
Top 10 Famous Death Scenes: The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start!

Synopsis: Top 10 Famous Death Scenes No. 10: Demon Slayer - Kyojuro Rengoku's Demise Lights Up the Night, the Eternal Flame of Purgatory In the world of Demon Slayer, the passing of Kyojuro Rengoku shines as a beacon in the night. The flames he wielded continue to burn brightly, never to be extinguished. No. 9: Pirate World - Whitebeard's Furious Onslaught at the Navy Headquarters Marks the Dawn of a New Pirate Era Within the World of pirates, Whitebeard's fierce assault upon the Navy Headquarters left an indelible mark, even as he fell in battle. This event heralded the arrival of a new era of piracy. No. 8: Naruto Universe - Unraveling the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Fall of Madara's Grand Ambitions In the Naruto universe, the powerful illusion of the Infinite Tsukuyomi was shattered, revealing the true intentions of Madara's grand scheme. His ultimate dream crumbled, a victim of its own deceit. No. 7: Naruto Universe - The Uprising of the Nine-Tails, Fourth Hokage's Sacrifice for the Sake of Naruto Amidst the turmoil of the Naruto world, the Fourth Hokage and his beloved wife united in a heroic sacrifice during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Their selflessness ensured the safety and future of Naruto. No. 6: ... The aftermath of these poignant scenes was followed by more entries in the "Top Ten Black Pseudonymous Scenes," with mischievous Laughing Bats spreading across the multiverse. As the chronicles unfold, Ryan emerges as the central deity, guiding the destinies of each recounted character, all of whom have become reincarnators. Once again, they are destined to alter the course of fate. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Top 10 Famous Death Scenes, The Death Of Kyojuro Rengoku At The Start! This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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324 Chs

Chapter 153 : Demon Mage!!!

Under those radiant, emotionless eyes gazing downward!

Countless onlookers were petrified!

In that moment, it felt as if the world had abruptly contracted, trapping me within a cardboard box.

Then, one eye approached the box's edge, unwaveringly fixating on itself!

There was no evident malice, yet an unsettling eeriness sent shivers down the spine!

In the Marvel World!

Deadpool playfully thrusts both middle fingers in a particular direction, presenting a seemingly amicable gesture!

Meanwhile, Doctor Strange, wearing a pallid expression, turns to Ancient One and queries:

"What kind of being is this? Could it be a dimensional demon?"

Tony, filled with both fear and curiosity, also leaned in to listen.

However, before Ancient One could speak, Deadpool interjected:

"Don't panic; this bald old man is known as the Watcher."

"Though immensely powerful, true to his name, he merely observes and refrains from interfering in the occurrences of the universe."

Deadpool chuckled:

"Maybe this bald head is currently watching us."

"Join me in extending a friendly greeting to him."

[The Watcher gazes down at Strange and slowly utters words reminiscent of a movie narration:]

["He has lost his way; I can caution and enlighten him."

"But the destiny of his universe isn't worth jeopardizing the safety of others.

["And my duty is to refrain from meddling in the universe; that is Strange's fate."]

Strange's expression shifted from awe to anger!

This Watcher is akin to blowing hot air!

Help, don't help, help, don't help!

Prattling on with a bunch of nonsense!

[Unfazed, Strange continued to operate the magic circle, consuming otherworldly entities! ]

[The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and time flows with the four seasons! Centuries have passed, and Strange has devoured numerous formidable extraterrestrial monsters, reaching a terrifying level of strength!]

[Finally, Strange summons a portion of Shuma-Gorath' body again! This time, confronting the writhing tentacles, Strange deftly severs the magic circle!]

[He successfully absorbs these tentacles, unleashing a terrifying surge of energy and activity!]

[As a pair of eyes, glowing like magma fire, open wide, an immense breath descends, causing the dark temple to vibrate wildly!]

[At this moment, the unimaginably powerful Darkest Demon Mage is born! Deadpool gazes at Strange on the screen with admiration and then glances at the one beside him.]

[He contemplates how to please the other party so they can teach him this trick! This technique is so alluring! Perfect for using on others or oneself! Of course, it's purely for combat power! After all, his attacks lack any special effects, so it's time to gain some benefits!]

Centuries have passed, and Cagliostro, now a librarian, is nearing the end of life!

[Strange attempts to use the Time Stone to reverse Cagliostro's fate, but is met with rejection! Unlike him, Cagliostro embraces death peacefully as part of life!]

[However, in the throes of death, Cagliostro reveals a secret to Strange! "You are incomplete, Strange. Another half of you exists on a timeline other than the present!"]

[It turns out that Ancient One's attack worked at that time! She used the power of the dark dimension to successfully split two timelines in one universe! One timeline returned to the original rainy night, where Strange chose not to use the time gem to save Christine and let her go!]

(Modern, New York!)

[Normal Strange emerges from the New York sanctuary only to find that all humans, creatures, and inorganic matter are enveloped in black smoke, gradually dissipating!]

[To his horror, he realizes it's not just Earth! The entire universe is disintegrating bit by bit! One night has passed, and the end has arrived!]

[Just as he is bewildered and shocked, a blue portal lights up, and Ancient One steps out from inside! Strange is even more surprised; didn't she fall to her death?]

Off-screen Strange glares at Ancient One with resentment on his face!

He immediately grasped the reason behind Ancient One's statement that death isn't dreadful!

It was evidently to pass on the mantle of the Sorcerer Supreme to him, and her soul felt a profound ease.

Ancient One, feigning ignorance of Strange's scrutinizing gaze, sighed as he clarified:

"Strange, you must understand that each world is distinct. In our world, I am truly deceased."

At that moment, Deadpool rose assertively:

"Apologies, but I can't stand someone weaving lies! Strange, she's deceiving you!"

Ancient One, who had cultivated herself throughout her life and rarely lost her temper, finally succumbed to frustration. She slapped the soul out of Deadpool!

As Ancient One prepared for the next move, Deadpool's soul blinked into a light spot and vanished. His lifeless body softly collapsed to the ground!

Ancient One was taken aback, wondering if this eccentric character was playing a trick on her. Or did it genuinely seem like he was in a dire situation?

Meanwhile, Tony Starrk spoke nonchalantly:

"Master Ancient One, don't burden yourself. You're here to rid the world of harm."

After contemplating for a while, Ancient One agreed, feeling considerably relieved.

Tony Starrk inquired again:

"Is there any other place? It's quite unfortunate to have a mentally unstable corpse lying around."


Ancinet One opened a portal, and the three of them stepped through, leaving Deadpool behind.

[Under Ancient One's explanation, Strange also comprehended the gravity of the situation!]

[Disrupting even one absolute time point could lead to a time paradox, annihilating the entire universe!]

"It's absurd; how can there be a crisis in this Marvel world, a colossal terror capable of destroying the universe!?

Even Beerus, the God of Destruction, feels a twinge of embarrassment at this moment!

In the DC World, Lucifer's mouth twitched.

Why is this Marvel world so similar to the one he inhabits?

It's a multiverse with its own impending extinction crisis if left unchecked!

And those heroes who emerged, how many of them resemble the ones he's encountered?

Could it be the two multiverses created by his father?

At this particular moment, Lucifer harbors doubts about the interconnection of the two worlds.

[Ancient One's explanation vanished, leaving the weight of saving the world once again on Strange's shoulders!

[In the sanctuary of New York, Strange had just adorned the Weishandi Heavy Defense Charm on his body. In the next instant, a magic circle materialized at his feet! Beam! 

[During a disorienting and peculiar teleportation, Strange found himself in a dim space!

[the eerie glow of the dark red magic circle, a horrifying silhouette on the wall resembled countless entwined creatures!

[Soon, the echoes of footsteps resonated, and a pair of crimson eyes gleamed in the darkness!

[The ominous ambiance unsettled the benevolent Strange, but then he discerned a familiar, deep voice!

["Don't be afraid, old friend. In the end, we are one."


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