overly powerful, One-Star Dragon's eyes glazed over, and he fell to the ground, as if struck dumb.

It was at this moment that Gogeta spoke seriously.

"Forget it. It's time to reveal my special move."

One-Star Dragon's eyes suddenly regained some expression. Simultaneously, viewers worldwide widened their eyes, afraid of missing Gogeta's upcoming trick.

What could it be? One thing was certain: it would be devastating, capable of swiftly defeating a Dragon Star.

Even Beerus and Whis exhibited curious expressions, eager to witness the unique technique of the fused Super Saiyan.

In the next moment, Gogeta appeared in front of the One-Star Dragon, and a golden aura enveloped him. Two clones, then four, and the main body—five Gogetas in total—simultaneously placed their hands on their right waists.

"Next, I'll unleash five tenfold Turtle School Kamehameha at once to annihilate all your cells."

Red light emanated from the hands of all five Gogetas, creating an overwhelming pressure that left One-Star Dragon breathless and immobile.

"There's no escape. You can only await your demise."

Despair and fear gripped One-Star Dragon's heart as he realized that he was powerless.

And then, a peculiar sound escaped One-Star Dragon's lips: "Ah... ha!"

He was startled, but his expression froze in the next moment. Meanwhile, viewers across the universe were also caught off guard.

What emerged from the hands of the five Gogetas was not the Tenfold Kamehameha at all. Instead, it was five small firework trumpets, releasing colorful ribbons.

Not only the One-Star Dragon but also viewers from across the cosmos were left dumbfounded. In the world of Dragon Ball, Beerus's cat-like visage first froze, then contorted in disbelief.

In that instant, Beerus bristled, his eyes widened, and he roared in anger.

"I'm going to destroy them, Goku, Vegeta!"

"Let go of me, Whis! I'm going to end them! They're both dead!"

With a wry smile, Whis restrained Beerus, understanding why he was so furious. Even Beerus had fallen victim to being teased by Gogeta.


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